
zhù chí
  • abbot;manage a monastery or a Taoist temple
住持 [zhù chí]
  • (1) [ abbot]∶主持一个佛寺的和尚或主持一个道观的道士

  • (2) [manage a monastery or a Taoist temple]∶主持管理一个佛寺或道观

住持[zhù chí]
  1. 通过一个不识字的神婆作灵媒,这位住持发现,裘里乌斯凯撒(juliuscaesar)本人在永昌县度过了生命的最后时光,而且死前皈依了佛教。

    Through an illiterate woman who acts as a medium , the abbot has discovered that Julius Caesar himself spent his final days in Yongchang County and died a Buddhist .

  2. 约翰住持,嫁给了一个可爱的中国夫人,生活在中国。

    John Abbot , married to a lovely Chinese Lady , lives in China .

  3. 据都市传说记载,李总理拜访了一位风水大师,也就是当时光明山普觉禅寺的住持:宏船法师(ReverendHongChuan)。

    According to urban legend , Prime Minister Lee visited a feng shui master named Reverend Hong Chuan .

  4. 长老遂把自己住持的寺院更名为枣寺。

    So Master Sugehara named his temple " The Date Monastery " .

  5. 终于有一天,住持允许她去闯闯世界了。

    Finally , one day , the master allows her to go out .

  6. 延参法师是河北省沧州市水月寺的住持。

    Yancan is the abbot of the Shuiyue Monastery in East China 's Hebei province .

  7. 因此,他不仅没有启发住持,他恼怒他不必要的。

    Therefore , he not only failed to enlighten the abbot , he irritated him unnecessarily .

  8. 吴奥巴答住持说,我们的集团会继续其运动,直到实现选举无效。

    The abbot said the groups would continue their campaign until the election was rendered null and void .

  9. 增加了对话的书时,返回的住持,在未得到的追求呢。

    Added dialogue when returning the book to the Abbot , having not been given the quest yet .

  10. 奶奶按照住持的要求,把香火贡奉在殿外的香坛里。

    My grandmother puts the incense coil in the burner outside the hall at the request of the abbot .

  11. 庙里82岁的老住持感染了,小学里的12个孩子也未能幸免。

    The 82-year-old abbot of the temple was infected , as were 12 children who attend the primary school .

  12. 少林寺住持释永信说,联合国教科文组织的这一决定既是一种权利,但是同时也是一种责任。

    Shaolin Temple 's abbot Shi Yongxin said the UNESCO decision is a privilege , but it also adds pressure .

  13. 尽管一再被住持大师惩戒,淘气的她还是不断地做着出格的事。

    Though she is criticized by the master of the temple for many times , she still does wrong things .

  14. 未经有管辖权的,住持行使权力,所有在众议院,并命令在凭借自己的誓言。

    Without having jurisdiction , the abbess exercises authority over all in the house , and commands in virtue of their vows .

  15. 老住持和尚度过余下的日子,去世了,在天堂获得了重生。

    The old chief monk lived out the remainder of his life , died , and was reborn'in a high heaven world .

  16. 一些领导人在住持阿信督桑拿长老主张催促下,他们希望保持独立。

    Some DKBA leaders say they want to keep their organization independent upon the urging of the influential abbot , Ashin Thuzana .

  17. 那位住持为那些罗马士兵的鬼魂诵经,据他说,这些鬼魂来到他的寺院请求超度。

    The abbot says prayers for the ghosts of Roman soldiers , who , he reports , visit his temple to petition for salvation .

  18. 魅力活动已大不相同数百年,但即使在其最起码的住持或住持被占领的一个准-先知的作用。

    Charismatic activity has varied greatly over the centuries , but even at its most minimal the abbot or abbess occupied a quasi-prophetic role .

  19. 1987年,毕哈利连同其他15人其中多人为他的侄甥及家人杀害了4人。原因为他的对手被任命为一座印度庙住持。

    In1987 , Mr Bihari and15 others-many of them his nephews and family members-killed four people over the appointment of a rival as chief priest of a Hindu temple .

  20. 因为土地问题,反封建就反到了和尚,受打击的是住持、长老之类。

    As the struggle against feudalism involves the land problem , it affects the monks , and those who come under attack are the abbots and elders of the monasteries .

  21. 南华寺住持南禅法师,当晚设素宴为建文帝接风洗尘。刺客探知此事,便潜入寺中厨房,在做成的“巴掌菌”里放了毒药,要毒死建文皇帝。

    Knowing that the abbot of this temple monk Nanchan is treating him with a vegetarian dinner of welcome , the assassins sneak into the kitchen and poison the food .

  22. 大部分皮包骨头的小孩在十岁左右,他们跪在住持前面,住持随意写下他们的新法名。

    Mostly skinny children under the age of ten , the inductees are ushered in to prostrate themselves before the abbot , while he scribbles down their new monastic names .

  23. 住持说有大约三分之一的新人在完成他们的学习前就退出了,因为他们不能坚持下来。

    About a third of inductees quit before completing their long studies , the abbot says , either because they cannot keep up , or to pursue their secular education .

  24. 塔内还有一印度小铁塔,释迎牟尼舍利子便安放在小铁塔内。接着是寺院住持的耻辱柱,那是漂亮的小圆塔,塔顶有个铅皮的塔锥。

    Inside the pagoda , there is a small India-made iron stupa , in which some remains of Skt Sakyamuni are kept . then the abbot 's pillory , a pretty little round tower , well capped with a leaden cone ;

  25. 中国高僧法显和玄奘千里迢迢来到印度取得佛经,印度学者鸠摩罗什把佛经翻译成了中文,而印度高僧菩提达摩成为了中国少林寺的第一位住持。

    The Chinese monk Fa Xian ( Fa-Hsien ) and Xuan Zang ( Hiuen Tsang ) travelled to India and brought back Buddhist scriptures . The Indian scholar Kumarajiva translated sutras into Chinese and Indian monk Bodhidharma became the first patriarch of the Shaolin Monastery in China .