
  1. 法入自源和指派源型。

    Cannot import custom resources and assign them to standard resource types .

  2. 在坚持儒学基本立场的前提下,荀子引法入礼,提出了礼法结合的治国方略。

    Adhering to the basic position of Confucianism , Xun Zi lead method into the ritual , proposed the strategy of governing the country according to the law .

  3. 法人对法人名誉权的损害赔偿可以参照法入产品销售量的下降,但在实际操作中,应该考虑是否有其他因素。

    Corporate reputation on the legal right to damages can refer to the decline in sales of legal products , but in practice , should consider whether there are other factors .

  4. 本文以传统人物画为中心,依照由法入理、由理求道的传统学术次第,对中国画勾勒法进行了较为深入的学理探微。

    Traditional figure painting is the focus of this thesis , which deeply studies outline drawing method ( Goulefa ) in Chinese painting through traditional academic sequence , which is method to theory , and theory for spirit .

  5. 同法滴入络合碘,24h后光镜下仅有轻微损害,72h已恢复正常;

    After 24h instillation of Iodophor using the same method as Merbromin , only a slight damage could be observed and recovered to normal at 72h .

  6. 完全手工制造,而且雕刻设计采用蚀镂法刻入。

    It 's hand-made and the inlaid designs are etched in .

  7. 电导率法在入河排污口流量监测中的应用研究

    Application of Conductivity Method in Discharge Monitoring at Drainage Orifices

  8. 用漂浮法下入井壁的成井方法探讨

    Discussion on shaft drilling method of sinking wall of well using floation mode

  9. 我记得在法学院入学会第一次见到你时的激动。

    I remember the thrill of first seeing you at law school orientation .

  10. 绕肝提拉法前入路肝切除术(附6例临床报告)

    Anterior approach to hepatectomy by liver hanging maneuver : Report of 6 cases .

  11. 结果表明,通过常规施肥法施入氮肥后,可明显提高土壤中的脲酶活性。

    The results indicate that , routine fertilization could obviously increase urease activity in soil .

  12. 改良式绕肝提拉法前入路在右半肝切除术中的应用

    The application of modified liver hanging maneuver method by anterior approach in right anterior hepatectomy

  13. 改进的最大似然法在入反射波合成波浪场中应用研究

    Research on application of modified maximum likelihood method in wave field overlapped by incident and reflected waves

  14. 为了能够得到真实的入射波波高,采用AM法实现入、反射波分离。

    So the AM method is adapted to separate the incident and reflected waves to get the incident wave height .

  15. 本课题针对蓄水坑灌法的入渗和土壤水分运动进行了试验研究。

    In this project , the experimental studies on the characteristics of infiltration and soil moisture movement under water storage pit irrigation were conducted .

  16. 英美法自传入中国以来,对近代中国的政治、经济乃至社会文化产生了不可忽视的影响。

    Abstract : After its imparting to China , Common Law has played an important role on modern Chinese politics , economy and social culture .

  17. 核磁共振研究低渗透砂岩油水两相渗流规律蒸渗计法降水入渗补给系数变化规律分析

    Experimental Study of Water-oil Two-phase Fluid Flow in Low Permeability Reservoir by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Analysis on Change Rule of the Precipitation Infiltration Compensating Coeffieient by Lysimeter

  18. 通过正交试验设计,采用粉煤灰代砂法掺入再生混凝土,并进行配合比设计。

    In this paper , the writer chose the adding means of PFA replacing sand , and put forward the mix ratio design of concrete by orthogonal analysis experiments .

  19. 软硬交替多层膜法向压入过程的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis on Indentation of Alternate Hard and Soft Multilayers

  20. 蓄水坑灌法单坑入渗模型及入渗规律研究

    Infiltration model and law of single pit in water storage pit irrigation

  21. 高中英语教学法中易入的误区及对策

    Countermeasures against misunderstandings in English teaching for senior high schools

  22. 惰性气体法测定地下水入渗补给量

    A New Method for Determining Groundwater Recharge : the Dissolved Inert Gases Method

  23. 对零通量面法测算潜水入渗补给量和地表蒸发量的一点改进

    Some improvements on calculating phreatic water permeating recharge and ground surface evaporating capacity by ZFP

  24. 1992年通过的一条臭名昭著的希腊法强迫新入职者(以及他们的雇主)支付高于已雇员工的工资税。

    A notorious Greek law passed in1992 forced new entrants to the workforce ( and their employers ) to pay higher payroll taxes than those already employed .

  25. 针对香港地区一种典型非饱和土斜坡,用有限元法模拟雨水入渗引起的暂态渗流场,然后将计算得到的暂态孔隙水压力分布用于斜坡的极限平衡分析。

    Transient seepage due to rain infiltration is computed using the finite element method . The computed transient pore water pressures are then used for subsequent limit equilibrium analyses of the slope .

  26. 本文以非饱和土壤水分运动理论为基础,根据蓄水坑灌法土壤水分入渗的特点,建立了蓄水坑灌条件土壤水分运动的数学模型,并用有限差分法进行求解。

    Based on the theory for water movement in non_saturated soil . the mathematical model of water infiltration of water_storage_pit irrigation was established . The model is solved by the finite differential method .

  27. 实例计算表明,地表水深与离畦首的距离之间呈现较好的指数函数关系,线性回归法估算土壤入渗参数的计算工作量较小,计算精度较高。

    The results of application indicate that surface-water depth and distance from water inlet are well fitted with an exponential function , and the proposed linear regression approach can reduce computation time and improve the precision of estimation .

  28. 采用正交试验法探讨掺入减水剂后各因素对掺电石渣的水泥砂浆强度的影响,确定水泥砂浆强度性能较佳的配方并分析其微观结构。

    The effect of each factor on the strength of the cement mortar mixed with water reducing agent and calcium carbide sludge were investigated by orthogonal test method in order to formulate the cement mortar of the preferred performance and analyse its microstructure .

  29. 目的:确定MTS比色法与3H-TdR掺入法在进行实验比较时的最佳实验条件。

    Objective : To explore the best suitable experiment condition used to compare the MTS colorimetry and the 3H-TdR incorporation .

  30. 我国已经开始实施《政府采购法》,同时入世以后,我国就要进行有关接受WTO《政府采购协定》的谈判。

    We have using the Law of the Government Procurement in our everyday life , at the same time as we have joined the WTO , we are negotiating for the WTO 's Agreement on Government Procurement .