
  • 网络Franc
  1. 美元最近的重新增值使英镑和法朗下跌到新的低度。

    Recent renewed surge of the dollar has helped send the pound and the French franc to new lows .

  2. 当你见到SFRS的缩写词,这是瑞士法朗,例如。

    When you see the abbreviation SFRS , you 'd know this is Swiss Franc : such as .

  3. 英镑贬值,但美元和法朗却保持平稳。

    The pound broke , but the dollar and the franc remained stable .

  4. 法朗至少有两种,法国法朗和瑞士法朗。

    There are at least two kinds of Francs : French and Swiss .

  5. 喀麦隆非洲金融共同体法朗财政风险的金融视角:共生性及其破解

    Cameroon CFAF Fiscal Risk from a Financial Prospective : Mutualism and its Resolution

  6. 他的这份手稿卖了40000法朗。

    This manuscript by Schubert was sold for40000 francs .

  7. 20法朗根本不可能支付得了所有食物的钱。

    Twenty francs can 't have been nearly enough to pay for all the food .

  8. 有,请问,我的存款余额及当前的瑞士法朗兑换率是多少?

    Yes , could you tell me my balance and the rate for Swiss francs .

  9. 一定是腾格拉尔先生为能在这笔交易中赚上几千法朗而把它们给卖了。

    No doubt M.Danglars has sacrificed them to the selfish consideration of gaining some thousands of paltry francs .

  10. 法国的法朗和德国的马克在国际间也流通,是吗?

    The French franc and the deutsche mark are also in use between countries , aren 't they ?

  11. 不知怎的,她好像喝下了四杯波诺得,价值达几百法朗。

    She seemed somehow to have consumed four glasses of pernod to the tune of several hundred frances .

  12. 在杜兰的「欧元周」期间,居民和当地银行兑换后,可以用假欧元替代法朗支付。

    During Doullens ' " Euro week ," residents can pay in French francs as well as in fake euros after changing money at local banks .

  13. 即使瑞士法朗也不再那么可靠,我怀疑世界上哪有上兆的瑞士债券可以买。

    Even Swiss francs aren , t reliable anymore , and I doubt there , s a trillion in Swiss debentures available in the world , anyway .