
hào hàn rú hǎi
  • be vast as the ocean;huge quantities
浩瀚如海[hào hàn rú hǎi]
  1. 然而,网络上的信息浩瀚如海,且增长和更新的速度愈来愈快,分布在网络当中的各个角落,对于每个用户来说,尚无完善的管理结构。

    However , there is no better structure for consumers to manage resulting from the huge , increasing , updating and everywhere distributed products on line .

  2. 如何在浩瀚如海的信息空间里,快速查找并获取所需的信息,已成为新的信息时代里最根本的问题之一。

    How to find and obtain the required information from the vast sea of information space quickly has become one of the most fundamental problems in the new information age .

  3. 板块构造论认为,地球表面由十来个巨大的地壳板块构成,漂浮在浩瀚如海的部分熔岩上。

    The theory of plate tectonics holds that the surface of Earth is composed of a dozen or so huge crustal slabs that float on a sea of partially molten rock .

  4. 对于人脑无法处理的浩瀚如海的各种科学数据,计算机地图制图软件提供了一种直观、实时、可控制的有效处理手段。

    For all kinds of science data large as sea that people can not understand with brain , Map Drawing computer software provides an effective and intuitionistic , Real-time , controllable processing method .