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hào hào
  • endless; vast and torrential; extensive
浩浩 [hào hào]
  • (1) [vast,expansive]∶广阔宏大

  • 浩浩的宇宙

  • (2) [(of waters) mighty and torrential]∶水势很大

  • 浩浩汤汤。--宋. 范仲淹《岳阳楼记》

  • 浩浩长江水,奔流向东海

  1. 浩浩阴阳移,年命如朝露。(《古诗十九首》)

    In infinite succession light and darkness shift , | and years vanish like the morning dew .

  2. 望着浩浩的田野,我仿佛回到了故乡。

    Staring at the vast field , it seems that have I returned to my birthplace .

  3. 本文对浩浩巴引种广西桂北的生物学特性研究结果作初步的报道。

    This paper deals with the preliminary study on biological characteristics and introduction experiment of Simmondsia chinensis in North Guangxi .

  4. 浩浩风起波,冥冥日沉夕。

    Where a sudden Breeze whips up the waves . The sun is growing dim now and sinks in the dusk .

  5. 钱塘江浩浩江水,日日夜夜无穷无休的从临安牛家村边绕过,东流入海。

    Qiantang River is so vast , endless round of the day and night from the edge bypass niujiacun linan , East into the sea .

  6. 互比之下,父爱通常代表严父的形象,比较偏于管教的价值,教导孩子将来怎样能够生存与发达于浩浩紧迫的世界里。

    In comparison , the image of paternal love is more typical of a strict father placing a strong value on discipline as a means to survive and thrive in a usually harsh world .