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xiān xiān
  • slender;thin
纤纤 [xiān xiān]
  • [thin] 形容小巧或细长而柔美

  • 十指纤纤

  • 纤纤作细步。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

纤纤[xiān xiān]
  1. 又用纤纤的手指敲着我,向我要爱情!

    Her slender finger tapped me , sought my love .

  2. 正当荷西‧费理其阿诺的歌曲响起的那一刻,一只手突然从画面下方出现,保养良好的纤纤玉手和手镯,让观者猜这应该是个女人的手。

    At the precise moment a Jos é Feliciano song begins , a hand suddenly rises up from the lower edge of the frame ; the manicured , slender fingers and a wrist-watch suggest that of a woman .

  3. 她踏著雪白的纤纤玉足,轻轻走过莎园

    She passed the Salley Gardens with little snow-white feet

  4. 人纤维蛋白原经人凝血酶和浙江蝮蛇毒类凝血酶作用后,释放出血纤纤肽A和血纤肽B,二者可用高效液相色谱法分离鉴定。

    Human fibrinopeptide A and B release either by human thrombin or by thrombin-like enzyme from the venom of Agkistrodon halys Pallas were quantitatively estimated by HPLC .

  5. 她踏著雪白的纤纤玉足,轻轻走过莎园。

    She passed the Salley Gardens , with little snow-white feet .

  6. 杰克逊小姐抬起丰腴的玉臂,纤纤手指轻盈地舒展着。

    Miss Jackson raised a plump arm , fingers daintily extended .

  7. 噢,居然有位玉手纤纤的太太在摆弄马儿啦。

    Ah , there 's a woman with fine hands for a horse !

  8. 你的双手展开纤纤玉指

    Your hands have already opened their delicate fists

  9. 我爱宝贝迷人的银铃般的笑声,纤纤细腰,匀称的腿。

    I love your charming musical laugh , your tiny waist , and shapely legs .

  10. 纯美无暇的纤纤处子,被坏人变成了一只天鹅。

    Virginal girl , pure and sweet , trapped in the body of a swan .

  11. 小草亲吻她纤纤秀足。

    That kiss her dainty feet ;

  12. 有那么一两秒钟,这两位女士都全神贯注地静静赞叹着这只戴着手套的纤纤玉手。

    Both women lost themselves for a second or two as they quietly praised the little gloved hand .

  13. 乔佛里非常嫌恶地看了他叔叔一眼,执起珊莎的纤纤玉手。

    Joffrey gave his uncle a look of pure loathing , then took Sansa 's hands in his own .

  14. 近日,英国学者研究称,定义美女的标准随时代的不同而变化,但惟一不变的美女特征是纤纤细腰。

    Fashions in female beauty come and go , but the desirability of a slim waist remains a constant , a study suggests .

  15. 我梦见,她坐在我的床头,纤纤素手轻柔地抚弄我的头发,那爱抚像是在弹拨美妙的乐曲。

    I DREAMT that she sat by my head , tenderly ruffling my hair with her fingers , playing the melody of her touch .

  16. 她用纤纤的玉手将一头长长的秀发理在两肩旁,遮住了整个身躯。

    Her long hair , which she was holding above her shoulders with her soft hands , flowed down on both sides , and covered her white body .

  17. 我们喝茶时,我不停地打量着她,看她那纤纤玉手,典雅的举止,亮晶晶的黑眼睛,清秀而没有表情的面庞。

    When we had tea , I could not take my eyes from her small , delicate hands , the graceful way she moved , her bright , black eyes , and expressionless clear face .