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  1. 请等等!我帮你正正领带。

    Just a minute ! let me put your tie straight .

  2. 昨地这个时候,人们正正鄙人英语课。

    This time yesterday , we were having an English lesson .

  3. 总是正正地停在我背后,放这首该死的歌。

    Used to park right behind me and play that damn song .

  4. 这是正正当当的事情,是法律所容许的事情。

    It 's the right thing , the lawful thing .

  5. 我会告诉你们真真正正的事实。

    I will give you the unvarnishedand uncompromising truth .

  6. 对,而且这些事实正正与圣经作者所写的相吻合。

    Yes , and that fact accords perfectly with the statements of Biblical writers .

  7. 我们真真正正是谁,也就是我们要相互展现的。

    The truth of who we are is all we have to offer each other .

  8. 因此,他不能做一些事的原因正正就是因为他为全能。

    Wherefore , He cannot do some things for the very reason that He is omnipotent .

  9. 正正你脚底下就是地球的岩浆,地球的核心。

    Right below your feet is the magma of the earth , the core of the earth .

  10. 此外,还介绍了在软件上校正正、余弦信号正交性对测量精度影响的方法。

    The method of rectifying the influence of the orthogonality on measurement by software is provided , too .

  11. 今天,看看那些不成功的地方正正是你想满足过去需求的地方。

    Today , look at unsuccessful situations as places where you are trying to get old needs met .

  12. 一项针对中国富翁的调查显示,其中有一半要么已经移民,要么正正有此意。

    One study of Chinese millionaires found that half had either emigrated or were thinking of doing so .

  13. 维齐尼:没什么好说的。你妄想抢走我正正当当偷来的东西。

    VIZZINI : There 's nothing to explain . You 're trying to kidnap what I have rightfully stolen .

  14. 能够有如此重大的转变,实在是史无前例的,而这正正发生在与我们。

    The scale of transformation surpasses anything that has ever happened to men and women like you and myself .

  15. 主要运用了红色与白色,正正是我直觉地对香港强烈表现的色系。

    I used red and white as the main colour which is my instinct on how Hong Kong looks like .

  16. 多正正是通过这样的努力,开拓光辉的科技新纪元。

    With our sustained efforts like this , GOOD has ushered in a glorious new epoch in science & technology .

  17. 是,但你的猫猫正在与你分享猎物呢,真真正正表达它对你的友谊和信赖。

    Yes , but your cat is sharing her prey prize with you , a true sign of trusted friendship .

  18. 正正的长大是你知道自己对你的家庭、对整个社会的责任是什么。

    Is positive is that you know grow up to your family , what is the responsibility of society as a whole .

  19. 神知道要爱存在――并认识它自己为纯粹的爱,其正正相反的东西也必须存在。

    God knew that for love to exist and to know itself as pure love its exact opposite had to exist as well .

  20. 公共领域正正是为普罗维登斯市的艺术和文化提供生存的平台,增强当地居民的诉求。

    The public realm quite literally provides the platform for its arts and culture to exist and adds to the desirability of its inhabitants .

  21. 很多女士以为婚后可以不需再理会自己的容貌,可惜这正正就是很多人离婚的原因。

    Many women think that it 's alright to let themselves go after getting married , but unfortunately , these are the very reasons for their divorces .

  22. 真正的全民投票:沫沫,我爱你,真真正正、完全全、身心的爱你。

    Firstly , ensure that every eligible voter gets a chance to vote . MoMo , I ? loved you with my heart , really and true .

  23. 他抓住络头,把马牵向正正朝太阳的位置,因为他发觉比塞弗勒斯看到本身影子移动,会情绪不安。

    He took hold of the bridle , and turned the horse directly towards the sun , having observed that he was disturbed at the motion of his own shadow .

  24. 从而避免传统化学消毒对人体产生的毒副作用,真正体现健康安全。沫沫,我爱你,真真正正、完全全、身心的爱你。

    So , we can avoid some poisonous side effect of the disinfection of traditional way . MoMo , I ? loved you with my heart , really and true .

  25. 他说他做过不名誉的事,已经丧失了宣誓的资格,舍尼杰在这时却照旧抬起头来,正正地望着观众。

    At the moment when he reminded him of his infamy which deprived him of the right to take an oath , chenildieu raised his head and looked the crowd in the face .

  26. 优点:美国是个大国,标准的美音到处可以听见。缺点:很难找到教科书是真真正正教授地道美语口语的。

    PRO : The US is a large country and the standard accent is very widely spoken . CON : It 's difficult to find textbooks that actually represent natural spoken American English .

  27. 大家都知道,圣保禄出生于塔尔苏斯的一个犹太移民家庭,其教育深深受到希伯来和希腊文化及语言薰陶,正正就是罗马帝国的主流文化。

    As we all know , St Paul was born into a family of Jewish immigrants in Tarsus , Paul was educated in the Hebrew and Hellenistic cultures and languages , making the most of the Roman cultural context .

  28. 正当冉阿让停在床前,那片乌云忽然散开了,好象是故意要那样做似的,一线月光也随即穿过长窗,正正照在主教的那张苍老的脸上。

    At the moment when Jean Valjean paused in front of the bed , this cloud parted , as though on purpose , and a ray of light , traversing the long window , suddenly illuminated the Bishop 's pale face .

  29. 现在正正处在日益激烈的竞争时代,迅速发展的科学技术以及不断变化的顾客需求,使得企业处在复杂多变的经营环境中,企业只有不断创造有效的竞争优势,才能够实现预期的发展战略。

    Now in the era of increasingly fierce market competition , constant changes of consumer demand and rapid development of science and technology , make the enterprises in complex and changeable business environment . To achieve long-term strategic goal , enterprises must build sustainable and effective competitive advantage .

  30. 我看着自己像一张立拍立现照片显像般地回到凡俗,一个瞬间、一个瞬间清晰起来——脸出现了,嘴角纹路出现了,眉毛出现了——好,显像完成:照片里是正正常常的故我。

    I watched my ego return the way you watch a Polaroid photo develop , instant-by-instant getting clearer - there 's the face , there are the lines around the mouth , there are the eyebrows - yes , now it is finished : there is a picture of regular old me .