
  1. 塞尔维亚人被逐出科索沃,曾被一些人誉为正义和人道的胜利。

    The Serbs ' eviction from Kosovo was hailed as a victory for justice and humanity .

  2. 我们确信正义的事业一定会胜利。

    We firmly believe that a just cause is bound to triumph .

  3. 正义的事业,一定胜利。

    The good cause would triumph .

  4. 众议院多数党领导人南茜·佩洛西赞扬法庭的决定,她表示,这是历史长河中正义的又一次胜利。

    House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi celebrated the court 's decision , saying it 'd been the arc of history once again toward justice .

  5. 现在北军正义的事业已经取得胜利,林肯岛上这群异乡的流浪人是多么渴盼着有一份报纸啊!

    Now the North had triumphed in the good cause , how welcome would have been a newspaper to the exiles in Lincoln Island !

  6. 让我们一起学习,一起欢笑,一起工作,一起祈祷,对我们最终站在正义一方取得的胜利充满信心吧!

    Let us learn together and laugh together and work together and pray together , confident that in the end we will triumph together in the right .