
zhènɡ duān
  • Positive end;plus end
  1. 为了使单相电源下PMOS和NMOS功率管功耗同时得到优化,信号处理部分设计了正端增益加倍,负端增益压缩的增益变化电路。

    To optimize the power dissipation of both PMOS and NMOS power transistors with positive adaptive power supply , variable gain signal processing circuit is designed .

  2. 这老头正端着一盘薄荷茶和蛋糕。

    The old man was carrying a tray of mint tea and cakes .

  3. 微管正端跟踪蛋白研究的进展与展望

    Progress in Microtubule Plus-end Tracking Proteins

  4. 我向屋里望去,小女孩手里正端着那个已经喝完了的茶杯,认真地凝视着

    I looked in . The girl held the empty cup in her hands , looking at it .

  5. 另外,箝位支路的加入使得电池侧正端引入的高频开关管和箝位开关管的电压应力仅为输入电池电压的一半,有利于效率的进一步提高。

    In addition , the clamping branch makes the voltage stress of the added switches be equal to half input voltage .

  6. 我顺着他的眼光看去,只见房间那边有个女人正端着托盘在客人面前上酒。

    I followed his eyes and looked across the room to a woman who was setting a tray of drinks before some customers .

  7. 当老师朝他走近的时候,一个名叫苏茜的同学正端着一个盛满水的金鱼缸。

    As the teacher is walking toward him , a classmate named Susie is carrying a goldfish bowl that is filled with water .

  8. 请对第三幅画上后面正端着个红色盘子的仆人和那个大桌子上的器物再多拍些照片。

    Please take more pictures on third painting for items on that big table at the back where a servant was holding a red plate .

  9. 当时我手里正端着一杯热咖啡,演讲稿就放在写字台旁挨着公文包的一个较低的位置上。

    With a fresh cup of coffee in hand , I had set my speech notes draft down on a low surface next to my briefcase near my desk .

  10. 按照惯例,电路中的电流被认为是从正端流向负端,上电子足以反方向流动的。

    By convention , current in a circuit is considered to flow from a more positive point to a more negative point , even though the actual electron flow is in the opposite direction .

  11. 我向屋里望去,小女孩手里正端着那个已经喝完了的茶杯,认真地凝视着,“太太,您富有吗?”男孩子语气平缓地问道。

    I looked in . The girl held the empty cup in her hands , looking at it . The boy asked in a flat voice , " Lady ... are you rich ? "

  12. 国王离开厨房,开始去找晚餐。10分钟后,他看见一个女佣正端着3盘子肉和土豆。“你是怎么回事?”我父亲问,“你为什么不把晚餐给我们端来?”

    The King left the kitchen and began to look for the food.Ten minutes later he saw a woman who was carrying three plates of meat and potatoes . 'What happened to you ? 'my father said . 'Why didn 't you bring us our dinner ? '

  13. 正是川端的努力使日本文学承载着民族的传统之美,打开了诺贝尔文学奖的天窗。

    It was his effort that made Japanese literary bear the ethical traditional beauty , which opened the window for the Noble Prize .

  14. 研究发现端弯联合正弯叶片能够进一步增强正弯效果;端弯联合反弯叶片减弱了正弯效果。

    End-bend blade combines with positive bowed can further strengthen the positive bow effect of the blade which is benefit for the separation control .