
zhènɡ miàn jìn ɡōnɡ
  • Frontal attack;frontal assault
  1. 就在正面进攻的作战方案已经准备就绪。

    The battle plan for the frontal assault had been completed .

  2. 我们不能采取正面进攻

    Frontal assault 's not gonna work .

  3. 于是萨利决定鼓足勇气,冒险正面进攻。

    Sally now resolved to brace up and risk a frontal attack .

  4. 我们总是不同程度地采用了正面进攻的方式。

    We always adopted a more or less head-on attack .

  5. 敌人的力量十分强大时,向敌人发起正面进攻是不现实且容易失败的。

    After days of inactivity , the enemy finally showed its teeth by a frontal attack on our position .

  6. 这吴城原是魏国名将吴起苦心经营之地,地势险要,工事坚固,正面进攻恐难奏效。

    They came to the Wu City which was very difficult to attack because of the terrain and strong fortress .

  7. 这种进攻也会绕过马奇诺防线,并且可以避免对永久性的防御工事正面进攻可能遭受的损失。

    This would turn the Maginot Line and would not entail the losses likely to be sustained in a frontal attack against permanent fortifications .

  8. 他停止正面进攻,又一次采取包抄战术,来一个大迂回,企图插入南部联盟军和亚特兰大之间。

    Instead of continuing the direct assault , he swung his army in a wide circle again and tried to come between the Confederates and atlanta .

  9. 马库斯·克劳迪亚斯·马塞洛将军带领着一只由60只五段帆船组成的海军舰队——罗马战船——越过墨西拿海峡正面进攻西西里市,而他的副司令则从陆地入手。

    General Marcus Claudius Marcellus led a naval fleet of 60 quinqueremes - Roman battleships - across the Strait of Messina in a frontal charge while his second-in-command attacked from the land .