
  • 网络Regularization;regularized;normalize;Renormalization
  1. 给出总变差(TV,TotalVariation)正则化的两种改进模型。

    Two improved models of the TV ( total variation ) regularization are presented .

  2. 实现了一种基于TV正则化的图像盲恢复算法。

    Realize an algorithm for a blind image restoration by using the total variation regularization .

  3. 一种空间自适应正则化MAP超分辨率重建算法

    Spatial adaptive regularized map super-resolution reconstruction algorithm

  4. 基于Bayesian正则化BP神经网络的GPS高程转换

    GPS Height Conversion Based on Bayesian regularization BP artificial neural network

  5. 一个抛物型方程逆问题的Fourier和小波正则化方法

    Fourier and Wavelet Regularization for an Inverse Problem of Parabolic Equation

  6. Bayesian正则化BP神经网络拟合两类似大地水准面

    Application of Bayesian Regulation BP Neural Network to Fit Two-Kind Quasi-geoid

  7. 研究了基于正则化理论的SAR图像分辨率增强方法。

    Resolution enhancement of SAR image based on regularization theory is studied .

  8. SAR图像幅度域增强的正则化方法

    Regularization method for SAR image enhancement in amplitude domain

  9. 基于SAR特征的正则化计算方法及其在纹理分类中的应用

    SAR Model Based Regularization Methods for Image Texture Classification

  10. 基于图像域的势函数正则化SAR车辆图像增强算法

    The algorithm of SAR image enhancement based on image regularization of potential functions

  11. 本文还对基于TV正则化模型的盲图像恢复算法进行了研究分析。

    The blind image restoration algorithm based on the TV of regularization model is also analyzed in this paper .

  12. 一个非标准逆热传导问题的具有对数稳定性的Fourier正则化方法

    A Fourier Regularization Method with Logarithmic Stability for a Non-standard Inverse Heat Conduction Problem

  13. 基于贝叶斯正则化BP人工神经网络的煤与瓦斯突出预测的研究

    Research of Prediction of Coal and Gas Outburst Based on BP Artificial Neural Network Utilizing Bayesian Regularization

  14. 基于改进正则化方法的SAR图像增强技术

    SAR Image Enhancement Using Modified Regularization Method

  15. 解非线性不适定算子方程的一种正则化Newton迭代法

    A New Regularized Newton Iteration for Nonlinear Ill-posed Operator Equation

  16. 基于B-spline和正则化算法的低轨卫星轨道平滑

    Smoothing a satellite orbit on the basis of B-spline and regularization

  17. 基于lk范数正则化方法的SAR图像超分辨

    SAR Image Super-resolution Based on Regularization of l_ k Norm

  18. 通过建立正则化方程解的梯度的一致估计,最终证明了解在Cα意义下收敛。

    The convergence is in C α sense , which is derived by establishing a uniform gradient estimate for some solution of a regularized p-Ginzburg-Landau equations .

  19. 提出一种全新的基于空间滤波理论的正则化方法,它不依赖于阻抗分布的先验估计,因此它比最大后验(MAP)正则化方法易于实现;

    We developed a new regularization method based on the spatial filtering theory , which is independent on the estimation of impedance distribution .

  20. 基于lk范数的SAR复图像域正则化方法分析及改进

    Analysis and Improvement of Regularization Based on l_k Norm in SAR Complex-Imagery Domain

  21. 一种基于共轭梯度的正则化OT图像重建算法

    A Regularized Reconstruction Method for Optical Tomography Based on Conjugate-gradient

  22. 利用吉洪诺夫正则化方法,讨论了问题(1)中源密度函数f的求解问题,并给出稳定化的数值解。

    Based on Tikhonov 's regularization method , this paper discusses the solution of parabolic equation and gives a stable numerical solution .

  23. 求解一类反向热传导问题的Fourier正则化和Tikhonov正则化方法

    Fourier and Tikhonov regularization methods for solving a class of backward heat conduction problems

  24. Helmholtz型方程柯西问题的一种简单正则化

    A Simple Regularization Method for the Cauchy Problem of Helmholtz-type Equations

  25. Abel变换数值反演的离散正则化方法

    A discrete regularization method for the numerical inversion of Abel transform

  26. Clifford分析中于特征流形上奇异积分方程的正则化

    The Regularization Theorem of the Singular Integral Equations on Characteristic Manifold in Clifford Analysis

  27. 一种基于Hilbert-Huang变换的正则化图像恢复算法

    A regularized image restoration algorithm based on Hilbert-Huang transform

  28. D算法用正则化的Shannonδ函数的一阶导数检测边缘。

    D algorithm uses the first order derivative of regularized Shannon δ function for edge detection .

  29. 正则化广义逆ERT图像重建算法的研究

    Image reconstruction in electrical resistance tomography based on general inverse and regularization

  30. 动态电阻抗成像中Tikhonov正则化参数的选择

    The Selection of Tikhonov Regularization Parameter in Dynamic Electrical Impedance Imaging