
cè yì jìn ɡōnɡ
  • flank attack;attack on the flank
  1. 通过全面分析后,BG公司认为对法国公司最好的竞争策略是进攻型策略,BG公司采用的是侧翼进攻法,攻击法国公司的致命弱点。

    After overall analysis , BG considered , the best competitive strategy is bow on attack French Co.

  2. 大本在阿森纳担任侧翼进攻以辅助范佩西,但看来他能在中锋位置上做得更好。

    Bendtner currently has to play a supporting role to Robin Van Persie on the wing , but thinks that he will be better deployed as the central striker in place of the Dutchman .

  3. (英式足球;曲棍球;橄榄球;足球)在侧翼位置进攻的人。

    ( soccer ; hockey ; rugby ; football ) player in wing position .

  4. 任何依赖与两边的侧翼球员来发动进攻的球队都会需要在进攻中把球传到球队的第三和第四持球选项手中,这样迂回的传导球是有风险的。

    Any team that relies on both its wings to initiate offense will have to pivot to third and fourth options , detours that come at an operational cost .