
cè miàn
  • side;lateral;flank;profile;aspect;dimension
侧面 [cè miàn]
  • (1) [side;aspect;flank]

  • (2) 侧方那一面

  • (3) 构成总体的某一方面

  • 各种事物都有对立的两个侧面

侧面[cè miàn]
  1. 厨房门开在房子的侧面。

    The kitchen door is at the side of the house .

  2. 请检查包装盒侧面的成分清单。

    Check the list of ingredients on the side of the package .

  3. 她穿着一件在侧面系带子的连衣裙。

    She was wearing a dress that laced up at the side .

  4. 这张图是房子的侧面。

    The picture shows a side view of the house .

  5. 她站在舞台侧面等待着出场的提示。

    She stood in the wings and waited for her cue to go on .

  6. 这裙子是侧面开口的。

    The skirt has a side opening .

  7. 那辆车从侧面撞了我们。

    The car hit us side-on .

  8. 第一张照片照的是楼房侧面,第二张照的是楼房正面。

    The first picture was taken from the side of the building , and the second one endways on .

  9. 哈罗兹还会将你孩子的名字刻在侧面。

    Harrods will also engrave your child 's name on the side

  10. 他被弹飞出去,撞在货车的侧面。

    He was catapulted into the side of the van .

  11. 反射器通过支架牢牢地固定在航天器的侧面。

    The reflector is held onto the sides of the spacecraft with a frame

  12. 这张照片照的是女孩的侧面。

    This picture shows the girl in profile .

  13. 他的另一只拳头从侧面击中她的头部。

    He caught her on the side of her head with his other fist .

  14. 抗议者们猛砸卡车的侧面,并且撕掉了车门上的海关封条。

    Protestors banged on the sides of the lorry and broke customs seals on the doors .

  15. 通常来说,窃贼对从房屋的正面或侧面潜入会比较谨慎。

    As a general rule , burglars are wary about gaining entry from the front or side of a building .

  16. 这部小说反映了农村改革的一个侧面。

    The novel presents one aspect of the reform in the countryside .

  17. 从这一侧面易于登攀这座山。

    The mountain may be conveniently climbed from this side .

  18. 她侧面看很美。

    She has a beautiful [ fine ] profile . ; She is fine in profile .

  19. 小说反映了当前城市生活的一个侧面。

    The novel presents one aspect of current city life .

  20. 她站在舞台的侧面观看演出。

    She stood watching the performance from the wings .

  21. 胃的下方及侧面凸缘是胃大弯。

    The inferior and lateral convex border of the stomach is the greater curvature .

  22. 堡垒侧面靠着沼泽地。

    The fort flanked on a swamp .

  23. 他给她画侧面像。

    He drew her profile .

  24. 他和他的学生们在一块30公斤重的石块的四个侧面各绑了一些杆子。

    He and his students tied some poles to each of four sides of a 30-kilogram stone block .

  25. 他意识到,一个正方形可以通过在它的侧面附加木杆而变成一个粗糙的轮子。

    A square could be turned into a rough sort of wheel by attaching wooden poles to its sides , he realized .

  26. 用胶水粘住圆锥体的侧面,使其定型。

    Glue the sides of the cone so that it holds its shape .

  27. 我们快到海滩了,我向船侧面望了一下。

    We were nearly on the beach and I was looking over the side of the ship .

  28. 有些蜂箱的侧面是玻璃的,你可以透过它们看到里面蜜蜂的活动情况。

    Some hives are made with glass sides , through which we can see all that the bees are doing .

  29. 从侧面来看,每一片叶子都好像狮子的下腭,蒲公英的名字正是从这种植物的法语名称而来,意思就是“狮子的牙齿”。

    The side of each leaf looks a little like the jaw3 of a lion , and our name dandelion comes from the French name of this plant , which means " lion 's tooth . "

  30. 怎么能少得了《乱世佳人》。你可以再次回味下这部经典,发现这个精彩故事的新侧面,一个坚强的、受伤的、独一无二的女人,她成功地经受住了命运的打击,让一些男人拜倒在她的石榴裙下的故事。

    There are good movies , and then there ’ s ’ Gone with the Wind . ’ You ’ ll keep coming back to it , discovering new sides to this incredible story of a strong-spirited , damaged , one-of-a-kind woman , who managed to survive blows of fate that would bring some men to their knees .