
zhī duān féi dà zhènɡ
  • acromegaly;acromegalia
  1. 若干药物治疗肢端肥大症的尝试均基于这样的一种假设,即:GRF抑制可减少GH的分泌。

    Several attempts at the medical treatment of acromegaly have also been based on the hypothesis that GRF suppression may reduce GH secretion .

  2. 这些结果为肢端肥大症患者的治疗提供了重要的借鉴,并要求为ACTH缺乏的患者寻求更为合理的氢化可的松用药方法。

    These results have important implications for the treatment of patients with acromegaly and also raise issues as to the optimum hydrocortisone treatment regimens for ACTH-deficient patients .

  3. 方法:采用PCR和直接序列分析法评价10例肢端肥大症患者肿瘤组织的gsp癌基因的表达。

    Methods : PCR and direct sequencing analysis were used to evaluate the expression of gsp oncogene in 10 patients with active acromegaly .

  4. 作者在8例肢端肥大症体外培养的垂体GH瘤细胞上探讨IGF-1对GH分泌的反馈调节作用。

    The feedback regulation of IGF-1 on GH secretion from acromegalic pituitary tumors in cell culture was studied in 8 cases .

  5. 嫌色细胞瘤、肢端肥大症和鞍部其他肿瘤引起PRL升高者分别为56.5%、32.9%和34.6%。

    PRL was elevated in 56.5 % of patients with chromophobe adenoma , in 32.9 % with acromegaly and in 34.6 % with other sellar tumors .

  6. 为探讨肢端肥大症患者血清生长激素(hGH)水平与病情不完全平行的机制,本文对6例正常人和17例肢端肥大症患者治疗前后血清的非均一性进行了研究。

    The heterogeneity of serum human growth hormone ( hGH ) in 6 normal subjects and 17 acromegalic patients before and after treatment has been studied .

  7. gsp癌基因是肢端肥大症患者发生垂体肿瘤的重要原因,这是由于编码刺激性G蛋白α亚基(Gsα)的基因存在突变,导致细胞内cAMP水平持速升高所致。

    Objective : Gsp oncogenes are the cause of pituitary tumor development in some acromegalics . They are the result of point mutation within the gene coding for the alpha subunit of the Gs protein and they cause constitutive cAMP production .

  8. 本文研究7例肢端肥大症患者垂体单纯生长激素(GH)分泌瘤单层培养细胞对GH释放激素(GRF)和生长抑素(SS)的反应。

    The responses of growth hormone ( GH ) to growth hormone releasing factor ( GRF ) and somatostatin ( SS ) were studied with monolayer cell culture of pituitary GH secreting adenomas from 7 acromegalic patients .

  9. 肢端肥大症患者手术切除肿瘤3-6月复查时,病情仍然活动的患者的血清IGFBP-3水平尽管较手术前明显降低,但仍高于正常成人的水平(P.05)。

    Following up those acromegalic patients after adenoectomy for3 to6 months , the serum levels of IGFBP-3 significantly decrease , but are still higher than the levels in normal adults .

  10. 目的探讨肢端肥大症性心肌病的神经外科手术治疗和疗效。

    Objective To study the surgical treatment of the acromegalic cardiomyopathy .

  11. 溴隐亭治疗肢端肥大症继发糖尿病与糖耐量异常报告

    Secondary diabetes and IGT in the treatment of acromegaly with

  12. 排除中枢性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征、甲状腺功能低下、肢端肥大症等患者。

    Patients with central sleep apnea syndrome , hypothyroidism and acromegaly , etc.

  13. 肢端肥大症144例分析和早期诊断的探讨

    Analysis of 144 cases of acromegaly with reference to its early diagnosis

  14. 结论肢端肥大症性心肌病经积极的手术治疗能够获得满意的疗效。

    Conclusion Positive surgical treatments can take satisfactory effects on acromegalic cardiomyopathy .

  15. 肢端肥大症患者突出的下巴;脑垂体分泌异常而致的侏儒。

    A protruding acromegalic jaw ; a pituitary dwarf .

  16. 肢端肥大症患者79例临床治疗分析

    Clinical analysis of treatment of 79 cases with acromegaly

  17. 肢端肥大症患者增生性结肠息肉的高度流行

    High prevalence of hyperplastic colonic polyps in acromegalic subjects

  18. 预测溴隐亭治疗活动性肢端肥大症短期疗效指标的分析

    On the criteria predicting the short-term therapeutic effect of bromocriptine on active acromegaly

  19. 报告40例肢端肥大症患者骨质与矿物质变化。

    Changes in skeletal system and mineral metabolism in 40 cases of acromegaly were reported .

  20. 198例肢端肥大症的临床表现

    Clinical survey of 198 cases of acromegaly

  21. 肢端肥大症患者垂体生长激素细胞对多巴胺能药物反应异常的研究

    Studies on the Abnormal Response of Pituitary Somatotroph to Dopaminergic Drugs in Patients with Acromegaly

  22. 本文报道垂体生长激素腺瘤126冽,均有肢端肥大症或巨人症的表现。

    126 cases with pituitary GH adenomas presenting symptoms and signs of acromegaly or gigantism were reported .

  23. 睡眠呼吸障碍与活动性肢端肥大症

    Sleep apnea and active acromegaly

  24. 还不知这项观察是否能反映出肢端肥大症的一种更为普遍的骨折风险的增加。

    It is unknown whether this observation may reflect a more general increased risk of fractures in acromegaly .

  25. 本文分析8例暴发型肢端肥大症垂体卒中的临床表现及内分泌功能改变。

    This article analysed the clinical manifestations and endocrinological changes after pituitary apoplexy in 8 fulminant acromegalic patients .

  26. 肢端肥大症的确切诊断乃住院中经由外表上特征的观察,血中贺尔蒙的检查及核磁共振图象的发现。

    Acromegaly was suspected from typical appearance , and confirmed with hormonal examination and imaging of the pituitary mass .

  27. 促肾上腺皮质激素缺乏、大剂量氢化可的松替代治疗和放疗是肢端肥大症患者死亡率的独立预测因素。

    ACTH deficiency , higher doses of hydrocortisone replacement , and radiotherapy are independent predictors of mortality in patients with acromegaly .

  28. 内容:在原先肢端肥大症治愈继发生长激素缺乏的患者中使用生长激素替代治疗的影响尚不明确。

    Context : The effects of GH replacement in GH-deficient ( GHD ) adults previously treated for acromegaly are not well known .

  29. 许多肢端肥大症患者因垂体腺瘤本身、外科手术或者放疗等因素而发生了垂体功能减退。

    Many patients with acromegaly develop hypopituitarism as a result of the pituitary adenoma itself or therapies such as surgery and radiotherapy .

  30. 生长激素分泌性肿瘤多见于男性,可以出现肢端肥大症(成人)和巨人症(儿童)。

    GH secreting tumors , which are more common in men , may present with acromegaly in adults and gigantism in children .