  • limb
  • 人的手、脚、胳膊、腿的统称,亦指某些动物的四条腿:四~(指两手两脚)。~体。前~。后~。


(人的胳膊、腿; 某些动物的腿) limb:

  • 上肢和下肢

    arms and legs;

  • 四肢发达

    well-developed limbs

  1. 保留组患者患肢的感觉障碍显著少于切除组,P

    Keep groups of patients limb feel barriers significantly less than excision group , P

  2. MRI在四肢长骨恶性骨肿瘤保肢手术中的应用

    MRI in the limb - saving surgery of malignant bone tumors in long bone of extremities

  3. 海豹的鳍肢与人类的手臂同源。

    The seal 's flipper is homologous with the human arm .

  4. 鲸、海豹,企鹅和海龟均有鳍形肢

    Whales , seals , penguins , and turtles have flippers .

  5. 很多动物身上有成对的附肢,一侧一个,这是很普遍的现象

    Paired appendages , with one on each side of the body , are common in many animals .

  6. 在蜜蜂的整个身体中,腹部体积最大,不过却没有任何附肢与之相连。

    The belly is the largest of the three parts of the body , but it has no limbs attached to it .

  7. 将轴变形方法引入B样条造型,以促进多肢物体如人体的建模。

    Axial deformation technique is introduced into B-spline geometric design to facilitate the modeling of multi-limb objects .

  8. 宽肢薄腹H形截面钢柱的滞回性能

    Research on the hysteretic behaviour of H-shaped steel columns with big width-to-thickness ratio plates

  9. 而溃疡患肢≥3个返流静脉节段11条(11/12,91.6%),两组比较有显著差异(P<0.01)。

    ≥ 3 venous reflux segment occurred in 11 ( 11 / 12,91 6 % ) ulcerative limbs ( P < 0 01 ) .

  10. 高频焊接H型钢具有宽肢薄腹构件的特征,其强轴方向具较强的抗侧能力,形成刚性框架。

    The high frequency welding H-section steel has properties of broad and thin section component . Its higher axial lateral resistance capacity forms rigid frame .

  11. 经t检验,两组术后半年患肢髋关节功能优良率有显著差异,P0.05。

    Excellent rate of postoperative six months limb hip joint function by t test , significant differences ( P 0.05 ) .

  12. 两个2C型肢带型肌营养不良家族的新突变

    A novel mutation in two families with limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2C

  13. ODE求解器求解高层双肢剪力墙结构稳定特征值问题

    Eigenvalue of stability of coupled shear wall tall building by using ode solver

  14. 中国对虾PENAEUSCHINENSIS(O'SBECK)肌肉系统的研究Ⅱ.眼柄及附肢肌肉解剖1

    Studies on the Muscular System of Penaeus Chinensis ( O'SBECK ) . - II . Anatomy of the Muscles of Appendages 1

  15. arm一词亦指无脊椎动物的附肢或运动器官,如海星的腕、章鱼的触手和腕足纲动物的腕足。

    The term may also denote the limb or the locomotive or prehensile organ of an invertebrate ( e.g. , the ray of a starfish or the tentacle of an octopus ) .

  16. 健肢组:在病人健康对侧的相对应位置测量尺神经的厚度和CSA。

    Healthy extremity group : Corresponds the position in the patient healthy opposite side to measure the gauge rule nerve thickness and CSA .

  17. 术后6个月随访,有6条患肢出现溃疡复发,加行SEPS治疗后溃疡愈合。

    The ulcer of6 limbs was recurrence on6 months after operation .

  18. 健侧颈7移位模型:术后3个月,患肢正中神经代表区在双侧MI均未出现。

    In the contralateral C7 transfer group the median nerve representation region of the affected forelimb did not appear in bilateral MI at 3 months .

  19. 结论:肿瘤切除自体髂骨翻转植骨+重建钢板重建骨盆环是一种较好的治疗髂骨肿瘤的保肢方法,但对于2B期髂骨肿瘤应慎用。

    Conclusion : Iliac tumor resection and pelvic reconstruction with reconstructive plate was a good treatment in pelvic tumor except 2B malignent tumor .

  20. 间歇性跛行患肢膝以下三叉血管系统重度狭窄率41.7%,与静息痛(83.3%)或溃疡(79.5%)患肢相比,差异均有统计学意义(P均0.05)。

    The degree of stenosis in the below-knee section was less severe in patients with intermittent claudication ( 41.7 % ) compared with patients with rest pain ( 83.3 % ) and gangrene patients ( 79.5 % ) ( both P0.05 ) .

  21. 康复组的患肢髋膝ROM和Barthel指数明显优于对照组(P均<0.05)。

    Both ROM and Barthel index of the affected limbs of the rehabilitation group were apparently better than that of contrast group ( both P < 0.05 ) .

  22. F2为肢蹄因子(或者称为长寿因子),它包括蹄角度、蹄踵深度和后肢侧视。

    Foot & Leg health factor ( or longevity factor ) F2 consists of foot angle , foot heel depth and rear legs-rear view .

  23. 结论HBO治疗可以促进肢体骨折的愈合,提高断指(肢)再植和植皮、皮瓣转移的成活率。

    Conclusion It is showed that HBO treatment may promote the healing of fracture , raise the survival rate of skin replantation and flap transfer .

  24. 结果表明,V2O5对大鼠胚胎肢芽细胞有特异分化抑制作用。

    It is suggested that V 2O 5 specifically inhibits the differentiation of limb bud cell .

  25. 实验结果显示,TSA(75μM)改变附肢发生中具有重要功能的基因的表达水平。

    The results show that TSA ( 75 μ M ) changes the expression levels of the genes , which have important functions during limb development .

  26. 患肢功能按Sanders髋关节创伤评分标准,优良率达94.11%(48/51)。

    The functional evaluation was done by Sanders traumatic hip rating scale . The good and excellent rate was 94.11 % ( 48 / 51 ) .

  27. 经复位、固定后,分别在4w后摄x线片观察骨折固定效果、患肢功能恢复情况、并以比正常骨折愈合时间提前多少为疗效判定标准评定疗效。

    After reposition and fixation , fixation effect measured by X-rays , function recovery was evaluated for two groups after 4 weeks .

  28. 结果:观察组患者治疗后比治疗前患肢运动功能、ADL有明显提高(P<001);

    Results : After the treatment , the limb motor function and the daily life mobility of the patients in the observation group were obviously improved ( P < 0 01 ) .

  29. 对肢长与肢厚比在4~5的钢筋混凝土异形截面柱及Z形柱的受力特点进行初步探讨,提出初步的设计方法;

    Make a preliminary study on the stress feature of reinforced concrete special-shaped column and Z-shaped column of which the ratio of limb length to limb thickness is between 4 ~ 5 , and the preliminary design method is suggested ;

  30. GDF-5在小鼠肢体骨骼发育中的表达及对肢芽细胞影响的研究

    Expression of GDF-5 during the development of limb skeleton system of mice and the effect of GDF-5 on limb bud cell