
  • 网络Limb numbness;paraesthesia
  1. DPN患者最常见的周围神经系统症状为肢体麻木,其次为自发疼痛。

    The most common peripheral nervous system symptoms of DPN was numbness , followed by the spontaneous pain .

  2. TTX是典型的钠离子通道抑制剂,中毒者出现肢体麻木、瘫痪等症状,严重的可导致死亡。

    TTX is a typical sodium ion channel inhibitor , can led to limb numbness , paralysis and other symptoms , even seriously to death .

  3. 福欣康林改善自发性疼痛、肢体麻木、神经反射和神经传导速度的好转率均明显高于维生素B12,且未引起明显的不良反应。

    Cobamamide improved the spontaneous pain , numbness of limbs , nerve reflection and nerve conduction velocities in higher rates as compared with vitamin B12 treatment , and did not cause obvious adverse reactions .

  4. 头针配合穴位注射治疗糖尿病肢体麻木

    Treatment of Diabetic Numbness of Extremities by Scalp Acupuncture Combined with Acupoint Injection

  5. 结论黄芪注射液加脉络宁注射液治疗糖尿病周围神经病变,肢体麻木、疼痛等感觉异常明显好转,肌电图测定的神经传导速度有不同程度增快。

    Electromyography nerve conduction velocity increase in different degree .

  6. 补阳还五汤加味治疗肢体麻木85例

    Modified Decoction for Invigorating Yang in the Treatment of 85 Cases of Limb Numbness

  7. 天麻配方颗粒由单味天麻加工制成,与天麻饮片功能主治相同,即平肝息风止痉,用于头痛眩晕,肢体麻木,小儿惊风,癫痫抽搐,破伤风。

    Tianma Formula Granule processes the function of subduing the liver-wind and arrest convulsion .

  8. 但治疗组在消除眩晕、肢体麻木方面优于对照组(P<0.05)。

    Treatment group was superior to control group in eliminating vertigo and numbness of extremities .

  9. 大多数肿瘤的早期症状是颈肩部疼痛、肢体麻木、无力。

    Mostly the early symptom included pain along neck and shoulder , numbness and weakness .

  10. 甲状腺癌术后肢体麻木28例临床及肌电分析

    Clinical and electromyographic analysis of numbness in limbs after operation of thyroid cancer in 28 cases

  11. 肝:肢体麻木、关节僵硬、肢体拘急、抑郁不舒、脉弦。

    Liver : Limb numbness , joint stiffness , limb contracture , depression , string pulse .

  12. 结果脑干放射性损伤的临床表现为肢体麻木、无力或瘫痪及颅神经损伤症状。

    Results Clinical symptoms included number weakness or paralysis in the limbs and symptoms of damaged cranial nerves .

  13. 血虚:面色萎黄、头晕、肢体麻木、舌淡白、脉细。

    Blood Deficiency : The pale complexion , dizziness , limb numbness , pale tongue , thready pulse .

  14. 实验证明,当小动脉发生持续性收缩时,骨胳肌发生痉挛跳动,肢体麻木等现象。

    Experiments have proved that when the arteriole produce durative contraction , skeletal muscle cramps occur , numbness , etc.

  15. 本病可引起头痛、头晕、恶心、呕吐甚至肢体麻木等非特异性症状。

    Subdural fluid accumulation could cause some nonspecific symptoms , such as headache , dizziness , nausea , vomiting and limbs numbness .

  16. 首发症状主要为受累肢体麻木无力和(或)感觉异常,随病程由上向下发展为其特征。

    The primary symptoms were mainly numbness , weakness and paresthesia of extremities with the characteristics of progressing from upwards to downwards .

  17. 均有突发单肢或单侧肢体麻木、无力、言语不清、吞咽困难等局灶性神经功能缺失等表现。

    All patients manifested as limb or one-sided numbness , weakness , speech and swallowing difficulties or other manifestations of focal neurological deficits .

  18. 起初最常见之症状为背痛及肢体麻木感,肿瘤常至肢体无力成大小便障碍出现时才被诊断出来。(截肢后依然感到肢体存在的)幻肢(感)

    The commonest intial symptoms were back pain and numbness over limbs , but later muscle weakness and sphincter disturbances came to predominate .

  19. 常用以治疗头痛、失眠、胃脘痛、痹证肢体麻木、酸痛瘫痪等证。

    It is commonly used to treat headache , insomnia , epigastralgia , arthralgia syndrome , numbness of the limbs , aching and paralysis , etc.

  20. 有2245人(24.1%)认为肢体麻木或瘫痪上最常见警告信号;

    The most common warning sign of stroke described by respondents was numbness or paralysis of any part of body listed by 1980 ( 24.1 % ) .

  21. 在获得长期随访的69例患者中30例(43.48%)发生肢体麻木、括约肌功能障碍和男性性功能障碍。

    In 69 cases who were followed-up , there are 30 ( 43.48 % ) cases who developed limb paralysis and sphincter disorder and male sexual disfunction .

  22. 结论:头针配合穴位注射治疗糖尿病肢体麻木疗效确切,显著改善神经病变。

    [ WT5HZ ] Conclusion [ WT5BZ ] Scalp acupuncture combined with acupoint injection has a definite therapeutic effect for diabetic numbness of extremities , obviously improving nervous lesion ;

  23. 口服颈痛颗粒组在颈项疼痛、畏寒肢冷、肢体麻木等方面有显著性疗效。

    The traction relieved the tenderness and drawback of neck obviously , while Jingtong Granule could relieve the pain of neck and coldness , and eliminate the numbness of limbs .

  24. 表现为肢体麻木14例(87.5%),肢体无力12例(75.0%),神经根性疼痛4例(25.0%);

    The clinical symptoms included extremity numbness in 14 cases ( 87.5 % ), limb inertia in 12 cases ( 75.0 % ), and radicular pain in 4 cases ( 25.0 % ) .

  25. 本文分析了497例中风患者的先兆症状。共出现11种先兆症状,其中以头痛、头晕、肢体麻木,言语不清及视物不清等症状为多。

    Of the 497 cases with apoplexy , there were 11 kinds of premonitory symptoms , of which headache , dizziness , numbness of the limbs , inarticulate speech , blurred version , etc.

  26. 本文随访87年11月&88年9月20例胫骨干骺端延长术者,前期病例发生骨延迟愈合1例,一过性肢体麻木4例,马蹄足6例,膝屈曲加重1例。

    1988 were reported . Among the early cases , one delayed healing of the bone , 4 cases of transient numbness of the extremities , 6 drop-feet and 1 flexion deformity of the . knee and been met .

  27. 结果治疗组心绞痛缓解的总有效率为83.87%,心电图改善率为83.72%,与对照组比较无显著性差异,同时患者耳鸣、肢体麻木、情绪障碍等临床伴随症状有明显改善。

    Results In cure group angina alleviative rate was 83.87 % , electrocardiogram improvement rate was 83.72 % , and there was not significant difference with control group , tinnitus , body numbness and motion obstacle had obvious improvement with control group .

  28. 血瘀证是血病常见证候,外伤和寒邪是血瘀证首要致病因素,临床表现喘、肢体麻木、筋脉拘挛等症状,在诊断疾病中有重要的参考价值。

    Blood stasis was the common syndrome in blood disease . Trauma and cold evil was the most important factors of causing disease . The clinical expressed asthma limbs numb , muscle and vessel contracture etc syndromes got an important reference value in the diagnosis of disease .

  29. 他的肢体已经麻木,他的黑发已成银丝,身上的汗液早被冻结。

    His limbs have become numb , and his black hair has become a silver , long been the freezing of body sweat .

  30. 应用神经传导速度评估振源胶囊对糖尿病患者肢体疼痛及麻木症状的改善效应

    Effects of Zhenyuan capsule in ameliorating the symptoms of aching and numbness of limbs in diabetic patients evaluated by nerve conduction velocity