
mì zhí
  • close planting;compact planting;condensed planting;serried row planting
密植 [mì zhí]
  • [close planting;serried row planting] 缩小栽种的行距或株距,使单位面种的栽种密度增加

密植[mì zhí]
  1. 苹果矮化密植栽培研究进展

    Study progress on Cultivation of apple under dwarf and close planting

  2. 旱坡地枣树密植园施肥试验

    Test of Fertilizer-applying in Arid Hillside Jujube Close Planting Garden

  3. 矮化密植果园回收资金较快。

    Compact trees , bring quick returns .

  4. 综述了前人在干旱、密植、低氮、及长光胁迫对玉米产量与ASI的影响。

    This paper reviewed the effects of stress factors such as drought , high density , low nitrogen and long photoperiods on the grain yield and ASI .

  5. 合理密植(37.5穴/m~2)、适量的施氮(14kgN/亩)、适量P肥(8.5kgP2O5/亩)可以降低稻米垩白。

    Chalkiness decreased with proper cultivating density ( 37.5 hole / m2 ), proper amounts of N ( 14kgN / acre ), proper amounts of P fertilizer ( 8.5kgP2O5 / acre ) .

  6. BillCurran是宾夕法尼亚州立大学大学城分校教授,他说最常见的控制杂草的办法是密植。

    Bill Curran is a professor of weed science at Penn State , in University Park , Pennsylvania . He says one of the most common methods for suppressing weeds is dense planting .

  7. PP333对密植桃树早实丰产作用的研究

    The Study of the Effect of PP333 ( Paclobutrazol ) on the Early Bearing and High Yield of Densely Planted Peach Trees

  8. 结果表明,百合植株叶片的生理指标及单位面积鳞茎产量和大鳞茎产量比率均是:稀植>中度密植>密植。板栗林下套种百合以30cm×30cm密度为宜。

    The results showed that all the tested physiological index , unit area output and big bulb percentage at the density of 30cm × 30cm were the best .

  9. 最佳种植密度为60cm×(25~30)cm,其根部产量性状较好,药材性状符合药典规定的标准,但单位面积产量表现中等,可在一定范围内合理密植,以提高产量。

    By comparison and contrast , the best density of crop was 60 cm ×( 25 ~ 30 ) cm . Its root production characters were best and its medicinal herbs accorded with standards of pharmacopoeia . But its yield per unit area was moderate .

  10. 文章报道了响水河河水的现场监测结果,得到响水河河水的Ca2+和HCO-3非常低,这明显与河床中大规模钙华的存在和景区内发育的茂密植被不匹配;

    It was found by in-situ monitoring that the Xiangshui River has a very low concentration of calcium and bicarbonate , which does not match with the huge tufa deposits in the riverbed and the dense vegetation cover in surrounding area .

  11. 寒地水稻缩垄增行合理密植

    Reasonable Planting Frigid Rice Closely by Shortening Ridges and Adding Rows

  12. 棉花密植化学除草不中耕的研究

    Research for the NON-INTERTILLAGE of the close-planting cotten by chemical weeding

  13. 高油、耐密植半矮秆大豆新品种合丰42与配套栽培技术

    High-Oil and Semi-Dwarf New Soybean Variety Hefeng No.42 and Its Cultivating Technique

  14. 半矮秆大豆黑河19号窄行密植研究

    Study on solid seeding of semidwarf soybean variety Heihe 19

  15. 北京离核桃密植丰产栽培技术

    High-yield Cultivation Technique of Beijing Freestone Peach in Compact Planting

  16. 苹果密植园与间伐园树冠层内叶片光合潜力比较

    Leaf photosynthetic potential in canopy layers of un-thinned and thinned apple orchards

  17. 密植作物不容易感染这两种病害。

    High population plantations have a lower incidence of these two diseases .

  18. 密植绿地植物群落调整的实践与思考

    Practice and Thinking of Road Green Close Plant Communities Adjustment

  19. 柿密植丰产园生育指标的调查研究

    An Investigation of Growing Index In Densely Planted Orchard of Persimmon Tree

  20. 大豆小垄密植机械化栽培技术的应用

    An Application of Small-ridge Close-planting Mechanized Cultivation Technology for Soybean

  21. 旱坡地密植枣园经济效益分析

    An Analysis of Economic Benefit of Dense Jujube Orchard in Arid Hill

  22. 平作密植大豆行距效应分析

    Analysis of Row Spacing Effect in Flat plowing and Condensed Planting soybean

  23. 甜橙密植果园光合特性研究

    Studies on Photosynthetic Properties of sweet orange trees in densely planting orchards

  24. 成批密植而不是成长行地稀植有助于树木授粉。

    Planting trees in groups rather than long thin lines helps pollination .

  25. 密植桃树长枝修剪技术研究

    Studies on Long Pruning System on Peach in Close Planting

  26. 大豆宽窄行密植栽培技术试验研究

    Cultivation Techniques With High Density in Wide-Narrow Redge of Soybean

  27. 山楂幼树密植丰产的研究

    A study on getting bumper crops by close planting of young haw trees

  28. 苹果密植园丰产优质技术研究

    Study on the Technologies of High-yield and High-quality in the Dense Apple Orchard

  29. 矮杆早熟大豆的合理密植研究

    Study on rational close planting for short stem and Early-maturity variety of soybean

  30. 大豆密植小气候效应及高产机理分析

    Analysis of Microclimate Effect for Soybean Close Planting and Its High Yield Mechanism