
  • 网络Close contact
  1. 正在对这些病例的密切接触者监测任何发病迹象。

    Close contacts of these cases are being monitored for any signs of illness .

  2. 调查结果未在与这三名患者密切接触者身上发现具有耐药性的病毒。

    Investigations have not found the resistant virus in the close contacts of these three people .

  3. 3例密切接触者SARS相关抗体也为阳性。

    The antibodies were also positive in 3 cases who had close contact with SARS patients .

  4. HIV-1感染者及其密切接触者HIV-1抗性基因的研究

    Study on HIV-1 anti-gene of people infected with HIV-1 and their consanguineous contacters

  5. 结果从病人脑脊液和密切接触者咽拭子中分离培养出C群脑膜炎奈瑟氏双球菌74株,A群脑膜双球菌11株,B群脑膜双球菌19株。

    Results A total of74 strains of serogroup C , 11 strains of serogroup A and19 strains of serogroup B were separated from the patients'CSF and faucial swabs from close contactors .

  6. 甲型肝炎密切接触者血白细胞HAAg检测和HAV的分离

    Detection of HAAg and isolation of HAV from leucocytes of Hepatitis A close contacts

  7. 流脑病例样品阳性率为4.44%(2/45),A群和C群为主要流行株,病例密切接触者和健康人群均未检出Nm。

    The positive rate of epidemic meningitis cases was 4.44 % ( 2 / 45 ), The epidemic Nm was group A and group C , but no Nm was detected in closing contact persons and healthy people .

  8. 方法采用统一的个案调查表对广东省各市IAP首发病例进行调查,对其密切接触者也进行流行病学调查,分析各市首发病例流行病学特征、续发病例情况及各市首发病例之间的联系。

    Methods Standard individual case inventory was adopted to conduct a investigation of index cases and their close contact persons in Guangdong province .

  9. 根据(卫生)部周三下发的关于甲型H1N1流感防控策略调整的通知,(甲型H1N1流感的)密切接触者可以实施居家隔离,而且密切接触者的范围也将缩小。

    And the range of close contacts was narrowed down , according to a notice on adjusting A ( H1N1 ) flu prevention and control measures issued by the ministry Wednesday .

  10. 目的对广州市甲型H1N1流感病例密切接触者进行调查,并对隔离医学观察情况进行分析,为制定甲型H1N1流感防控措施提供科学依据。

    Objective To analyze the situations of quarantine and management among H1N1 close contacts in Guangzhou city , in order to provide the scientific basis for the prevention and control of H1N1 .

  11. 首次采用随机PCR(RAPD)技术分析了1994年广东省江门市一起菌痢暴发期间分离的福氏2a暴发株和密切接触者分离株。

    During a food source dysentery outbreak in 1994 , we first used random amplification polymorphism DNA ( RAPD ) technique in analysing the outbreak strains and contact strains of S. flexneri 2a isolated in Jiangmen , Guangdong .

  12. 安徽省1997年报告急性弛缓性麻痹(AFP)病例241例,采集粪便标本238例,其中208例采集了密切接触者粪便标本。

    A total of 241 cases of Acute Flaccid Paralysis ( AFP ) was reported in 1997 . Among of them , stool specimens of 238 cases and the contacts of 208 cases were collected . Virus isolation was made by RD and Hep-2 cells .

  13. 结论普通人群HEV的感染率较高,提示HEV亚临床感染的存在。与猪、鸡密切接触者HEV阳性率高于普通人群,这些数据进一步证明了HEV可能是一种人兽共患病的假设。

    It is concluded that the higher infection rate with HEV in general population suggests the existence of sub-clinical infection for HEV , and the higher infection rate with HEV among those contacting with chickens or pigs supports the hypothesis that HFV infection may be a zoometric disease .

  14. 超过1800人被确定为密切接触者。

    Over 1800 people have been identified as close contacts .

  15. 密切接触者中可能存在隐性感染者;

    The recessive infected persons may be existed among the close contacters ;

  16. 18例密切接触者漱口液中8份为阳性;

    In 18 samples from the cases of closely contact persons showed positive .

  17. 正在监测该名妇女的密切接触者。

    Close contacts of the woman are being monitored .

  18. 密切接触者的化学预防和高危人群组的预防接种正在进行。

    Chemoprophylaxis of close contacts and vaccination of high-risk population groups is ongoing .

  19. 已确定并且每天监测该女孩的密切接触者。

    Close contacts of the girl have been identified and are being monitored daily .

  20. 2007&2008年石家庄市涂阳肺结核病人密切接触者筛查结果分析

    Screening Results of Close Contacts of Smear-positive TB Patients in Shijiazhuang City during 2007-2008

  21. 乙型肝炎患者密切接触者的消化道隔离现状调查

    Investigation on the actuality of gastrointestinal isolation in families of patients with hepatitis B

  22. 现在正在对其密切接触者实施监视。

    People who have had close contact with the man are now being monitored .

  23. 纳金夫妇及其一名助手是该名患者的密切接触者。

    The Nagin couple and their assistant were in close contact with that patient .

  24. 活动性肺结核病人密切接触者发病因素分析

    Relevant factors of tuberculosis incidence among people in close contact with active tuberculosis cases

  25. 已将家庭成员和密切接触者置于观察之下和检测可能的感染。

    Family members and close contacts were placed under observation and tested for possible infection .

  26. 已从这些人以及该儿童的其他密切接触者采集样本。

    Samples have been taken from these people and other close contacts of the child .

  27. 对家庭成员和密切接触者的监测未发现流感样疾病病例。

    Monitoring of family members and close contacts has detected no cases of influenza-like illness .

  28. 而接触地点在工作单位的密切接触者459名中,无一例转为病例,罹患率为零。

    No one was infected among 459 close contacts to SARS in the working unit .

  29. 肺结核患者密切接触者调查研究进展

    Progress in tuberculosis patient close contact investigation

  30. 已对这些家庭成员和其他密切接触者进行医学观察。

    Members of these families and other close contacts have been placed under medical observation .