
wèi shēnɡ jú
  • bureau of sanitation;bureau of public health;the board of health;Public Health Bureau
  1. 天津市卫生局实行临床住院医师学分制的几点体会

    On the implementation of credit system for clinical resident physicians as proposed by Tianjin Bureau of public health

  2. 周一,泰国公共卫生局应急部主任AnurakAmornpetchsathaporn称,对危险驾驶的司机来说,在太平间工作一段时间才能让他们真正意识到自己的问题,而打扫公园和图书馆等社区服务工作难以起到效果。

    Anurak Amornpetchsathaporn , director of the emergency response for the Bureau of Public Health , said Monday that a stint of working in hospital morgues may bring home the problem to reckless drivers in a way that community service such as tidying up parks and libraries has failed to do .

  3. 这些欺诈行为已被卡姆登和伊斯灵顿卫生局的调查人员揭露了出来。

    The frauds have been unearthed by investigators working for the Camden and Islington Health Authority .

  4. 卫生局试图消灭这种流行病。

    The sanitary board tries to stamp out the epidemic .

  5. 除参加职业游泳运动员的日常训练外,韦汉娜还在旧金山公共卫生局(DepartmentofPublicHealth)临时活动部做志愿者。

    Besides training as a full-time swimmer , Ms. Wilson volunteers at the temporary events section in San Francisco 's Department of Public Health .

  6. 最高法院法官桑德拉·欧康奈现在已70有余,前卫生局医务主任C·库普80来岁还出任了一个互联网公司的总裁。

    Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor is in her70s , and former Surgeon General C.Everett Koop chairs an Internet start-up in his80s .

  7. 卫生局局长ReginaBenjamin最近与立法者探讨了应该怎样使人们更容易获得健康的食品。

    Surgeon General Regina Benjamin recently spoke to lawmakers about making healthy foods more

  8. PN医院是沈阳市卫生局批准成立的一家以医疗美容为主要特色医疗项目的民营医院。

    The PN hospital , authorized by ShenYang Municipal Health Bureau , is a privately-owned one characterized with medical cosmetology as its main and particular medical service .

  9. 北京卫生局表示用于检测H7N9病毒的实验材料已经抵达北京。

    Health authorities in Beijing say that the testing materials for detection of the H7N9 virus has arrived in the city .

  10. 《南华早报》(TheSouthChinaMorningPost)周五报道称,香港食物及卫生局局长高永文(KoWing-man)表示,如果批发商不加强控制禽流感的措施,香港所有的活鸡交易都可能被禁。

    The city 's secretary for food and health , Ko Wing-man , said that sales of all live chickens in Hong Kong might be banned if wholesalers do not step up measures to control bird flu , The South China Morning Post reported Friday .

  11. 香港食物及卫生局局长周一岳(YorkChow)和世界卫生组织(WHO)昨日均表示,目前暂无证据表明香港正面临季节性流感以外的其它任何疫情。

    Hong Kong 's health secretary , York Chow , and the World Health Organisation both said yesterday there was no evidence to suggest that the territory was facing anything other than a seasonal bout of flu .

  12. 根据北京卫生局的通报,这位患者居住在北京郊区,周一早间因感染禽流感H5N1变种病毒死亡。

    The woman , who lived on the outskirts of China 's capital , succumbed Monday morning to the H5N1 strain of avian influenza , according to a statement by the Beijing health bureau .

  13. 他补充道,西开普省卫生局正要推出“BoozaTV”,这是今年一个帮助向人们开展有关酒精滥用教育的电视系列节目。

    He adds that the Western Cape Department of Health is launching " Booza TV ", a television series this year to help educate people about alcohol abuse .

  14. 公司提供的产品已通过ISO9001-2000国际质量体系认证,并获得上海市卫生局卫生监督所颁发的“卫生生产许可证”。

    Our products have been passed the ISO9001-2000 , and have the " Sanitary-producing License " issued by Shanghai Board of Health .

  15. 东台市卫生局7层住宅楼整体平移设计

    Monolithic Moving Design for Seven-Story Building of Dongtai Board of Health

  16. 方法建立绩效评估指标体系,对上海市卫生局资助的33个临床医学中心工作绩效进行评估。

    Methods A system of performance assessment indexes was set up .

  17. 区卫生局和疾病控制中心设立了疾病控制科或慢性病防治职能科室;

    Health Bureau of district set up department of disease control .

  18. 市卫生局给我们的限期是到今晚为止。

    The City Health Department is giving us until this evening .

  19. 分区卫生局应对所属地区卫生局负责。

    Area health authorities are answerable to their regional health authorities .

  20. 卫生局将于明早开始对曾被她治疗的患者进行测试。

    Health authorities will begin testing former patients this morning .

  21. 国家卫生局的资金来自纳税人的税款。

    Finance for the National Health Service comes from taxpayers .

  22. 美国的卫生局局长掌管着卫生与公众服务部。

    The U.S. Surgeon General runs the Health and Human Services Department .

  23. 卫生局采取措施控制肝炎。

    The public health bureau moved to curb hepatitis .

  24. 厚生省生活卫生局食品保健课

    Food Sanitation Division , Environmental Health Bureau , Ministry of Health and Welfare

  25. 为广州市卫生局2003年立项资助课题。

    This project was supported and financed by Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Health .

  26. 广州市卫生局综合楼自动喷水灭火系统施工技术

    Automatic Fire Fighting and Sprinkling System Installation of GuangZhou Health Bureau Integrate Building

  27. 方法:由县卫生局组织有关产前保健专家对乡镇卫生院产科医务人员进行业务培训;

    Methods : The county MCH care experts trained the township hospital midwives ;

  28. 卫生局提醒人们要做好保暖。

    Health officials are warning people to keep warm .

  29. 她是国家卫生局的技术负责人。

    She 's technical director of national health services .

  30. 来自温哥华海岸卫生局的医疗小队负责验尸工作。

    A medical team from the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority performed the postmortem exam .