
wèi shēnɡ xǔ kě zhènɡ
  • hygienic license;sanitation license
  1. [结果]21家饮用水生产企业中,20家持有有效卫生许可证;

    [ Results ] Of the 21 enterprises , 20 of them had hygienic license .

  2. [结果]检查90家单位,卫生许可证持有率为87.8%,健康证持有率为82.1%,公共用具消毒合格率为85.6%,客用化妆品合格率为86.7%。

    [ Results ] The holding rate of hygienic license and health certificate were 87.8 % and 82.1 % respectively . The qualified rate of sterilization and public cosmetics were 85.6 % and 86.7 % respectively .

  3. 进口化妆品应标明进口化妆品卫生许可证卫生批准文号。

    Imported cosmetics should state the sanitation license and license permission number .

  4. 有效卫生许可证持证率为92.72%;

    The rate of having valid license was 92.72 % .

  5. 食品生产、经营企业必须具有生产许可证、卫生许可证;

    All participants with food products must have permission from the Health Agency ;

  6. 工厂食堂实施卫生许可证制度的认同度调查

    Investigation of the cognizance to the rules of hygiene license for factory dining room

  7. 食品生产经营者不得伪造、涂改、出借卫生许可证。

    Food producers or marketers may not forge , alter or lend the hygiene licence .

  8. 情节严重的,吊销卫生许可证。

    If the offence is serious , the offender 's hygiene licence shall be revoked .

  9. 未取得卫生许可证的,不得从事食品生产经营活动。

    No person who has not obtained a hygiene licence may engage in food production or marketing .

  10. 结果中、小学校食堂无有效食品卫生许可证者占460%;

    Results The dinning rooms without valid food health certificate accounted for 4.60 % of the total .

  11. 未取得《化妆品生产企业卫生许可证》的企业所生产的化妆品;

    The cosmetics produced by an enterprise without a Hygiene License for the Production Enterprise of Cosmetics ;

  12. 上述产品有卫生许可证,可以用于食品包装。

    The products have the hygienic certificate , allowing to use this type of packaging for food stuffs .

  13. 由法定代表人或业主签字、盖章的营业执照复印件和卫生许可证复印件;

    Copy of business license and health permit signed and affixed a seal by legal representative or the owner ;

  14. 有本条所列行为之一的吊销卫生许可证。

    If a person commits any of the acts mentioned in this Article , his hygiene licence shall be revoked .

  15. 对企业实施劳动卫生许可证、职工健康证与职业卫生制度、医疗卫生保健制度以及作业场所岗位安全卫生操作规范的管理,是实现职业卫生服务规范化管理的有效方法。

    In addition , regional medical health care system and work site safety and health operation regulation should not be ignored .

  16. 本次监测的饮用水水样为浙江省范围内的取得有效卫生许可证水厂的出厂水、管网末梢水。

    The finished water and terminal tap water samples of all waterworks with hygiene license in Zhejiang Province formed the monitoring drinking water samples .

  17. 食品安全问题是涉及到人民生命安全和身体健康的重大问题,食品卫生许可证是卫生行政部门对食品卫生和安全进行监督管理的重要方式和手段之一。

    Food-safety-hygiene license is the key way and one of the means that the department of hygiene and administration supervises the hygiene and safety of food .

  18. 一个女人正忙着做豆腐,此时他的丈夫欢天喜地地跑过来告诉她他们终于拿到了“卫生许可证”。

    A woman is busy making beancurd while her husband runs to her hilariously , saying that they have finally obtained the " sanitation license " .

  19. 海关凭允许进出口证明书查验放行。进口化妆品应标明进口化妆品卫生许可证卫生批准文号。

    The Customs shall clear the imports or exports after examining the import or export permit . Imported cosmetics should state the sanitation license and license permission number .

  20. 方法收集2000~2004年芜湖市市区桶装纯净水企业卫生许可证申请资料、审查资料和卫生监督资料进行研究。

    Methods Hygiene license application materials , inspection materials and supervision materials of barreled pure water enterprise from 2000 to 2004 in urban area of Wuhu were collected and studied .

  21. [结果]餐饮业卫生许可证持证率为91.4%,从业人员健康查体率为98.1%,培训合格率为94.8%。

    [ Results ] 91.4 % of the catering trade had sanitary certificates . 98.1 % of the employees had physical examination . The qualified rate of the training course was 94.8 % .

  22. 方法:对30家持有卫生许可证的河粉生产企业进行生产和卫生状况调查。

    Methods : 30 factories with hygienic licenses on producing and sanitary conditions were investigated , the raw material ( including rice and vegetable oil ) and prepared wet rice noodle also were sampled and detected .

  23. 结果城区、乡镇和行政村学校食堂的卫生许可证办证率、从业人员健康证持证率、食堂的基础卫生设施以及餐具消毒均存在显著差异;

    Results There were significant differences in owning sanitation license and medical certificate , the completeness of basic sanitary equipments , and the disinfectant effectiveness of dishware among schools of the district , town and village .

  24. [结果]从业人员有效健康证持有率86.1%,有效卫生许可证持有率53.6%,样品检测合格率为67.3%。

    [ Results ] The holding rate of valid health Certification rate of practitioners was 86.1 % , the sanitation licenses holding rate was 53.6 % , and the qualified rate of samples was 67.3 % .

  25. 方法对广州市30家持有卫生许可证的河粉生产企业进行生产和卫生状况调查,并对其原材料(大米和食用油)以及河粉成品抽样检测。

    Methods We investigated the production and hygienic conditions of 30 factories with hygienic permitting licenses , and collected samples including the raw material ( rice and oil ) and the finished product of wet rice noodle .

  26. 结果安徽省省级6家直管单位均持有有效公共场所卫生许可证,直接为顾客服务的从业人员持有有效预防性健康体检/卫生培训合格证上岗率为97.1%。

    Results Six units governed by provincial institution had effective permission certificate of public place hygiene . 97.1 % of the workers with qualified health and training certificate were serving guests . Qualified rate of total bacterial number on articles from guest room was 96.7 % .

  27. 可按照您的要求提供卫生和生产许可证。

    Provide Sanitary & Chamber Certificate as per your demand .

  28. 对化妆品生产企业的卫生监督实行卫生许可证制度。

    The State shall exercise hygiene supervision over the enterprises engaged in the production of cosmetics by means of Hygiene License system .

  29. 本公司能为客户提供医卫、食用的橡胶制品,并持有广东省卫生安全产品卫生许可证;

    Our company provides medical , sanitary and food rubber products with the sanitary and safe product license issued by Guangdong province ;

  30. 第二十七条食品生产经营企业和食品摊贩,必须先取得卫生行政部门发放的卫生许可证方可向工商行政管理部门申请登记。

    Article 27 Enterprises engaged in food production or marketing as well as food vendors must obtain a hygiene licence issued by the administrative department of public health before they shall be permitted to apply for registration with the administrative departments of industry and commerce .