
  • 网络Methodist University;Wesleyan University
  1. 1986年在美国南方卫理公会大学获电子工程学博士学位。

    Zhang Rujing received a doctor degree in Electronic Engineering from Southern Methodist University , the US , in1986 .

  2. 加纳毕业于德克萨斯大学法学院,执教于德克萨斯大学法学院和南方卫理公会大学法学院,并获南方卫理公会大学法学院杰出客座教授的称号。

    A graduate of the University of Texas School of Law , Garner has taught there and at Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law , where he bears the title distinguished adjunct professor .

  3. 安吉拉•布莱利出生于达拉斯,在德州理工大学(TexasTechUniversity)获得学士学位之后继续前往南卫理公会大学法学院(SouthernMethodistUniversitySchoolofLaw)深造。

    Born in Dallas , Angela Braly followed up her undergraduate years at Texas Tech University by heading to law school at Southern Methodist University School of Law .

  4. 去年,sneary先生将他的设备与德克萨斯州达拉斯市南卫理公会大学的锅炉相连接。

    Last year , Mr. sneary connected his device to the boilers at Southern Methodist University in Dallas , Texas .

  5. 去年,SNEARY将他的设备与德州达拉斯市南卫理公会大学的锅炉连接起来,他使用该系统的废热来发电,帮助减少该校的电费。

    The heat-recycling technology can work with solar energy collectors , coal-fired power plants and internal engines -- almost any industrial process that produces waste heat . Last year , Mr. Sneary connected his device to the boilers at Southern Methodist University in Dallas , Texas .

  6. 对于被南方卫理公会大学(S.M.U.)和其他学校击败,我感到非常沮丧。

    I got utterly frustrated with S.M.U.and other schools beating us .

  7. 那是位于田纳西州的孟菲斯卫理公会大学医院。

    It was Methodist University Hospital in Memphis , Tennessee .

  8. 肝移植手术在卫理公会大学医院

    This is what a liver surgery looks like at Methodist University Hospital

  9. 哈维·莱西有两个上大学的儿子,其中一个就读南部卫理公会大学。他听说这个计划后,贡献了他的发明。

    Harvey Lacey , father of two college-aged sons , including one here at SMU , heard about this project and contributed his invention .