
  • 网络Health Department;Ministry of Health;Department of Public Health
  1. 辽宁省卫生厅医政处处长宋文舸说。

    Song Wenge , the director of medical affairs under Liaoning Provincial Department of Public Health , said .

  2. 黑龙江省卫生厅在卫生事业单位机构改革中,探索了人员分流的七种主要途径:(1)系统内调剂余缺,优化人员配置分流;

    During its reforms , Heilongjiang Department of Public Health found out several approaches to resettle personnel : 1.regulate staff supplies to optimize personnel assignment ;

  3. 卫生厅日前发出通报,江苏省一位患儿感染罕见的欧洲类禽H1N1猪流感病毒,为亚太地区首例。

    The Ministry of Health said that a boy in Jiangsu was confirmed as infected with the rare European avian-like H1N1 swine influenza , the first such case in Asia-Pacific areas .

  4. 介绍在山东省卫生厅、人事厅的领导和支持下,山东省继续医学教育(CME)中心办公室开展广泛而深入的继续医学教育工作,各方面均有较大发展。

    With the leadership and support from Shandong Medical Department and Shandong Personnel Bureau , Shandong Provincial CME Center has done quite a few things wide-ranging and thoroughgoing and made remarkable achievement .

  5. 浙江省卫生厅周三发布通报,该省确诊2例人感染H7N9禽流感病例,其中1名患者已于上周死亡。

    Two more cases of H7N9 bird flu virus have been detected in Zhejiang province , including a man who died last week , authorities said on Wednesday .

  6. 这位54岁的卫生厅厅长在新浪微博上吸引了100多万人关注。

    The 54-year-old health official has more than one million followers on Sina Weibo .

  7. 据省卫生厅说,没有危险和死亡病例。

    There has been no critical or death case , the provincial health department said .

  8. 本论文来源于四川省卫生厅编号为100433的科学研究项目。

    This thesis comes from the scientific research project of Sichuan Provincial Health Department and the number is 100433 .

  9. 2004年《头部降温帽的临床应用》获省卫生厅新技术应用三等奖。

    In2004 ," the head of the clinical application of cooling cap " Health Department application of new technologies in third .

  10. 卫生厅表示,同患者有过亲密接触的其他人员目前均未出现禽流感症状。

    None of the people who came into close contact with the patients have developed symptoms of the flu , the health department said .

  11. 目前承担着省科委、卫生厅公关项目3项,承德市科委重点项目2项。

    At present , undertake 3 key task projects of Provincial Scientific Committee and Health Department , 2 key projects of Chengde Scientific Committee .

  12. 一位署名“大侠”的网友质问刘维忠究竟是功夫大师还是卫生厅官员。

    One online writer going by the name " Da Xia " asked whether Liu was a kung fu master or a health official .

  13. 研究方法:采用问卷调查和访谈法,调查了5个省市104家医院的护士毕业后规范化培训现状和需求,同时对3名省卫生厅护理专干以及71名护理负责人进行了访谈。

    Methods : 104 hospitals from 5 provinces / cities were investigated and 3 provincial health department nursing managers and 71 nursing managers were interviewed .

  14. 该方法已经在笔者参加的福建省卫生厅药品招标采购系统的开发中得到应用,并取得了较好的效果。

    This method has been used and proved during the process of medicine bidding system development by Fujian Public Health Department and gained satisfactory result .

  15. 安徽省卫生厅在实施新《两纲》过程中建立健全了配套的法律法规及相关的保障性措施;

    Health Ministry of Anhui Province set up the corresponding laws and rules and used indemnificatory measure during carrying out new " Two Outlines " .

  16. 广东省卫生厅委托南方医科大学和香港理工大学联合承办首批专科护士研究生课程班的教育项目。

    Southern Medical University combined with Hong Kong Polytechnic University undertook first education project of specialized nurse graduate course class which entrusted by National Health Ministry .

  17. 浙江省卫生厅妇幼处对5所市地级妇幼保健院、6所市地级综合医院、11所县级综合性医院、11所乡镇卫生院进行了产科质量检查。

    The obstetrical quality has been checked in 5 MCH institutes , 6 hospitals in town , 11 hospitals in county and 11 hospitals in village .

  18. 在这种情况下,省卫生厅昨天宣布:吃过问题奶粉的患儿都将获免费筛查。

    Concerning the problem , Liaoning Provincial Department of Public Health announced yesterday that any infant who had tainted milk powder would receive free medical examination .

  19. 人们来往香港和广东很频繁“我们会加强监督,”昨天广东省卫生厅发文件说到。

    With people flowing frequently between Hong Kong and Guangdong " we will intensify our supervision ," said Guangdong Provincial Health Bureau yesterday in a statement .

  20. 据浙江省卫生厅消息,洪某是3月7日在邻省江苏省工作时感染上病毒的,随后于3月18日返回了浙江省的家中。

    Hong was infected on March 7 while working in neighboring Jiangsu province . He returned home on March 18 , according to the Zhejiang health department .

  21. 来自福建省卫生厅的10人代表团赴新考察社区综合诊疗所,并同新保集团进一步商讨医疗人员培训事宜。

    A10-member delegation from Fujian Provincial Health Bureau made a study visit to Singapore to better understand Singapore 's polyclinics and further discuss training programme with SingHealth .

  22. 安徽省卫生厅初步调查,此次感染中发现的丙肝阳性者均在河南省一个体诊所接受过不卫生的再生针头注射。

    The disease spread after a private clinic in the neighboring Henan province allegedly reused dirty needles , according to initial investigations led by Anhui 's health bureau .

  23. “调查开始至今,我根本没有接到过卫生厅的电话,也没有见到他们的人。”易文龙周二接受《中国日报》采访时说。

    " I have never been contacted or interviewed by health officials or officials with the ongoing investigation until now ," Yi Wenlong told China Daily on Tuesday .

  24. 利用2004年福建省卫生厅调查的社区卫生服务机构相关统计资料,通过计算基尼系数,评价福建省社区卫生资源分布的公平性。

    Equity of community health resources distribution was evaluated by Gini coefficient , which calculated with data of community health service organizations collected by Health Bureau of Fujian in2004 .

  25. 作为山东省承担对非洲医疗援助工作的行政部门,山东省卫生厅在援外医疗派遣工作中有着至关重要的作用。

    As the administration that taking the medical aid to Africa as its main task , the Health Department of Shandong Province plays an important part in this field .

  26. 2007年9月,通过卫生厅科教处核实,最终获得符合要求的调查问卷759份。

    In September 2007 , the questionnaires that were finally satisfactory to the requirement totaled 759 after approved by the Department of Science & Education of the Health Department .

  27. 黑龙江省卫生厅于上周六发布紧急通知,要求各大医院以及医疗机构安装警报器、摄像头及门禁系统,以加强对医护人员的安全保护。

    The provincial health department issued an urgent circular Saturday , urging hospitals and medical institutions to install alarms , cameras and access control systems to strengthen security for medical workers .

  28. 随后,兰州大学第二医院泌尿外科就此婴幼儿泌尿系结石爆发事件及时上报甘肃省卫生厅。

    Then , this emergency accident of urinary stones in children was promptly informed to the Health Department of Gansu Province by the department of urology in Lanzhou University Second Hospital .

  29. 方法卫生厅组织于2004年10月30日至12月30日对我省厅直6家综合大医院内镜消毒灭菌质量进行现场检查和采样监测。

    Methods From Dec. 6 , 2004 to Dec. 15 , 2004 , the direct inspection and samples collected randomly to examine the quality of disinfection and sterilization of endoscope in 6 hospitals .

  30. 其将在艾滋病防治的宣传教育、行为干预及对病人与家属的关怀帮助等方面发挥作用,其业务主管单位为省卫生厅。

    AIDS prevention in its publicity and education , behavioral intervention and care for patients and families to help play a role , the business unit in charge of the Ministry of Health .