
  • 网络satellite telemetry;Satellite remote sensing
  1. 基于多Agent卫星遥测数据实时监测与诊断技术

    Real-time Monitoring and Diagnosis Technology for Satellite Telemetry Data Based on Multi-Agent

  2. 基于FPGA的卫星遥测遥控通道设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Satellite Telemetry and Telecontrol Channel Sub-system Based on FPGA

  3. 大气校正对SPOT卫星遥测水质的影响

    Effect of Atmospheric Correction on Stream Water Quality Monitoring by Using Spot Satellite Remote Sensing Images

  4. 用GMS-5气象卫星遥测地面太阳总辐射

    Observation of Solar Irradiance at the Surface from GMS-5

  5. àTrous小波在卫星遥测数据递归预测中的应用

    Application of à Trous Wavelet to Satellite Telemetry Data Recursive Prediction

  6. 卫星遥测与在线实时监测技术

    Satellite telemetering System and On line & Real time Monitoring Technique

  7. 卫星遥测系统故障仿真与报警系统的设计

    Development of Fault Simulation and Alarming System of Satellite Telemetry System

  8. 卫星遥测分析可见信息;

    Visual information for satellite telemetry analysis ;

  9. 卫星遥测数据处理终端软件

    Satellite telemetry data processing terminal software

  10. 人工神经网络在卫星遥测定量降雨估算中的应用

    Application of Artificial Neural Network ( ANN ) in Quantitative Precipitation Estimating from GMS Satellite Remote-sensing

  11. 卫星遥测数据自动处理系统

    Satellite telemetry automatic reduction system

  12. 对卫星遥测数据采集处理过程中的同步检测、差错控制等问题进行了讨论。

    Discussion is also given on such problems as data synchro-detecting , error-control in procedure of satellite telemetry data acquisition and processing .

  13. 本研究旨在探讨应用卫星遥测资料估测六龟台湾杉人工林叶面积指数之可行性。

    The purpose of this study is to apply a remote sensing method for estimating the Leaf Area Index , LAI , of Taiwania plantations in the Lukuei area .

  14. 因此低信噪比情况下点目标检测便成为卫星遥测、防空预警以及深空制导等领域信息处理中的核心技术。

    So low SNR circumstances point target detection will become satellite remote sensing , air defense early-warning and guidance in areas such as deep-space information processing in the core technology .

  15. CORTEX测控终端是基于PC结构、WINDOWSnt操作系统,具有卫星数据遥测、遥控,卫星测距和模拟、测量等功能的遥测遥控集成处理系统。

    CORTEX monitor terminal is an integrated command Ranging and Telemetry system , which based on PC architecture and Windows NT operating system .

  16. 小卫星软件遥测方案及模块化设计方法

    Module design method for telemetry software of micro - satellite

  17. SDS&491型卫星水文遥测数据采集传输系统的检测及其应用

    Detection and Application of SDS-491 Satellite Hydrology Telemetry Data

  18. 这些卫星的遥测信号虽然调制方式基本一致,均为PCM/PSK/FM调制信号,但是具体参数却不相同。

    The modulation types of the telemetry signals of these satellites are mainly the same , that is PCM / PSK / FM modulated signals , but the specific parameters are different .

  19. 小卫星电源系统遥测数据的区间预测技术

    Prediction interval technique for small satellite power system telemetry data

  20. 卫星通信水情遥测系统

    Hydrological Forecasting Telemetry Systems Using Satellite Communication

  21. 由于卫星通信的遥测参数和数据格式的多样性,为满足不同卫星测试的要求,需要提供不同的信号源。

    As the telemetry parameters and the data formats of satellite communication are various , the differ - ent signal sources are needed to satisfy the requests of tests for different satellites .

  22. 现代通信系统中,微波双工器是重要组成部件之一,用于信道的选择和信道分离与合成,广泛应用于微波通信、卫星通信、遥测遥控,其性能优劣将直接影响整个通信系统的质量。

    Microwave diplexers are very a important part of modern communication system , and usually select and join channel . So they are generally used in microwave communication , satellite communication and remote sensing system .

  23. 对卫星的跟踪、遥测、控制和回收工作则由西安卫星测控中心(XSCC)和五个固定测控站、两个机动站、回收站和远望号测量船完成。

    Satellite 's tracking , telemetry , control and recovery are executed by the facilities of Xian Satellite Control Center ( XSCC ) and five fixed and two mobile TTC stations , the mobile recovery posts and " Yan Wang " instrumentation ship .

  24. 随着卫星通讯、卫星遥感、水声遥测以及数据同化等技术的不断发展与成熟,海洋环境监测已进入从空间、沿岸、水面及水下对海洋环境进行立体监测的时代。

    With the development and mature of the satellite communications , satellite remote sensing , acoustic telemetry and data assimilation , Marine environment monitoring has entered the era of integrated monitoring from the space , coastal , surface and underwater monitoring .

  25. 目前,BPSK调制方式已广泛应用在数字卫星通信系统、移动卫星通信系统、遥测遥控系统中。

    At present , the way of BPSK demodulation is widely used in digital satellite communicating system , mobile satellite communicating system , telemetry system and telecontrol system .

  26. 该系统利用网络化设计,采用频谱模板比对、卫星信标电平校准、信号模式识别、卫星遥测信号提取等技术,提高了卫星干扰监测的准确度和自动化程度;

    The system adopts comparison of spectrum template , calibration of beaconing , mode identification , telemetering pick-up technology and improve the inspection technology of satellite interference .

  27. 预测卫星电源母线电压数据表明,该方法满足预测卫星遥测数据的要求。

    Finally , the data for predicting satellite power bus voltage shows that this method meets the expectations of satellite telemetry data prediction .

  28. 该论文的研究主要是源于卫星信号地面接收站需要接收低轨卫星下发的遥测信号。

    The study of this paper originates from the telemetry signals of some LEO satellites that are needed for reception by one satellite signal receiving station .