
diē fú
  • volume or amount of decrease or fall;extent of decrease
跌幅 [diē fú]
  • [drop range] 下跌的幅度

  1. 龙头股指数录得16个百分点的跌幅。

    The index of the performance of leading shares recorded a 16 per cent fall .

  2. 2015年,中国劳动年龄人口遭遇现代史上最大跌幅。

    China 's working-age population saw its largest decline in modern China 's history in 2015 .

  3. 道琼斯工业平均指数(dowjonesindustrialaverage)大跌508点(跌幅近23%)。

    The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 508 points , or almost 23 per cent .

  4. 3DSystems的股价由2014年初的96美元下滑至如今的27美元,跌幅达71%。

    3D Systems shares have fallen 71 per cent , from a high of $ 96 at the start of 2014 to $ 27 today .

  5. 壳牌(shell)和英国石油(bp)相对于大盘的跌幅自今年年初以来已超过10%。

    Shell and BP are both down against the market by over 10 per cent since the start of the year .

  6. Collective的股价目前约为21美元,较年初的跌幅略超过5%。

    Its shares are trading at about $ 21 , down just over 5 per cent from the start of the year .

  7. 江西铜业(jiangxicopper)和中国铝业(aluminumcorpofchina)跌幅均超过8%,市场担忧经济增长放缓将影响需求,从而导致大宗商品期货下跌。

    Jiangxi copper and aluminum Corp of China both lost more than 8 per cent as commodities futures fell on concern that slowing economic growth would hurt demand .

  8. 根据摩根士丹利(morganstanley)的计算,中国出口跌幅按本币衡量为大约10%。

    Morgan Stanley calculates the Chinese export contraction , measured in local currency , is around 10 per cent .

  9. 跟踪在港上市内地企业的恒生中国企业指数(hangsengchinaenterprisesindex)下跌近7%,为逾三年以来最大跌幅。

    The Hang Seng China Enterprises Index , tracking Chinese companies listed in the territory , fell almost 7 per cent in its worst decline in more than three years .

  10. 在2007年11月的上次IPO浪潮期间,恒生指数从峰顶至低谷的跌幅达17%。

    During the last big wave of IPOs in November 2007 , the Hang Seng fell 17 per cent from peak to trough .

  11. 昨日,BP在伦敦的股价收于430便士以下,下跌13%:为自1992年6月26日当时的首席执行官被迫辞职以来的最大跌幅。

    Its shares closed 13 per cent lower at 430p in London trading : the steepest drop since June 26 1992 , when the chief executive was forced to resign .

  12. 据凯投宏观(CapitalEconomics)分析师表示,目前房价比2006年达到的峰值水平下跌了33%,跌幅超过大萧条时期的31%。

    House prices are now 33 per cent below their peak in 2006 – a sharper fall than the 31 per cent drop recorded during the Great Depression , according to analysts at Capital Economics .

  13. 香港H股和纽约上市的中国企业ADR跌幅略小,但仍然超过了20%。

    Hong Kong-quoted H-shares and New York-quoted ADRs are down a bit less , but still by more than 20 per cent .

  14. 恒生指数(HangSengIndex)创下有记录以来最大点数下跌之一,跌幅达5.8%,抹去了之前12个月的全部涨幅。

    The Hang Seng index suffered one of its biggest point drops on record , shedding 5.8 per cent to erase all its gains over the previous 12 months .

  15. 劳埃德银行(lloyds)的股价跌幅与此相仿,该银行将裁员1.5万人。

    Shares of Lloyds , which is cutting 15000 jobs , are down nearly that much .

  16. 上月cpi下降的一大因素是食品价格下跌,其跌幅为1.9%。

    Falling food prices were a large contributor to the dip in CPI last month , with a drop of 1.9 per cent .

  17. 据imf的最新估计,与一般周期相比,此次下跌的幅度是正常跌幅的3倍,而所用时间是正常时间的四分之一。

    Compared with the average cycle , they dropped by three times the usual amount in a quarter of the usual time , according to new estimates by the IMF .

  18. 2012年全年的节假旺季,尽管经济在复苏,PC的销量依然同比下跌了6%到10%(具体跌幅还是取决于大家各自采信的数据来源)。

    Over the 2012 holiday gift season , PC sales declined by between 6 % and 10 % over the previous year ( again , depending on whose data you believe ), even as the economy was recovering .

  19. 渣打银行(StandardChartered)估计,中国多数城市的房价将下跌10%至20%,而在去年涨幅最高的上海、北京和深圳,跌幅将达到20%至30%。

    Standard Chartered estimates that house prices will fall by 10-20 per cent in most cities and by 20-30 per cent in Shanghai , Beijing and Shenzhen , which saw the steepest prices increases last year .

  20. 但由于韩国股市上涨,整个亚太地区的跌幅有限。富时亚太指数(FTSEAsia-Pacific)仅下跌0.1%,收于268.02点。

    Losses across the region were contained thanks to gains in South Korea , leaving the FTSE Asia Pacific index down just 0.1 per cent at 268.02 .

  21. 截至6月20日,富达中国自年初以来已经下跌逾20%,而其比较基准指数&摩根士丹利资本国际中国指数(MSCIChina)的跌幅则为4%。

    As of Monday 20 June , Fidelity China had fallen more than 20 per cent since the start of the year , compared with a 4 per cent fall in the MSCI China , its benchmark index .

  22. 指数中最大的公司中国工商银行(ICBC)下跌4.9%,创2008年10月以来的最大跌幅。

    Industrial & Commercial Bank of China ( ICBC ), the biggest company in the index , slid 4.9 per cent , the most since October 2008 .

  23. 自雷曼(lehman)破产震惊世界以来,全球所有主要股市均告下跌,其中跌幅最大的有英国和美国,分别达到四分之一和三分之一。

    Since Lehman shook the world , every main stock market is down : among the biggest , declines range from a quarter in the UK to a third in the US .

  24. 上周,投资者对石油输出国组织(Opec,简称欧佩克)投了不信任票,尽管该组织决定减产,但油价跌幅仍为近20年之最。

    Investors delivered a vote of no confidence in Opec last week when oil prices plummeted by the most in almost two decades even though the cartel decided to curb production .

  25. 然而信用违约互换(cds)显示,欧洲垃圾债券的跌幅并不比美国垃圾债券更大,而据瑞信(creditsuisse)估计,当前收益率意味着违约率将只有4%,并不是那么高。

    Yet credit default swaps show European junk bonds fell little more than us junk , and Credit Suisse reckons current yields are in line with a default rate of just 4 per cent , not that high .

  26. 自6月中旬达到每桶115美元以来,国际油价基准之一布伦特(Brent)原油价格已累计下跌25%,美国油价基准西德克萨斯中质原油(WestTexasIntermediate)也创下类似跌幅。

    Since reaching $ 115 a barrel in mid June , Brent , the international oil marker , has fallen 25 per cent , while West Texas Intermediate , the US equivalent , is down by a similar amount .

  27. 低端迷你笔记本电脑的发货量跌幅最大,但IDC认为,影响整个PC市场的是Windows8遇冷。微软公司(Microsoft)推出这款产品的目的是适应平板电脑的崛起。

    Mini Notebooks saw the biggest decline on the low end , but the whole market was affected by what IDC calls weak reception for Windows 8 , Microsoft 's ( MSFT ) answer to the rise of the tablet .

  28. 根据路透(Reuters)数据,卢布兑美元汇率一度触及1美元兑53.86卢布的创纪录低点,跌幅达6.5%,尽管随后收复了部分失地。

    At one point the rouble hit a record low of 53.86 to the dollar - a move of 6.5 per cent , according to Reuters data - though it later pared some of its losses .

  29. 俄罗斯最大的投资银行之一&资本复兴公司(RenaissanceCapital)昨日表示,将以5亿美元价格把50%股权出售给一位亿万富翁;上周俄罗斯市场出现十年来最大跌幅,推动了这桩交易。

    Renaissance Capital , one of Russia 's biggest investment banks , yesterday said it was selling a 50 per cent stake to a billionaire oligarch for $ 500m in a deal accelerated by the steepest declines on the Russian market in a decade last week .

  30. 它面临金砖四国(bric,包括巴西、印度和中国)新兴市场中最陡峭的经济跌幅,以及最大的债务重组问题。

    It faces the steepest economic decline of all the emerging markets in the BRIC group which includes Brazil , India and China as well as the biggest debt restructuring problem .