
diē shuǐ
  • head fall;water fall;drop;hydraulic drop;ladder in the canals
跌水 [diē shuǐ]
  • (1) [drop]∶突然下降 的水流

  • (2) [ladder in the canals]∶水渠或排水沟中在水流突然下降的地方修筑的台阶状衔接设施

跌水[diē shuǐ]
  1. 可调式跌水网格混合器的混合性能研究

    Study on Mixing Performance of Adjustable Head Fall Mixer with Grids

  2. 可调式跌水网格混合器设计参数对水头损失的影响

    Effect of design parameters of adjustable head fall grid mixer on head loss

  3. 公园绿地中空气负离子浓度最高,于人民公园雒水岐小瀑布跌水处可达5760个/cm~3,空气质量指数Ci值远远超过1,平均为7.69;

    Air negative-ion concentration in waterfall in People 's Park is 5760 / cm3 , which is the highest of the whole town .

  4. 浅谈株洲市文化园跌水工程设计

    On the Design of the Waterfall Engineering of Zhuzhou Cultural Park

  5. 自由跌水是一种在自然界以及工程应用上普遍存在的水力现象。

    Free overfall is a basic hydraulic phenomenon in nature and engineering .

  6. 低温下跌水曝气接触氧化处理乡村生活污水

    Water-dropping aerating bio-contact oxidation process for treating rural sewage at low temperature

  7. 跌水坎流体动力性噪声模拟试验研究

    Noise Modeling Experimentation for Fluid-dynamic Noise on Energy Dissipater

  8. 跌水坝可实现沟壑的快速治理

    Role of Drop Dam in Gully Control Engineering Works

  9. 跌水别墅是美国建筑师赖特的著名作品。

    Fallingwater is a world-famous masterpiece of the American architect Frank Lloyd Wright .

  10. 跌水式加筋土溢流拦河坝的设计

    Design of hydraulic drop reinforced earth overflow dam

  11. 悬臂喷嘴式跌水&一种新型沟头防护工程

    Overhanging nozzle type drops - a new kind of construction for gully head protection

  12. 在莫卧儿人的花园中,跌水使山川和溪流变得更迷人。

    In the Mogul garden , the chadhar idealizes the mountain and its stream .

  13. 跌水曝气的应用初探

    On the application of drop - aeration

  14. 厌氧/跌水充氧接触氧化/人工湿地处理农村污水

    Combined Process of Anaerobic / Waterfall Aeration Contact Oxidation / Constructed Wetland for Rural Sewage Treatment

  15. 针对以太湖水质的特点,跌水曝气生物接触氧化预处理成为首选方法。

    The drop aeration-biological contact oxidation process is the image method based on the characteristics of the Tai-hu water .

  16. 通过模型试验,研究可调式跌水网格混合器主要设计参数对水头损失的影响。

    According to adjustable head fall mixer , the effect of mixer parameters on head loss was studied in the model experiment .

  17. 采用跌水曝气系统,可以使污水处理厂的运行费用得到降低,减少运行成本;可以很好的适应丘陵、山区的地形特点,进行因地制宜的设计,减少工程造价和人为对生态环境的破坏。

    The falling water aeration may reduce running cost of the sewage treatment plant , is adaptive for foothill and the mountainous areas , and reduces project investment and environments damage .

  18. 试验结果表明,生物滤沟采用多级跌水的自然曝气方式是成功的,能有效的控制出水的嗅味、氨氮值和提高有机物的去除效果。

    The result demonstrate that aeration by multilevel weirs of the BFG can improve the water quality of effluent , especially can effectively decrease the odour and organic contaminants in water .

  19. 由试验与分析结果发现跌水射流之强度与方向为影响桥墩冲刷的主要因素,而桥墩所在位置之底床型态则是影响其冲刷结果的次要因素。

    The objective of this study is to investigate the relationships among field , laboratory , and numerical data for the purpose of improving scour prediction methods for complex bridge piers .

  20. 结果表明:双养子沟内崩塌滑坡体十分发育,沟床含有丰富的固体松散物质,沟内还分布有多处跌水坎及天然堆石坝;

    Earthquake induced acitive development of disasters as collapse , landslide and provided abundant incompact solid matters , in addition , there are several drop water dams and rockfill dams in the gully .

  21. 工程中泄水建筑物与电站厂房之间容易出现跌水、侧收缩等问题,严重地影响了泄水建筑物的泄流量和电站的安全运行。

    Hydraulic drop and side contraction often occur between the flood-releasing structure and power-house in many projects , which badly influence on the discharge of flood-releasing structure and the safe running of the plant .

  22. 介绍了株洲市文化园跌水工程建筑、结构、工艺流程设计特点,提出了施工过程中存在的一些问题以及解决问题的工程措施。

    An analysis is made of the characteristics of the construction , design and process flow of the waterfall engineering of Zhuzhou Cultural Park , with some suggestions on how to handle the problems to be solved in this project .

  23. 景观造景除了美化试验小区的功能外,还兼有污水深度处理的功能,通过景观造景的变化,造成跌水等景观,形成一个自然充氧的过程从而抑制有害藻类的大量繁殖。

    Landscape in addition to beautify the experimental plot , but also deeply treat of sewage , by the changing of landscape creating the plunge , and forming a natural scenery of the process of oxygen filling curb harmful algae multiply .

  24. 最后得出,跌水曝气系统可以作为一种独立的曝气方式设计使用,是适合中国中小型城镇水环境控制的污水处理改进技术;

    The conclusion indicated that the falling water aeration can be designed and used as an independent aeration , and , it is an upgraded technology of sewage treatment which is adaptive for city water environment control in middle and small towns in China .