
qī qī
  • luxuriant
萋萋 [qī qī]
  • [luxuriant] 草长得茂盛的样子

  • 芳草萋萋鹦鹉洲。--唐. 崔颢《黄鹤楼》诗

萋萋[qī qī]
  1. 晴川历历汉阳树,芳草萋萋鹦鹉洲。(崔颢《黄鹤楼》)

    Clear and bright in the sunlit stream the trees of hanyang ,| fragrant grasses , lush and green , all over parrot isle .

  2. 沙斯塔独自在蓝天下芳草萋萋的山坡上。

    He was alone with the horse on a grassy hillside under a blue sky .

  3. 沙斯培看不清前边是什么,只看见这地方十分开阔,青草萋萋。

    He could not see what was ahead except that it was all open and grassy .

  4. 园内芳草萋萋,绿树成荫。小河和池塘里波光粼粼,沁人心脾。这一切全是人工建造的。

    There are plenty of shade trees , much grass and lots of cool water in ponds and lakes and rivers & all man-made .

  5. 西森怀着极其复杂的感情,看着梅花散落在他亲自移植过来的绚丽多彩的萋萋樱草上。

    With tangled emotions , Syson noted the plum blossom falling on the profuse , coloured primroses , which he himself had brought here and set .

  6. 大牛:虽然这里人烟稀少,但是景色实在是太美了,芳草萋萋,山花浪漫。

    Although it 's a sparsely populated area , the scenery here is really beautiful due to the lush grass and " lang man " flowers .

  7. 这儿的峡谷又是另一番景象:谷中急水奔流,穿峡而过,两岸树木葱茏,鲜花繁茂,碧草萋萋,活脱脱一幅生机盎然的天然风景画。

    It is another gorge through which a rapid stream flows . Trees , flowers and grass , a picture of natural vitality , thrive on both banks .

  8. 他们不久就来到河流边上,他们经由一条芳草萋萋而上:现在他们的左边是河水,右边是树林。

    They soon reached the River and turned up it where there was a grassy road : they had the water on their left and the forest on their right .

  9. 这是一个让人感到愉快、舒适的农庄,花园色彩缤纷,草坪上绿树成荫。园内芳草萋萋,绿树成荫。小河和池塘里波光粼粼,沁人心脾。这一切全是人工建造的。

    It was a pleasant , comfortable farm with gardens of rich colour and large shady green trees and lawns There are plenty of shade trees , much grass and lots of cool water in ponds and lakes and rivers & all man-made .

  10. 城镇化发展中的村镇建设用地整理&以河南省沁阳市为例园内芳草萋萋,绿树成荫。小河和池塘里波光粼粼,沁人心脾。这一切全是人工建造的。

    Land consolidation of village and township during urbanization : A case study in Qinyang city of Henan province ; There are plenty of shade trees , much grass and lots of cool water in ponds and lakes and rivers & all man-made .