
jiān cè
  • monitor;survey
监测 [jiān cè]
  • [monitor] 监管并检测

  • 监测大气污染情况

监测[jiān cè]
  1. 他们实际上在监测鱼类迁往上游的活动。

    They actually monitor the movement of the fish going up river .

  2. 医生会监测你的血压。

    Your doctor will monitor your blood pressure

  3. 那名患者的血液化学成分受到了定时的监测。

    The patient 's blood chemistry was monitored regularly .

  4. 他被实时监测,定时量血压。

    He is being constantly monitored with regular checks on his blood pressure .

  5. 对他的脑电波进行了连续监测。

    His brainwaves were constantly monitored .

  6. 这也许能提供一个监测空气中二氧化碳含量的既快又准的方法。

    This may provide a quick and accurate way of monitoring the amount of carbon dioxide in the air

  7. 机器人并不局限于放牧和监测牧群。

    The robots are not limited to herding and monitoring livestock .

  8. 对于前列腺癌,手术、放疗或仔细监测是最好的吗?

    Is surgery , radiation or careful monitoring best for prostate cancer ?

  9. 调查发现,对于健康监测、智能恒温器和联网家庭摄像机的需求也是持平的。

    And the survey found flat demand for fitness monitors , smart thermostats and connected home cameras , as well .

  10. 机器人从不同的方面给农民带来了巨大的裨益,从捕猎到杂草清除,再到监测每个水果的状况。

    The robots have provided major benefits to farmers in various ways , from hunting and pulling weeds to monitoring the condition of every single fruit .

  11. 建立在苏联时期的据点,俄罗斯正扩展其格洛纳斯监测站,俄罗斯的全球位置测定系统。

    Building on a Soviet-era foothold , Russia is expanding its monitoring stations for Glonass , its version of the Global Positioning System ( GPS ) .

  12. 目前,威尔士正在对机器人进行为期两年的试验,该试验将训练“农业机器人”放牧,监测牲畜的健康状况,并确保有足够的牧场供它们取食。

    Robots are currently under a two-year trial in Wales which will train " farmbots " to herd , monitor the health of livestock , and make sure there is enough pasture for them to graze on .

  13. 俄罗斯在南极洲至少有三个正在运行着的站,这是为挑战美国全球位置测定系统统治地位做出的部分努力,在东正教圣三一教堂脚下,新的类似俄罗斯基地的监测站正在筹划中。

    At least three Russian stations are already operating in Antarctica , part of its effort to challenge the dominance of the American GPS , and new stations are planned for sites like the Russian base , in the shadow of the Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity .

  14. 该公司一直在尝试建立监测站,这些监测站打算用来生成精确至分钟的室外空气污染地图。

    It has been trying out monitoring stations that are intended to yield minute-to-minute maps of outdoor air pollution .

  15. 这些监测站也能监测包括办公室在内的建筑物内的空气情况。

    Such stations will also be able to keep an eye on what is happening inside buildings , including offices .

  16. 所有这些,再加上加利福尼亚州科技创新之州而闻名,使得该州成为开发和测试详细监测污染系统的理想之地。

    All of which , combined with California 's reputation as the home of technological innovation , makes the place ideal for developing and testing systems designed to monitor pollution in detail .

  17. 美国鱼类和野生动物管理局仔细监测和管理黄石公园的狼群。

    The U . S . Fish and Wildlife Service carefully monitors and manages the wolf packs in Yellowstone .

  18. 老年人的健康需要更多的监测和护理。

    The health of old people needs greater monitoring and care .

  19. 期间,他在这座火山周围设置了高精度的GPS定位站网络,从而监测它的动向。

    In that time , he 's placed a network of high-precision GPS stations around the mountain to monitor its behaviour .

  20. 轨道、通信、信号、供电、灾害监测等系统的动态检测和调试已完成,整体系统功能得到了优化。铁路部门介绍,牡佳高铁联调联试结束后,将转入运行试验阶段(trialoperation),为后续全线开通运营奠定基础。

    The dynamic detection and debugging of rail track , communication , signal , power supply , disaster monitoring and other systems has been completed and the whole system has been optimized , the group said .

  21. 世界卫生组织官员估计暂停会持续一至两周,因为试验数据安全监测委员会要参考从SOLIDARITY临床试验和其他进行中的研究中所收集的信息,从而确定继续使用羟氯喹是否安全。

    WHO officials estimated the pause would last a week or two as the trial 's data safety monitoring board considers information already collected from the Solidarity trial and other ongoing studies to determine whether it 's safe to continue with hydroxychloroquine .

  22. 志愿者在洞穴内的这段时间,人类适应研究所的法国和瑞士科学家密切监测了他们的活动。

    French and Swiss scientists at the Human Adaption Institute monitored the volunteers closely during their time in the cave .

  23. 加强进口冷链食品新冠病毒风险监测截至2021年1月13日24时,全国海关共抽样检测样本近130万个,检出核酸阳性结果47个。

    By Wednesday , approximately 1.3 million cold-chain products had been sampled for nucleic acid testing , with 47 tested positive .

  24. 据中国国际旅游监测2016年的数据显示,2015年,中国出境游客人均消费额达到22592元。

    According to Chinese International Travel Monitor 2016 , the per capita spending of Chinese outbound travelers hit 22592 yuan ( $ 3370 ) in 2015 .

  25. 按计划开展日常的生活照料、身体锻炼,定期监测、维持与评估自身健康状态。

    Fourth , they will manage their own health through daily life care , physical exercise , and regular monitoring and assessment of their own health status .

  26. 东芬兰大学的研究团队调查了2570名中年男性,从20世纪80年代开始就一直监测他们的健康状况和死亡率。

    A team from the University of Eastern Finland worked with 2570 middle-aged men , monitoring their health and mortality from the 1980s to the present day .

  27. 《条例》指出,要强化粮食质量安全监管,建立健全粮食流通质量安全风险监测体系,规定粮食收购者收购粮食,应当按照国家有关规定进行质量安全检验。

    Underscoring the inspection for monitoring the safety risks in the process of circulation . It also requires grain purchasers to conduct quality checks as per national rules .

  28. 科研人员将对其在野外的健康状况、遗传信息、生存能力等进行持续实时监测和研究。

    Researchers will continue monitoring and studying the tiger 's health status and genetic information , as well as its chances of survival in the wild , the administration said .

  29. 全国重点监测的粮食生产、加工企业的复工率达94.6%;天然气、电力、成品油供应充足。

    About 94.6 percent of the country 's major grain production and processing firms have resumed production , while supply of natural gas , electricity and refined oil is sufficient .

  30. 国家林草局为该老虎取名为“完达山1号”,并将其送往中国横道河子猫科动物饲养繁育中心进行医学检查和健康监测。

    The tiger , which was named Wandashan-1 by the National Forestry and Grassland Administration , was transported to the China Hengdaohezi Feline Breeding Center in April for medical examination and health monitoring .