
  • 网络MIST;White Mist
  1. 我们在船上只看见一片白雾,先生。

    We saw the mist from the ship , sire .

  2. 就好像打坐一样,整个宇宙看起来像一团白雾。

    It is like being in meditation , when the entire cosmos looks like a white mist .

  3. 液态氮的沸点是零下320度,当它迅速蒸发时,会腾起一股《歌剧魅影》式(PhantomoftheOpera)的白雾;同时,搅拌物的温度会骤然降低。

    The blend rapidly chills as liquid nitrogen with a boiling point of - 320 degrees instantly vaporizes in a billowing , phantom of the opera-esque fog .

  4. 是不是应当像一阵灰蒙的白雾?

    Should it be like a puff of grayish white flog ?

  5. 清晓的江头,白雾茫茫;

    The River mouth at dawn , Behind a white haze of mist ,

  6. 阴云天气的增加;兰兰天空被一层白雾状气体蒙蒙;

    Blue sky is often shadowed by a layer of white foggy air .

  7. 石棉压路机碾来碾去,绝缘洒水车后蒸腾起一片白雾。

    at the tail of an insulated watering cart the steam rose in white clouds .

  8. 这副图是本年唯一的一次雪天拍摄的,地上也蒙上了柔弱的白雾;

    Photographer 's Comments I made this pic on the only day with snow this year .

  9. 随着城市的烟尘排入天空,白雾很快变成黑色烟雾。

    It soon turned into black smog as the smoke of the citypoured into the air .

  10. 我努力回想,深深地吸了一口气,吐出的气体变成一团白雾。

    I try to think and breathe deeply and my breath comes out in a white puff .

  11. 在他前方下面就是一片白雾海洋,间中山峰和顶尖穿透雾海。

    Below and beyond him is an ocean of white mist , pierced by peaks and pinnacles .

  12. 把氨气和氯化氢气体混合产生氮气和氯化铵,并且有白雾产生。

    The mixture of ammonia and hydrochloric gas can bring nitrogen and ammonium chloride , with white mist being .

  13. 靴子在泥泞中吱嘎作响,我呼出的气变成白雾。

    My boot squished in mud with every step and my breath puffed out in white clouds before me .

  14. 我真没想到是这样,山姆边走边说,呼息在冷气里凝成白雾。

    I never thought it would be like this , Sam said as they walked , his words steaming in the cold air .

  15. 他惊恐地看到一阵白雾从一座没有墓碑的坟里喷出来,变成一个无头骑士骑在一匹马上的形状。

    Before his startled eyes , a white mist burst forth from an unmarked grave and formed into a large horse carrying a headless rider .

  16. 早上太阳出来时,又值白雾弥漫,那雾既温和又粘密,让人什么也看不见,比黑夜有过之而无不及。

    When the sun rose in the morning , there was a white fog , very warm and clammy , and more blinding than the night .

  17. 死神这时就眷恋地思念起自己的花园来,於是他就变成一股寒冷的白雾,在窗口消逝了。

    Then Death longed to go and see his garden , and floated out through the window in the form of a cold , white mist .

  18. 酶脱胶可克服皂&碱挂练工艺中常出现的白雾、生渍、灰伤、皱印等疵病。

    Degumming with enzyme may overcome the drawbacks usually happen in soap-alkaline degumming process such as soap mark , stain , silk abrasion and crease mark .

  19. 像一座山峰的构架,金门大桥的桥塔,在旧金山湾的夏季白雾隐约可见。

    Like the outline of a mountain peak , a tower of the Golden Gate Bridge is visible above the summer fog in San Francisco Bay .

  20. 最糟糕的是,斯内普教授的课都是在地下教室上的,他们一哈气面前就形成一团白雾,只好尽量靠近他们热腾腾的坩埚。

    Worst of all were Professor Snape 's classes down in the dungeons , where their breath rose in a mist before them and they kept as close as possible to their hot cauldrons .

  21. 实验证明:将反应物二氧化锰与浓硫酸加热至沸腾,在刚开始产生白雾时能明显地检验出反应中放出的氧气;

    It is shown by experiments that gaseous oxygen given off in the reaction can be identified definitely when manganese dioxide and concentrated sulfuric acid are heated to boil and a white smoke has just been produced ;

  22. 这幅画中最可贵的一点是透纳用他那有力的笔触描绘出一片白雾,制造出大海在咆哮的景象。

    We empathize with the little men but the best thing about the painting is the way that Turner , using his vigorous brush , with white foam , creates the sense of a swirling enveloping sea .

  23. 月光正照在格林盆大泥潭上,白雾正从那儿冉冉飘起。福尔摩斯望着白雾,开始露出担忧的神情。雾正从泥潭缓缓地沿着地面飘向这栋房子。

    The moon was shining on the Great Grimpen Marsh , and a fog was rising from it Holmes watched the fog and began to look worried The fog was creeping up from the marsh towards the house .

  24. 香港某些地区的路边空气污染水平八月份的第一周达到两年来最高水平,全香港陷入到茫茫白雾之中,港府为此发出警告:老人、小孩和患有心脏或呼吸疾病的人应避免外出。

    Roadside air-pollution levels hit a two-year high in some parts of Hong Kong this week , obscuring the city 's vistas in a sea of white haze and prompting the government to warn the young , the elderly and people with heart or respiratory illnesses to stay inside .

  25. 当忧郁的情绪骤然间降下,仿佛来自天空的悲泣的云团,滋润着垂头丧气的小花,四月的白雾笼罩着青山,将你的哀愁滋养于早晨的玫瑰,波光粼粼的海面虹霓.或者是花团锦簇的牡丹丛;

    But when the melancholy fit shall fall Sudden from heaven like a weeping cloud , That fosters the droop-headed flowers all , And hides the green hill in an April shroud ; Then glut thy sorrow on a morning rose , Or on the rainbow of the salt sand-wave , Or on the wealth of glob è d peonies ;