
cǎi qū
  • mining area;panel
采区 [cǎi qū]
  • [mining area] 开挖矿石的地方

采区[cǎi qū]
  1. 采用RFPA软件对采区倾向与走向以及两种不同埋深条件进行数值模拟分析。

    It used RFPA Software to simulate the conditions of two different depths on the mining area along the face dip and strike .

  2. 这是由于机械功率不断增大(2×500kW),采区不断扩大(工作面250~300m、走向~2500m)的必然结果。

    It is inevitably resulted from unceasing increase of machine power ( 2X500kW ) and continuous enlargement of mining area ( face at 250m-300m , strike at 2500m approx. ) .

  3. 我们用C语言开发了采区车场辅助教学系统,为采区车场设计的讲授提供了现代化教学方法。

    By using Turbo C , develop mine district station assistant teaching system to provide modernized teaching method for instruction of min district station design .

  4. 利用GIS技术作为支持平台,把GIS技术应用于地下水采补平衡分析和超采区的演变上,更充分地发挥了GIS技术强大的空间分析功能。

    Using GIS technology as supported platform , the paper analyzed the balance of groundwater between exploitation and replenishment and development of overfull areas with GIS .

  5. MICAD(采矿智能CAD)的采区模糊专家系统是以AutoCAD作为二次开发平台,并以SqlServer作为后台工程数据库服务器。

    In this paper , the AutoCAD is used as second development platform and SQL Server as back engineering database server to develop the mining intelligent CAD .

  6. 利用GIS的空间分析功能,对首采区10煤层岩浆侵入造成的影响进行了综合评价分区,确定了五个不同的影响程度区域。

    Then the influence of magmatic intrusion on the first mining district of 10th coal seam was comprehensive evaluated , and five different influence degree areas were ascertained using the GIS spatial analysis function .

  7. 首采区范围内10煤下方约50m以下为太原群多层灰岩岩溶含水层,其岩溶发育。

    The Taiyuan formation limestone aquifer abounds karst , which below 50 meters under coalbed NO.10 in the first mining district .

  8. 新二采区φ2.5m绞车硐室设计与施工技术

    Design and Construction Technology of φ 2.5 m Winch Cavern in The New No. 2 Working District

  9. 六采区6303工作面回采3下煤层,基本顶为坚硬稳定的中砂岩,平均厚度23m左右。

    Basic roof of 3F coal seam which is mined in 6303 mining face is hard and steady sandstone with the average thickness of 23 m.

  10. 稠油常采区块酸化增注工艺技术研究加氢处理是石油加工中非常重要的一类反应,工业中常常采用Ni-Mo、W-Ni、Co-Mo、Mo-Ni-W等催化剂。

    The acidizing technology for enhancing injectivity in conventional heavy oil production block Conventional hydroprocessing catalysts , such as Ni-Mo 、 W-Ni 、 Co-Mo 、 Mo-Ni-W , were used most extensively .

  11. 指出:应用D-InSAR进行煤矿区开采沉陷监测的具体目标是矿区地表沉降演变过程分析、采区地表沉陷动态监测与分析和矿区DEM数据更新;

    It is also pointed out that the actual goals of D-InSAR monitoring for coal-mining subsidence include the process analysis of surface subsidence evolution in coal mines , the dynamic monitoring and analysis of surface subsidence in active mining zone and the DEM data update of coal mines .

  12. 以符合常规设计过程思维的CBR推理系统为核心,研究建立了生产矿井采区设计的设计支持系统MDDSS,阐述了其基本结构和各部分的功能。

    A support system for mining district design of operating mine 《 MDDSS 》 was established with the CBR inference system as the core . The basic structure of the system and the functions of its components were described in this paper .

  13. 山体下多工作面(包括3个采7m厚的放顶面)开采时,地表并非按常规移向采区中央,也不垂直等高线向山下滑移,而是沿岩体结构面移向山下采动源;

    When many coalfaces are extracted ( including 3 full-seam mining faces ) under a mountain , surface points move neither towards the center of the faces nor vertically down to isoline , but move to the source of extraction down along the structure faces of rock mass .

  14. 济宁二号煤矿九采区开采深度达到700m以上,所开采煤层原始岩石温度都大于30℃,为一级高温区。

    The 9 ~ ( th ) mining area in JiNing 2 ~ ( nd ) coalmine the mining depth attains 700m above , the temperature of virgin rock of coal seam which is mined is all over and above 30 ℃, belongs to the first grade hot temperature zone .

  15. 把地震学中的G-R公式应用到冲击地压中,通过对北京矿务局房山采区地震台资料的分析,得出冲击地压也基本符合G-R公式,从而为冲击地压的预防提供了一个新的思路。

    The G-R relational expression in seismology was applied to forecasting mining induced earthquake . After the analysis of the data from Fangshan seismic station in Beijing , we know that mining induced earthquake also coincides with the G-R relations producing a new method in forecasting mining induced earthquakes .

  16. 采区设计数学模型的最优解

    The optimum solution of mathematical model for the design of mining-districts

  17. 采区设计优化模型的改善和应用

    Improvement and Application of the Model of Optimizing Mining Section Design

  18. 煤矿采区地质小构造的三维地震勘探技术

    The 3D seismic technique for minor geologic structures in coal mines

  19. 《采区煤与瓦斯突出预测图》编图规则探讨

    Discussion about Mapping Rules of Coal & Gas Outburst Prediction Plan

  20. 采区煤仓施工方法的安全比较

    Safety Comparison of Construction Methods of Coal Bunker in Mining Area

  21. 矿用隔爆型潜水排沙泵在三采区的应用

    On Mine Explosion-Diving Pump Sediment in Mining Area of Three Applications

  22. 地下水(静止)水位地下水超采区井水位非前兆异常分析

    Analysis on No-Precursory Anomaly of Well Water Level in Over-exploited Area

  23. 煤矿矿井采区车场和硐室设计规范

    Code for design of district station and chambers of coal mine

  24. 焦作矿区采区巷道布置设计优化分析

    Analysis on Design Optimization of Roadway Layout in Jiaozuo Mining Area

  25. 浅谈采区后期对卤水泄漏的治理

    Talk about the Control of Brine Leaking in the Anaphase Mine

  26. 采区反倾斜上山的应用研究

    The Application Study of the Mining District Anti-Dipping Up - Opening

  27. 西418采区煤层自然发火的处理

    The Processing of Coal Seam Self-Combustion in West 418 Exploiting Area

  28. 煤矿采区三维地震勘探技术的回顾与展望

    Review and Prospect of 3-D Seismic Exploration Technology in Coal Mine

  29. 大面积连通采区后期开采的生产技术方案探讨

    Discussions on the Technical Scheme of Solution Mining in Anaphase Project

  30. 采区高溜井运输方式的研究与运用

    Transportation through high ore pass in stopes & Research and application