
  • 网络a purchase order;Purchase;shopping list
  1. 按照英伦管架有限公司(BPS)采购单中规定的时间表,检查交货执行情况。

    Delivery performance in accordance with the schedules defined in the BPS purchase order .

  2. 制图室主管负责保证,总布局图(GAD)的编制,符合客户采购单的范围。

    Drawing office supervisor is responsible for ensuring that general arrangement drawings ( GAD ) are generated in accordance with the scope of the client purchase order .

  3. 提供在货品到达最低库存量时自动建立采购单。

    Allow automatic create purchase order when item over limit storage .

  4. 采购单发出之前,必须经过评审和核准。

    Purchase orders are subject to review and approval prior to issuance .

  5. 货物应交付至采购单上指定的地点。

    The Goods shall be delivered to the place named on the Purchase Order .

  6. 采购单由常务董事审定后,签发给供应商。

    Purchase orders will be authorized by the Managing Director prior to issuance to the vendor .

  7. 产品信息管理和生产资料管理是生产资料采购单生成的重要依据。

    Product information management and production material management is the production of material purchasing list the important basis of generation .

  8. 如果拒绝供应商的变更要求,则将通知供应商,即,该采购单已经取消。

    If the decision is to reject the deviation then the vendor will be advised that the PO is cancelled .

  9. 采购单签发给供应商之前,要根据原始文件的要求,进行修订、评审和核准。

    Purchase orders will be formally revised , reviewed and approved as per the original document prior to issuance to the vendor .

  10. 杂货采购单必须由成本经理及财务总监签字认可,市场采购单必须由成本部签字认可。

    Grocery list must be approved by cost controller and financial controller , the daily market list must be approved by cost controller .

  11. 我们也调查过鼓轮设计并且预先下了采购单,以便给供应商更多时间对产品尝试不同的处理过程。

    We also investigated the drum design and did some things around advanced order placement , giving suppliers more time to process things differently .

  12. 初步复核银行付款申请书、IT设备采购单等单据,完成网上银行的制单并及时跟踪银行付款进度。

    Review the bank payment application form , IT equipment purchasing form , perform the payment in online-banking as well as track the bank payment schedule .

  13. 轻松处理采购单,允许通过预购单自动建立采购单或手工建立采购单,容易修改,审核,批准,通过等功能。

    Easily handle purchase order , allow auto create purchase order thru purchase require or manual create , edit , audit , approved , posted function leave .

  14. 他通常会向客户出示一个包含10个项目的采购单,包括石块路面、栅栏、前期准备和栽培等等,每项后列有大概的支出,以便他们能够方便地选择他们想要的项目。

    He sets out a shopping list of about 10 items , including paving , fencing , preparation and planting , with approximate costs so they can pick and choose what they want to do .

  15. 系统中的关键技术包括根据采购单记录和销售单记录对库存信息的自动统计和更新;库存记录的模糊查询;采购记录和销售记录的复合式查询等。

    System key technologies including the purchase and sale of a single record of a single recording of inventory information , automated statistics and updating ; inventory records of the fuzzy query ; purchase records and sales records , multi-use inquiries .

  16. 职责六:指导及监督材料采购任务单、作加工任务单计划下达工作。

    Supervising & guiding the material purchase plan and outside assembling plan .

  17. 采购指令单是否事先编号和得到控制?

    Are purchase orders pre ? Numbered and controlled ?

  18. 确保验收货品和服务的价格、质量及数量符合已审批的采购申请单要求。

    Goods and services received are in line with quantities , qualities and prices ordered and agreed .

  19. 根据采购申请单或每日食品订货单核实和清点验收的货品。

    Check and count all goods to be received per approved purchase order or daily market list .

  20. 你必须填采购需求单并请你主管签名。

    You need to fill out the purchase requisition form and have it signed by your supervisor .

  21. 我方现拟采购附单所开出的各项货物,希贵方能尽量航寄最优惠的C&F纽约价格。

    We are now in the market for the goods mentioned in the attached list and shall appreciate it if you will airmail us as soon as possible your best quotation C & F , New York .

  22. 材料采购用请购单和采购订单的副本。

    Copy of purchase requisitions raised and purchase orders for the procurement of materials .

  23. 有时候还会使用其用途进行描述,如采购或工资单。

    Sometimes they describe what it will be used for , such as procurement or payroll .

  24. 寻价后,采购部将采购单返回相关部门由部门经理决定是否购买及购买的数量。

    Based on the quotation , the department heads should make the decision whether to place the purchase order and the quantity of the order .

  25. 具有权限管理、采购合同、退货单及查询等功能。

    It has the functions of the authorization management , buying contracts and products return processing , and order tracking .

  26. 特别在政府小额采购领域,由于单笔采购额较低,其采购风险远未受到重视。

    Government procurement , especially in small areas , due to low single purchases , the procurement risk is far from being taken seriously .

  27. 将通过英伦管架有限公司(BPS)MRP采购程序,对采购单编号。

    Purchase Order number will be allocated via the BPS MRP purchasing programme .

  28. 将批准后的采购订单和采购申请单送财务部1份。

    Send one copy of the approved purchasing order and application to finance dept.

  29. 送交采购部每天所需的采购单。

    Passes onto the purchasing manager his daily market list requirements .

  30. 设计办公室主管收到客户的修订要求后,将通知采购经理,说明需要对采购单进行修订。然后,对修订要求按上述规定进行评审,之后发出经修订的采购单;

    If as result of revision to requirements received from the client , the DO supervisor will advise the Procurement manager accordingly instructing that a revision to PO requirement may be required .