
cǎi shí chǎnɡ
  • quarry;stone quarry
采石场 [cǎi shí chǎng]
  • [quarry] 开采石料的场地

  1. 这座山曾经有一个采石场。

    This mountain was the site for a quarry .

  2. 米开朗基罗从采石场获得他的大理石。

    Michelangelo obtained his marble from a quarry .

  3. 采石场破坏了山里的景观。

    The hills are scarred by quarries .

  4. n.采石场数以千计的男人和女人们在采石场掘取筑城堡用的石头。

    quarry Thousands of men and women are working in the quarry to get stones for use in building the castle .

  5. 比如说,2006年,一位名叫约翰•沃克尔的地质学家就与LaFargeNorthAmerica公司达成协议,负责领导一家合营企业在海地的一个采石场项目。

    For example , a geologist named John Walker entered into an agreement with Lafarge North America in 2006 to conduct a joint venture on a stone quarry project in Haiti .

  6. 在矿山、采石场和砂石场项目运作时,记住TRIO公司的交钥匙成套系统设备。

    Please keep TRIO in mind for any partial or complete turnkey system that you might have for a mine , quarry or sand and gravel operation .

  7. 由于Neyriz城市与IMS采石场距离非常近,我们在市里设置了IMS的石矿场办公室和招待所,接待客户。

    Due to the closeness of our quarries to Neyriz city , we have chosen this city for the location of the IMS quarry office and guest house .

  8. 一种适用于中小采石场的简易非电起爆网络

    A Simple Non-Electricity Ignition Network Suitable For Middle or Small Quarries

  9. 适用于露天矿、采石场开采,用于高低风压潜孔钻机。

    Features : rock drilling for opencast mining and quarrying field .

  10. 采石场大气环境影响评价问题研究&以广东东莞某采石场为例

    Study on the air environmental impact assessment of a stone quarry

  11. 当时,我们住在弗恩采石场,睡觉的时间也比平时晚得多。

    We had stayed up at Fern Quarry later than usual .

  12. 废弃采石场绿化树种选择及其配套技术研究

    Tree Species Selection and Supporting Technique for Greening Abandoned Open Pit

  13. 小型露天采石场爆破作业安全评价方法的探讨

    Discussions on Safety Assessment Measures for Blasting at Small Stone Quarries

  14. 采石场废弃地的早期植被与土壤种子库

    Early natural vegetation and soil seed banks in an abandoned quarry

  15. 5家采石场粉尘作业人员防尘意识调查

    Investigation on dustproof consciousness of dust exposed personnel in five quarries

  16. 露天采石场防尘现状模糊综合评价研究

    Study on Fuzzy Evaluation Index System of Dustproof State in Quarry

  17. 切缝药包能量控制技术在采石场中的应用

    Application of Cutting Seam Cartridge Blasting in Rock Materials of Quarry

  18. 那年夏天,我把我的小马驹也带到了弗恩采石场。

    One summer I had my pony at Fern Quarry .

  19. 造林时间对采石场迹地人工植被恢复的影响

    The Influence of Afforestation Time on Vegetation Restoration in Abandoned Quarry Land

  20. 青藏铁路采石场条形药包硐室爆破

    Linear Charge Chamber Blasting for Qing - Zang Railway Quarry

  21. 露天采石场边坡稳定因素浅析

    Preliminary Analysis of Rock Brink Stability Factors in Opencast Quarry

  22. 武山铜矿采石场条形药包硐室爆破实践

    Strip Charge Chamber Blasting of Quarry in Wushan Copper Mine

  23. 完善中小型采石场安全开采的对策及意义

    Improve countermeasure and meaning exploited safely in medium and small-scale stone quarr

  24. 采石场复绿经济价值评估

    An Assessment on the Economic Valuation of the Quarries on Restoring Vegetation

  25. 正在工作或已经工作的矿山或采石场。

    A mine or quarry that is being or has been worked .

  26. 深圳市某采石场边坡稳定性评价及支护建议

    Stability evaluation and shoring advice on a certain quarry slope of Shenzhen

  27. 露天采石场地质灾害原因辨析与防治方案

    Analysis and prevention programs of geological disasters in opencast quarries

  28. 采石场爆破块度分区及块度预测研究

    Study on Prediction of Block Zoning and Block Size in Quarry Blasting

  29. 丢在采石场然后等着太阳升起

    throw it in the quarry , and let the sun rise .

  30. 工人们从采石场采得一块很大的大理石。

    The workmen quarried out a huge block of marble .