
cǎi mì
  • gather honey
采蜜[cǎi mì]
  1. 养蜂人看到蜜蜂采集花粉和蜜汁带回蜂房,于是就说,蜜蜂的目的是要采蜜。

    A beekeeper , noticing that the bee gathers pollen and brings it to the hive , says that the object of the bee is to gather honey .

  2. 一个养蜂人看见蜜蜂从花里收集花粉,带去蜂房,就说蜜蜂为了采蜜而存在。

    A beekeeper , seeing the bee collect pollen from flowers and carry it to the hive , says that it exists to gather honey .

  3. 花常在蜜蜂采蜜时受粉。

    Flowers are often fertilized by bees as they gather nectar .

  4. 蜜蜂忙于采蜜。

    The bees busied themselves at making honey .

  5. 一群蜜蜂在花丛中采蜜。

    A swarm of bees was gathering nectar among the flowers .

  6. 他种植蔬菜、果树,甚至养蜂采蜜。

    He planted vegetables , fruit trees and even kept bees for honey .

  7. 它们不参加采蜜的工作,因此很快会被其他同类杀死并扔出蜂窝。

    These drones do no work in seeking for honey , and so they are soon killed by the other bees , and their bodies are thrown out of the hive .

  8. 人工蜂群算法(ABC)是模拟蜜蜂群采蜜过程进行随机优化的一种新型群体智能算法,对于解决复杂的优化问题有良好的效果。

    Artificial Bee Colony algorithm ( ABC ) is a new type of swarm intelligence algorithm .

  9. 它由Cedar和StuartAnderson发明,是自150多年前采蜜技术改进后的又一次创新。

    Hailed as the first evolutionary change in beekeeping equipment in more than 150 years , the radical design is the brainchild of third-generation beekeepers Cedar and Stuart Anderson .

  10. 蜜蜂和蝴蝶正在从花朵上采蜜。

    The bee and the butterfly are collecting nectar from the flowers .

  11. 蜜蜂采蜜时常使花受粉

    Flower be often fertilize by bee as they gather nectar

  12. 小蜜蜂采蜜时,蜂腰拱起,显出一副特别认真的样子。

    The bees arch their waist when they gather nectar .

  13. 蜜蜂和蝴蝶!快来采蜜哟!

    Bees and butterflies ! Hurry to take the nectar !

  14. 在采蜜时蜂巢和树木往往被毁坏。

    The hives and trees are often destroyed during collection .

  15. 采蜜工作具有一定的危险性,所以工作人员一定要经过专业的训练才行。

    The risks involved in gathering honey require professional training .

  16. 你需要帮助她给花儿们授粉采蜜从而获得更多的分数。

    Pollinate as many flowers as you can to score more points .

  17. 在我们树里做窝的蜜蜂,飞到他们林中去采蜜。

    Bees that have hived in our grove go to seek honey in theirs .

  18. 蜜蜂可以到距离蜂巢6公里以外的地方采蜜。

    Bees can visit flowers as far as six kilometres away from their nest .

  19. 爱情是蜂又是花,爱情赠蜜又采蜜。

    Love is both bee and flower , it gives and it takes honey .

  20. 每年,养蜂人都会赶来采蜜,荔枝蜜是很好的东西。

    Every year , beekeepers will come honey , litchi honey is a good thing .

  21. 萤火虫装点着夜空,蜜蜂在花丛中飞来飞去采蜜,各种瓜果享之不尽。

    Fireflies decorate the skies , bees buzz on flowers , and fresh watermelon is sliced .

  22. 意大利蜜蜂近距离采蜜量与工蜂日龄的关系

    The relationship between the instar of Italian bee worker and the quantity of collecting nectar at short distance

  23. 假如我会飞,我要飞到花丛中和蜜蜂采蜜,和蝴蝶跳舞。

    If I fly , I want to fly to nectar flowers and bees , and butterflies dance .

  24. 当蜜蜂采蜜时,腿上的毛就粘满了花粉。

    While the bee is drinking the sweet nectar , the hairs on its legs become covered with pollen .

  25. 要学蜜蜂勤采蜜,不做悠闲的知了。

    Learn form the bee busy collecting honey ; don 't copy the example of the cicada hanging around doing nothing .

  26. 采蜜归来的蜜蜂在巢上跳8字形舞以向蜂群的其他蜜蜂传送花粉源的信息。

    Returning honey bees dance a figure of eight on the honeycomb to communicate a source of pollen to other members of the hive .

  27. 在他们的新位置,养蜂人要付给农场主钱,去允许他的蜜蜂去采蜜,像桔子园这种地方。

    In their new location , the beekeeper will pay the farmer to allow his bees to feed in such places as orange groves .

  28. 蜂儿采蜜忙又忙,哪有工夫瞎悲伤!很多人在蜂拥奔向屋外时被踩伤了。

    The busy bee has no time for sorrow . Many people were trampled under foot in the rush to get to the outside door .

  29. 蜜蜂一向以方向感优秀著称,它们在院里蜂窝很远的花朵上采蜜后,还能够“跋山涉水”地回到家。

    Bees are typically impressive navigators , able to wend their way home through complex landscapes after visits to flowers far removed from their nests .

  30. 在我看来,理想的教育制度下,我们像一只只小蜜蜂,不仅从自己家的院子里采蜜,更应该去广阔的田野。

    My idealized system is like bees searching for honey : they could not only fly in the small yard , but also the broad field .