
  • World Reading Day;World Book and Copyright Day
  1. 今年,世界读书日将会在国际文化亲善年的主旨下一同开展。

    This year , the World book and Copyright Day will be celebrated in the framework of the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures .

  2. 为了庆祝世界读书日,这家书店在4月23日以较低的价格出售书籍。

    To celebrate the World Book Day , the bookshop sold books at a lower price on April 23rd .

  3. 你的国家如何庆祝“世界读书日”?

    What happens in your country on World Book Day ?

  4. 阅读文化与文化阅读&写给第十五个世界读书日

    Reading Culture and Cultural Reading & For the 15th World Book Day

  5. 英国“世界读书日”开始于1998年。

    World Book Day UK began in 1998 .

  6. 通过在全世界范围内发起世界读书日的活动,联合国教科文组织借此推进阅读、出版和保护知识产权。

    By celebrating this Day throughout the world , UNESCO seeks to promote reading , publishing and the protection of intellectual property through copyright .

  7. 法国、日本、美国等世界上许多国家既庆祝世界读书日,也拥有各自的国家读书日。中国也应该跟随这一趋势,设立读书日,而且中国人的读书量本来就低于其他国家。

    Many countries , such as France , Japan and the US , celebrate both their own reading festivals and the World Reading Day , and that China should follow the trend , especially when its population reads far less than other countries .