
  • 网络Tourists
  1. 其中定量预测选择GM(1,1)模型对历年旅游人数和人均消费进行预测的基础上进行的。

    In the paper , quantitative prediction option GM ( 1,1 ) model is proceeded on the basis of predicting the amount of tourists and average consumption over the past years .

  2. 依据Barro回归方程与邹检验(ChowTest)方法构建边界效应定量分析模型,通过对广西与越南,广西与广东、海南的入境旅游人数的计量分析,评价北部湾区域旅游合作边界效应的时空演进。

    Basing on Barro regression equation and chow test , the author builds a border effects analysis model , and uses the number of inbound tourists of Guangxi and Vietnam , Guangxi and Guangdong , Guangxi and Hainan to evaluate the border effects of the Beibu Gulf regional tourism cooperation .

  3. 赴韩国旅游人数也同样飙涨,根据韩国旅游发展局(KoreaTourismOrganisation)的数据,上月赴韩旅游的中国游客人数达到516787人,同比增长58%。

    Mainlanders " visits to South Korea also soared , up 58 per cent to 516787 last month against the year before , according to the Korea Tourism Organisation .

  4. 运用灰色GM(1,1)预测模型与BP神经网络预测模型相结合而成的灰色神经网络模型,对山东枣庄市旅游人数进行预测。

    In this article the grey-BP neural network model is composed of grey GM ( 1,1 ) model and BP neural network model were used to forecast the number of tour agriculture .

  5. 近几年,旅游人数和旅游收入呈加速上升趋势。

    In recent years , tourist arrivals and revenues increased rapidly .

  6. 对以色列来说,中国是入境旅游人数增长最快的国家。

    China is the fastest-growing source of inbound tourism for Israel .

  7. 同期,全球的旅游人数增加了1/3。

    During the same period , global travel rose by one third .

  8. 无论从入境旅游人数到旅游收入无不将以上结论予以充分体现。

    The tourism population and tourist income have proven the above conclusion .

  9. 今年去澳门旅游人数总计达1630万。

    Macau counted 16.3 million visitors this year . 4 .

  10. 旅行者想游览旅游人数少的国家。

    The tourist 's desire to visit less-traveled countries .

  11. 考虑节假日因素影响的上海市月入境旅游人数预测

    Forecasting of Shanghai monthly inbound tourism time series with impact of festival factors

  12. 去年,出国旅游人数达1.07亿。

    Last year some 107 million made overseas trips .

  13. 游戏者应该努力保持游戏进行的快速和流畅。出境旅游人数迅速增加,已经成为旅游大国。

    Players should make every effort to keep the game running quickly and smoothly .

  14. 仅在2008年北京奥运会召开的8月期间,中国接待入境旅游人数就达到191万人次。

    During 2008 Olympic Games period in August , 1,910,000 people came to China .

  15. 这一时期,世界其他国家赴美旅游人数也在增长,美国将接待额外的7800万游客。

    the country would have received 78 million additional visitors , the group said .

  16. 入境旅游人数以及旅游(外汇)收入是衡量一个国家旅游实力和开放程度的重要指标。

    The number of intry-boundary tourists and tourist incomes of foreign exchange are important indexes .

  17. 海外旅游人数正在增长。

    Overseas travels are on the increase .

  18. 去哪儿网表示,利用该网站服务前往香港的内地旅游人数猛增了67%。

    Qunar said mainlanders using its service to visit Hong Kong had soared by 67 per cent .

  19. 我们也注意到因为俄罗斯卢布贬值,赴俄旅游人数大幅增长。

    We have also noticed a significant growth in tourist numbers to Russia because of currency depreciation .

  20. 他预计旅游人数会越来越多,因为非洲自然风光非常吸引人。

    He expect the number of travelers will continue to grow , given the region 's natural attractions .

  21. 2001年,新疆接待国际旅游人数27.3万人次,旅游外汇收入9856万美元;

    In 2001 , the region hosted 273,000 international tourists , and earned US $ 98.56 million in foreign exchange .

  22. 由于德国人避免去国外度假,所以尽管是在经济萧条时期,国内许多景点的旅游人数仍然是上升的。

    Visitor numbers have also been increasing at many sites because Germans have been shunning foreign holidays in the recession .

  23. 在旅游人数的预测中,本文采用了时间序列分析预测法对其做了初步的研究。

    During the forecasting of tourist number , this article elementarily researches it using the forecasting method of time-sequence analysis .

  24. 截至到2008年,亚太地区的旅游人数达到3.85亿人,几乎比10年前翻了一番。

    By2008 , tourist arrivals to the Asia Pacific region had nearly doubled , to385 million , from a decade earlier .

  25. 法定节日假期增加,外出旅游人数大幅度增长。

    Official public holidays have increased , and there has been a large increase in the number of people out on tours .

  26. 服务贸易稳步发展,入境旅游人数和外汇收入大幅度增加。

    Service trade has developed steadily , and the number of inbound tourist arrivals and our foreign exchange earnings from tourism increased considerably .

  27. 受主客观测素的影响,本文也存在如未进行多案例研究,接触旅游人数少,研究的准确度不高等一些研究的不足。

    Such as contact the small number of tourists , the accuracy of the study is not high due to lack of research experience .

  28. 全年国内旅游人数87782万人次,比上年增长12%;旅行者想游览旅游人数少的国家。

    The year 2002 saw 877.82 million domestic tourists , up 12 percent over the previous year . the tourist 's desire to visit less-traveled countries .

  29. 出境旅游人数大幅上升之际,恰逢中国走出漫长的工业化过程,成为一个拥有充满活力的中产阶级的成熟经济体。

    The sharp rise in overseas travel comes as China emerges from a long period of industrialization to become a mature economywith a vibrant middle class .

  30. 近年来,随着旅游人数的增多,高校医学旅游作为一种新兴的特色旅游项目逐渐赢得了市场关注。

    In recent years , with the number of tourists increasing , the University medical tourism as a new tourism project wins the market 's attention .