- the Voyager probe

The Voyager probe is just now crossing the Termination Shock .
D : I don 't mean that TV show . I mean the real thing - the Voyager spacecraft launched by NASA twenty-six years ago .
Voyager the space probe or Voyager the Star Trek TV show ?
The Voyager probes might be able to give us the answer one day .
According to Popular Science , the nuclear batteries that power the Voyager probes may stop working around 2030 .
And NASA says its Voyager 1 probe has crossed a new frontier , becoming the first spacecraft to leave the solar system .
Back in the 1970s the Voyager 1 probe was sent out into space containing a record of images and words selected by Carl Sagan and others .
The Pioneer and Voyager probes carry plaques and records with information about what humans look like and where Earth is , as well as a small sampling of our culture .
Such a system could reach Mars in less than an hour , or reach Pluto in days , pass Voyager in under a week and reach Alpha Centauri in just over 20 years .