
  • 网络ground-based telescope
  1. 地基望远镜的角分辨率一直因为大气湍流的存在而受到限制。

    The angular resolution of ground-based telescopes is essentially limited by atmospheric turbulence .

  2. 地基望远镜力学、温度场特性对光学性能影响研究

    A Study on Optical Performance with Mechanical , Thermal Properties of the Based on Ground Telescope

  3. 威勒说,哈勃望远镜比地基望远镜观测到的空间影像清晰10倍。

    Weiler said that Hubble has taken images of the universe that are ten times clearer than any ever produced by telescopes on the ground .

  4. 周三《自然》杂志上的第二个研究,即从地基天文望远镜观察同样的羽流,却未发现含钠蒸汽存在的证据。

    A second study in Nature Wednesday that looked at the same plumes from ground based telescopes found no evidence of sodium vapor .

  5. 该方法能够有效降低了噪声和大气湍流导致的图像模糊,提高非等晕条件下地基天文望远镜的成像分辨率。

    This technique has a few advantages : not only effectively reducing the noise and image penumbra arosed by the atmosphere , but also improve the image resolution of ground-based telescope .

  6. 天文高分辨像复原技术检测地基天文光学望远镜成像质量

    High-Resolution Image Reconstruction Technology Applied to the Optical Testing of Ground-Based Astronomical Telescopes

  7. 自适应光学技术已经成为现代地基天文光学望远镜的重要部分。

    At present , the adaptive optics has become an important technique for the ground-based optical telescopes .

  8. 我们在天文高分辨像复原技术的基础上,提出检测地基天文光学望远镜光学系统成像质量的两种方法。

    By the study of classical testing methods adopted in testing the image quality of large-sized ground-based astronomical optical telescopes , we bring forward two testing ways on the foundation of high-resolution image reconstruction technology .

  9. 本文以光电望远镜设备的误差分析和补偿为目标,在地基式光电望远镜的测量原理基础上,详细分析了影响观测设备测量数据精度的各种误差;

    The error analysis and correction for photo-electricity telescope device is the aim of the paper . Based on the measure principle of the ground photo-electricity telescope , various errors which influence the data precision of observation device are detailedly analyzed .

  10. 为满足大型地基高分辨率成像望远镜对自适应光学系统波前处理的需求,需设计千单元的自适应波前处理系统。

    For the need of lager ground-based high resolution EO imaging telescope adaptive optics wave-front processing , thousands of units AO wave-front processing system is required to design .