
xiǎo xíng xīng dài
  • asteroid belt
小行星带[xiǎo xíng xīng dài]
  1. 我第一次访问Black博士的天文类-伽利略回,刚刚访问过的小行星带。

    I first visited Dr. Black 's Astronomy class -- back to Galileo , had just visited the Asteroid Belt .

  2. 本文主要依据现有的资料综述陨石分类,以及来自小行星带、月球和火星等不同类型陨石的宇宙射线暴露(CRE)年龄及其宇宙化学意义。

    In this review on the bases of knowing data we summarized the classification of meteorite groups , cosmic-ray ages of the different meteorite types from asteroid belt , Moon and Mars .

  3. 是小行星带的四倍多。

    And four times further than the asteroid belt .

  4. 小行星带是这样被发现的。

    That 's how the asteroid belt was discovered .

  5. 这两个行星是小行星带中最大的星体。

    The two bodies are the most massive objects in the asteroid belt .

  6. 小行星带介于木星与火星之间。

    The asteroid belt is between Jupiter and Mars .

  7. 大陨石其实来自小行星带。

    Large meteorites actually come from the asteroid belt .

  8. 今天我要讲小行星带是如何被发现的。

    Today I 'm going to talk about how the asteroid belt was discovered .

  9. 不只是这一件,在那段距离里发现的所有物体组成了小行星带。

    Not just one thing , but all the objects found at that distance form the asteroid belt .

  10. 在火星和木星之间的小行星带上被发现的大部分小行星都绕太阳运行。

    Most asteroids can be found in an asteroid belt between Marsand Jupiter were they orbit the sun .

  11. 这是一个科学家小组的解释,他们发现小行星带中的小行星正在减少。

    This is the interpretation of a team of scientists who discovered that asteroids in the Asteroid Belt are missing .

  12. 它是为进入火星和木星之间的小行星带中环绕一个天体的轨道而进行的第一次探索。

    It is the first probe to enter orbit around an object in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter .

  13. 这是因为落到地球上的陨石中有几十颗并非来自小行星带,而是来自火星。

    Because a few dozen of the meteorites that have fallen to earth come not from the asteroid belt but from Mars .

  14. 是名义上而不是真正地独立;没有人真正看到过鲨鱼;大陨星其实来自小行星带。

    To be nominally but not actually independent ; no one actually saw the shark ; large meteorites actually come from the asteroid belt .

  15. 这个位于波多黎各的巨型碟形天线就像雷达的发射机一样,向附近天体(如水星和小行星带)发射信号。

    This massive dish in Puerto Rico can function as a radar transmitter , bouncing a signal off nearby targets like Mercury and the asteroid belt .

  16. 一年后,黎明号探测器将离开灶神星的轨道,计划在2015年到达谷神星,它是小行星带中唯一一颗比灶神星大的小行星。

    After a year of studying Vesta , Dawn is scheduled to leave orbit and , in2015 , approach the only asteroid-belt object that is larger : Ceres .

  17. 重力区(藏的小行星带)在在死亡空间区域中定位,允许舰船跃迁到重力区的指定点。

    Gravimetric sites ( hidden asteroid belts ) are no longer located within Deadspace zones , allowing ships to warp in to any designated point inside the site .

  18. 这颗卫星运行在在木星和火星间的小行星带中,是一颗罕见的双重小行星(也叫对等小行星)。

    You see , this rare find , orbiting within the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars , is a binary system ( also known as a " double asteroid " ) .

  19. 根据最新的观测结果,作者定量论证了太阳系的八大行星模式:它是对称的四个类地行星和小行星带;

    According to new observations , it can be proved quantitatively that a mode of eight major planets of the Solar System is a symmetrical structure : four terrestrial planets and the asteroid belt ;

  20. 相对而言,这些星体更接近太阳和太阳系内部,确切地说,处于木星和火星之间。我们知道小行星带的存在,这里面有90%的小行星是绕着太阳而旋转的。

    Relatively near the sun and inner solar system , between Jupiter and Mars to be precise , we 've got the asteroid belt , which contains about 90 percents of all asteroids orbiting the sun .

  21. 小行星主带上单个行星的质量上限

    The Upper Boundary of Mass for An Imaginary Planet in the Main Asteroid Belt

  22. 近地小行星与主带小行星和短周期彗星之间的关系。

    The relation of NEAs to main-belt asteroids and to short period comets .

  23. 据了解,目前为公众熟悉的小行星有主带小行星,还有轨道比较奇怪的近地小行星和半人马小行星。

    Currently , the public is familiar with the main-belt asteroids and the near-Earth asteroids with strange orbits , including the Earth-approaching asteroids and the centaurs .

  24. 这次发现的小行星和上次发现的小行星都位于火星与木星之间的小行星带中。

    Both this asteroid and the latest discovery are found in the asteroid belt that sits between Mars and Jupiter .

  25. 根据林肯近地小行星研究小组进行天空观测时所记录下来的观察资料,P/2010A2在小行星带主带内部围绕着太阳旋转。

    The object , dubbed P / 2010 A2 , orbits the sun well within the main asteroid belt , according to observations taken as part of the Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research sky survey .