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  • Rhea
  1. 但“土卫五”更有可能是独一无二的,适合将碎片限制在轨道上。

    But it is more likely that Rhea is uniquely suited to hold debris in orbit .

  2. 有许多坑和斑纹的土卫五漂浮在远方,正从土星环外面的阴暗部分窥视着。

    Crater-scarred Rhea floats in the distance , peeking out from behind Saturn 's partly shadowed rings .

  3. 科学家今天声称,在土卫五土星的第二大卫星一层稀薄的大气中含有氧气和二氧化碳。

    Saturn 's second-largest moon Rhea has a thin atmosphere filled with oxygen and carbon dioxide , scientists said today .

  4. 不管是何种情况,当“卡西尼”号在2010年返回“土卫五”的时候,该航天行动的科学家们盼望能够搜集到更多的资料。

    Whatever the case , the mission scientists are eager to gather more data when Cassini returns to Rhea in2010 .

  5. 一些小而明亮的斑纹缠绕在土卫五的东部。(直径1528公里,949英里)。

    A few bright wispy markings curl around the eastern limb of Rhea ( 1,528 kilometers , 949 miles across ) .

  6. 卡西尼计划的所有证据都表明土卫五太过寒冷,并且缺乏生命必需的液态水。

    All evidence from Cassini indicates Rhea is too cold and devoid of the liquid water necessary for life as we know it .

  7. 研究小组认为土卫五的大气环境是由高能粒子轰击土卫五冰封的表面,将土卫五表面的原子,分子和离子撞击到大气中而产生的。

    The team believes the atmosphere is sustained by high energy particles bombarding its icy surface and kicking up atoms , molecules and ions into the atmosphere .

  8. 土星的两个最大的月亮在天空中拥抱在了一起。土卫六的浓雾在土卫五的左边发着亮光。

    Saturn 's two largest moons meet in the sky in a rare embrace . Smog-enshrouded Titan glows to the left of airless Rhea .