
tǔ wèi qī
  • Hyperion
  1. 一些专家认为,土卫七的奇形怪状是由于流星的袭击撞飞了部分表面而造成的。

    Hyperion 's strange shape may have been caused by bombardment by meteors , which blew away part of its surface , some experts believe .

  2. 根据结果,可解释土卫七运动中的两个特殊现象:拱线后退以及土卫七和土卫六的合只能发生在远心点。

    These results may be used to explain the two special phenomena in the motion of Hyperion , namely , the drawing back of the apsidal and the location of the conjunction of Titan-Hyperion around the aposaturnium .