
tǔ wèi sān
  • Tethys
  1. 今年12月25日,卡西尼号将释放惠更斯号探测器,让它航向土卫六,历时三周。

    On December 25 Cassini will release the Huygens probe , which will coast toward Titan for three weeks .

  2. 按照拥有的水量排序,从少到多依次是:土卫二,土卫四,地球,木卫二,冥王星,海卫一,木卫四,土卫六和木卫三。

    In order of how much water they have , from the least to the most , they are : Enceladus , Dione , Earth , Europa , Pluto , Triton , Callisto , Titan , and Ganymede .