
yǎn bì
  • eyewall
眼壁[yǎn bì]
  1. 1992年Andrew飓风眼壁区倾斜上升运动发展的可能机制&非线性对流对称不稳定

    A Possible Developing Mechanism of the Slantwise Updraft in the Eyewall of the 1992 Hurricane Andrew - Nonlinear Convective and Symmetrical Instability

  2. 上升运动控制整个内眼壁和海平面2km以上的外眼壁区域,下沉运动则控制眼区和内外眼壁之间。

    Upward motion dominated the whole layer of inner eyewall and the area above 2 km altitude of the outer eyewall .

  3. 台风眼壁附近等相当位温面的突然异常密集陡立和有效位能的激增预示着台风有加强的可能,CISK正反馈机制和涡旋Rossby波传播是台风加强的可能原因。

    The abrupt dense of potential temperature isopleths and the great increase of CAPE in the wall of typhoon indicate that the typhoon would enhance possibly . The CISK positive feedback mechanism and vortex Rossby wave may be a possible reason for typhoon enhance .

  4. 眼壁闪电和台风总闪电存在阶段性变化。

    The evolution of eyewall lightning and total lightning tended to be episodic .

  5. 双重眼壁台风大风降水对比分析

    Comparison of Three Typhoons with Double Eye Walls

  6. 台风云娜(2004)的高分辨率数值模拟研究:眼壁小尺度对流运动

    A high-resolution numerical simulation of Typhoon Rananim ( 2004 ): Small-scale convection in the eyewall

  7. 眼壁破裂(复原)过程导致“浣熊”减弱(增强)。

    The breakdown ( recovery ) of eyewall leads to the storm weakening ( deepening ) .

  8. 内眼壁对应一个次极大风速环、暖湿环。

    The inner eyewall was associated with a secondary maximum wind ring and a warm moist ring .

  9. 不考虑潜热反馈的台风暖心加强,眼壁收缩,衰减缓慢,生命史延长。

    Without consideration of latent heat will result in warm core intensification , eyewall compaction , slower decay and longer lifetime .

  10. 风眼四周环绕着“眼壁”,即一圈剧烈雷暴区域,通常是整个热带气旋中天气最恶劣的区域。

    It is surrounded by the eyewall , a ring of towering thunderstorms where the most severe weather of a cyclone occurs .

  11. 配合此处模式模拟得到的水汽中心,为台风眼壁区的强风暴、降雨创造了条件。

    These ascent motions are just at the center of modeled water vapor fields , which leading to severe storm and rainfall at eye wall of typhoon .

  12. 木星大红斑,逆时针旋涡,远远、但不喜欢,因为它缺乏典型飓风眼壁和眼睛。

    Jupiters Great Red Spot , which swirls counterclockwise , is far bigger , but is less like a hurricane because it lacks the typical eye and eye wall .

  13. 不理解地质学家怎么只要看一眼峡谷壁上的一层岩石,就能说出它的年龄--我确实什么也不知道。

    didn 't understand how geologists could look at a layer of rock on a canyon wall and tell you how old it was , didn 't know anything really .

  14. 方法回顾性分析78例(126眼)眼球壁先天异常声像学表现。

    Methods 126 eyes echography appearances of congenital abnormal of the eyeball wall were reviewed .

  15. 59眼中牵拉治疗5眼,行眶壁骨折整复术治疗54眼。

    Of 59 eyes were evaluated by traction and the others by surgical intervention .

  16. 良性肿瘤及黏液囊肿鼻眼病变以眶壁受压移位、骨质吸收破坏为主;

    Compression , displacement and bony absorption of orbit wall in benign tumors and mucoceles ;

  17. 在无眼台风的二维风场计算中,先根据同一台风的有眼图像的大小人工构造眼壁,从而可以进行与有眼台风一致的后续计算步骤。

    When calculating the two-dimensional wind field of non-eyed typhoon , we first construct the eye-wall manually according to the size of eyed typhoon images from the same typhoon , and then it does the same next steps like the eyed typhoon images .

  18. 在低频条件下,声源在井眼和地层中产生的波场能量主要以井眼斯通利波的形式存在并沿井眼壁传播,描述声激发极化过程的方程也可以得到相应的简化。

    Under low frequency condition , the wave field energies produced by acoustic source in both borehole and surrounding formation exist and travel along borehole wall mainly in the form of Stoneley wave , so that equation showing the process of ultrasonically induced polarization may be reduced relatively .