
  • 网络eye-chamber;aqueous chamber;Comeraoculi;chamber of eyeball
  1. TNFα对鼠眼房水外流影响的形态学观察

    The Effect of TNF α on Morphology of Outflow Pathways in Rat Eyes

  2. PLC法测定兔眼房水中包甲素类似物-ATST的含量

    A HPLC Method for Determination of the Content of an analog of Baogongteng A-ATST in the Aqueous Humor of Rabbits

  3. RP-HPLC测定兔眼房水中环孢素浓度

    Determination of Cyclosporin in Aqueous Humor of Rabbit Eyes by RP-HPLC

  4. RP-HPLC法测定眼房水中三种不同剂型匹罗卡品含量

    Determination of three formulations of pilocarpine in rabbit ocular aqueous by RP-HPLC

  5. SD大鼠眼房水外流通道细胞外基质存在Ⅲ、Ⅴ型胶原及纤维连接蛋白、层连接蛋白。

    There were collagen types ffl , V , fibronectin and lamina in the extra cellular matrix in outflow pathways of SD rat eyes .

  6. 飞行员加速度耐力与Gz暴露后眼房水蛋白含量变化的关系

    Relation between Gz tolerance of pilots and the change of anterior chamber protein level following Gz exposure

  7. 目的:探讨量化针刺手法对急性闭角型青光眼的临床前期眼房水流量(F值)的影响(以下简称F值)。

    Objective To explore the effect of quantitative acupuncture manipulation on aqueous outflow ( F value ) in the patient of acute angle closure glaucoma at " clinical prodromal stage " .

  8. 目的:建立RP-HPLC测定兔眼房水中环孢素浓度,为环孢素局部缓释给药系统的药物动力学研究提供依据。

    Objective : To establish a practical RP-HPLC method to determine the concentration of ciclosporin ( CsA ) in aqueous humor of rabbit eyes for the research of CsA drug delivery system .

  9. 目的以环孢素D为内标物,建立RP-HPLC法测定兔眼房水环孢素A(CsA)药物浓度。

    OBJECTIVE To develop a simple and reproducible high-performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ) method for determination of cyclosporine A ( CsA , also known as cyclosporin A ) in aqueous humor of rabbit eyes using CsD as internal standard .

  10. 兔眼房水中万古霉素药物浓度在滴入纳米-万古霉素滴眼液后120min为:0.83±0.05μg/ml。

    The concentration of vancomycin in rabbits aqueous humor at 120 min after nano-vancomycin eye drops administered was 0.83 ± 0.05 μ g / ml.

  11. 结论:冲击波损伤后实验眼房水神经兴奋性相关氨基酸含量改变明显,以伤后20d更加显著,其改变可能与预后相关。

    Conclusion : The value of excitatory-related amino acids in aqueous fluid increased significantly after blast injury . This change was more obvious after 20 days . The change might be related with prognosis .

  12. 高效液相法测定兔眼房水中醋甲唑胺的含量

    Determination of methazolamide in aqueous humor of rabbit eyes by HPLC

  13. 人高度近视眼房水中基质金属蛋白酶-2的表达

    Expression of MMP-2 in aqueous humor from patients with high myopia

  14. 硅油进入前房对兔眼房角组织的影响

    Effect of silicone oil on anterior chamber angle tissues of rabbit eyes

  15. 超声生物显微镜对窄角眼房角的观察

    Observation of Eyes with Narrow Angles by Ultrasound Biomicroscopy

  16. 黄芩苷在兔眼房水中的药代动力学研究

    Pharmacokinetic Study on Baicalin in Aqueous Humor of Rabbits

  17. 中间的眼房水层提供了水分、气和其它角膜需要的重要的营养物质。

    The middle aqueous layer provides moisture and supplies oxygen and other important nutrients to the cornea .

  18. 目的:观察和分析中药复方大黄液对兔病毒性角膜炎模型眼房水免疫因子的影响。

    Objective : To analysis immune facts effect of compound rhubarb on the rabbit model of viral keratitis .

  19. 眼房水中蛋白质组分丰富,蛋白含量有随日龄增加而升高的趋势。

    Protein components were abundant in aqueous humor and protein content increased with the age of the bird .

  20. 葛根素经腹腔注射在兔眼房水和玻璃体中的药代动力学结果比较

    Comparison of pharmacokinetics results of puerarin in the aqueous humor and vitrious of rabbit eye following intraperitoneal injection

  21. 复方大黄液对兔病毒性角膜炎眼房水免疫因子的影响

    Experimental effects on immune facts in the rabbit model of viral keratitis after a treating of compound rhubarb

  22. 结果:对照眼房水神经兴奋性氨基酸含量均高于血清;

    Results : The value of excitatory amino acids in control aqueous fluid was significantly higher than the serum .

  23. 结果显示:冷冻伤术后6周眼房水的免疫抑制活性显著下降;

    We found that the immunosuppressive levels of aqueous humor of eyes 6 weeks after being frozen significantly decreased ;

  24. 目的:了解窄角眼房角结构的解剖形态特征,分析其形成原因。

    Objective : To learn about the anatomic characteristics of angle of anterior chamber in eyes with narrow angle of anterior chamber , and analyze its formation .

  25. 而玻璃体为位于巩膜、睫状小带与晶状体边缘的无色透明胶状眼球内容物,体积大于眼房水;

    The vitreous body is a clear jelly that is much larger than the aqueous humor , and is bordered by the sclera , zonule , and lens .

  26. 结果:晚期青光眼眼房水排出率显著下降,下降程度与眼压水平及病程成正比。

    Results : The rate of aqueous humor flow was decrease in the patients , the decrease of rate of aqueous humor flow is related to IOP and duration of glaucoma .

  27. 报道透明质酸钠急性毒性试验和置换兔眼房水的眼毒性试验。

    Acute toxicity test of sodium Hyaluronate ( HA ) in mice was carried out . and aqueous humor of rabbit eyes was replaced with HA to evaluate its ocular toxicity .

  28. 存在于机体的血清、眼房水和血浆等多种体液中,主要由活化的血小板、成纤维细胞和脂肪细胞以及癌细胞分泌,也可由某些炎症细胞、内皮细胞等产生。

    LPA , secreted by actived blood platelet , cancer cell , fibroblast and adipocyte or produced by some inflammatory cell and endothelial cell , exists in blood serum , ocular humor and blood plasma .

  29. 结果含10μgFK506的纳米胶体溶液结膜下注射和滴眼后房水有效药物浓度可分别维持96h和16h;

    Results In the solution containing nanoparticle , the effective FK506 concentration in aqueous humor could be kept up to 16 h in eye drops group .

  30. 有晶状体眼后房人工晶状体植入矫治高度近视的临床观察

    Clinical observation of implantable collamer lens for high myopia