
zhí wù jí
  • vegetative pole
  1. 内褶的植物极细胞生成一片向上生长的细胞,并最后围成一个腔,即原肠。

    The inpocketed vegetal pole cells develop into a sheet of cells which grows upward and eventually encloses a cavity , the archenteron .

  2. RNA合成速率有明显的动&植物极梯度;

    The rate of RNA synthesis has an obvious gradient of animal-vegetal pale ;

  3. 广西芳香植物极为丰富。

    Guangxi is rich in aromatic plants .

  4. 这些植物极需要水。

    The plants are starving for water .

  5. 随着遗传学和分子生物学技术的发展,人们对植物极性建立分子机理的认识也深入到分子水平。

    Analysis of mutants and identification of related genes on lateral organs provided important clues to understand the molecular mechanism of the polarity establishment .

  6. 根据结果表明,在上述孵化条件下,半滑舌鳎的卵子受精后,原生质向动物极集中,油球多分布于植物极。

    According to the experiment , the protoplasm centralized to the creatural pole , and the oil globules distributed to the plant pole after the fertilization .

  7. 植物生长素极性运输调控机理的研究进展

    Current Research Advances on Polar Auxin Transport in Plant

  8. 油菜作为中等耐铝的植物,极易受到铝毒害的影响。

    As a middle Al-resistant plants . Rape is vulnerable to aluminum toxicity .

  9. 在室外环境的布局与设计中,植物是极为重要的构成要素之一。

    The plant is one of very important elements in outdoor environmental layout and design .

  10. 动物性极:与包含细胞核和多数细胞质的植物性极相对的卵的部分。

    Animal pole : The portion of an egg opposite the vegetal pole that contains the nucleus and most of the cytoplasm .

  11. 分析结果认为,长青国家自然保护区是秦岭山地植物种类极为丰富的地区之一,也是构成秦岭种子植物区系的重要组成之一。

    The analysis results indicated that the floristic region of Changqing National Reserve is one of the important composition area of Qinling flora .

  12. 入侵植物具有极强的生存竞争能力,能严重破坏入侵地的生态平衡,降低当地的生物多样性,带来严重的社会、环境问题和巨大的经济损失。

    Invasive plants commonly show strong competition over the native ones . In introduced ranges , invasive plants can damage ecological system , decrease biodiversity and cause severe environmental and economical problems .

  13. 植物叶片的极性发育对于其行使正常的功能是必需的。

    The polarity development of leaves is important for their normal functions .

  14. 苏氨酸醛缩酶在高等植物界分布极广,在测定的许多种植物中都有这种酶系统存在。

    This enzyme seems to be widely distributed in the plant kingdom .

  15. 土壤湿度与草本植物盖度呈极显著正相关。

    The correlation was found between soil moisture and herbage coverage was significant .

  16. 植物生长素的极性运输载体研究进展

    Advances on Carriers of Plant Polar Auxin Transport

  17. 植物的适应性极为复杂。

    Plant adaptations can be remarkably complex .

  18. 植物精油是极有开发利用前景的植物性杀虫剂。

    It is assumed that plant essential oils have a promising prospect for development as potential botanical pesticides .

  19. 负责调查此事的官方人员,大卫菲尔警探称:无论是谁,这样丢弃这些非法植物都是极不负责任的。

    Investigating officer Detective Constable David Fair said : It is extremely irresponsible for whoever dumped these illegal plants in this way .

  20. 金钱树为多年生常绿草本植物,是极为少见的带地下块茎的观叶植物,原产于热带非洲。

    Money tree is a perennial evergreen herb , is extremely rare foliage plants with underground tubers , native to tropical Africa .

  21. 草甘膦是一种施用于叶片的、广谱的、非选择性的、后现性的有机磷类除草剂,它对于许多一年生和多年生杂草和双子叶植物都有极强的控制能力。

    Glyphosate is a foliar applied , broad spectrum , post-emergence herbicide capable of controlling annual and perennial grasses and dicotyledonous weeds .

  22. 果实的茸毛,果肉的颜色,植物学者看作极不重要的特性。

    The down on the fruit and the colour of the flesh are considered by botanists as characters of the most trifling importance .

  23. 目前全球植物园发展极为迅速,各国都越来越重视植物园的建设。

    Botanic Gardens in the world today are developing rapidly , while countries are paying more and more attention to the construction of them .

  24. 试验结果表明,试验2组植物型除臭剂极显著提高鸡日增重(P<0.01),饲料报酬有提高趋势(P>0.05);

    The results showed , Comparing with the control group , that ADG of the trial ⅱ group were remarkably improved ( P < 0.01 );

  25. 但石斛属植物自然繁殖力极低,生长缓慢,加之掠夺性采挖,致使野生石斛资源已经严重枯竭。

    But some reasons , such as very low natural productivity of Dendrobium plants with slow growth and overexploitation , result in natural Dendrobium resource heavily exhausted .

  26. 在我国西部开发和生态家园建设中,锦鸡儿属植物是一种极为有价值的植物资源。

    It is valuable plants in ecological environment construction of Northwest part of China .

  27. 植物体内生长素的极性运输

    The polar transport of auxin in the plant

  28. 然而,大多数有用的次生物质在植物细胞中含量极低。

    Nevertheless , most of useful secondary matters are extremely low in the cells of plants .

  29. 蓝色的物体有这种颜色的物体植物与动物中极不饱和的黄色到红色的色素。

    An object having this hue . any of a class of highly unsaturated yellow to red pigments occurring in plants and animals .

  30. 喜林芋属植物作为室内观叶植物极为适宜,栽培相对容易,装饰性强。在国内,关于本属的引种栽培介绍较少。

    Philodendron is a genus of excellent foliage plants suitable for indoor decoration , which are easily cultivated .