
  • 网络phytoalexins;phytoalexin
  1. 水稻植保素的生物化学研究进展

    Progress on biosynthesis of phytoalexins in Rice

  2. 水稻植保素的诱导生成及其特性

    Properties of phytoalexins in Rice

  3. 再将每处理组分为接受挑战接种和非挑战接种两部分,之后考查处理组的发病情况,并考查各组的木质素沉积和植保素积累和H2O2含量情况。

    Each treated group was divided into two teams . One was challenging inoculated and another one not . After that , the incidence of disease of each treated group was checked .

  4. 一种新的水稻植保素的诱导、纯化及特性研究

    A novel phytoalexin from rice : induction , purification and characterization

  5. 棉花植保素与桔梗皂甙的诱导生成研究

    Study on Induction of Phytoalexins in Cotton and Saponins in Platycodon Grandiflorum

  6. 桑树植物防卫素的研究初报茄科植保素的研究进展

    Primary studies on Mulberry phytoalexin progress on phytoalexin research of Solanaceous plants

  7. 植物芪类植保素研究进展

    Progress of research on stilbene - type phytoalexin

  8. 茄科植保素的研究进展

    Progress on phytoalexin research of Solanaceous plants

  9. 水稻悬浮细胞诱导生成植保素的研究

    Induction of Phytoalexins ( PA ) Formation in Suspension-Cultured Rice Cells by Metal and Nonmetal Ions

  10. 因此,不论用病原菌直接侵染还是用生物诱导子外源处理植物生体,都能有效诱导植保素的生成。

    Therefore , infected by pathogen directly and treated with biotic elicitors both can induce the phytoalexins effectively .

  11. 辣椒倍半萜植保素代谢的分子生态学研究Ⅰ紫外线对辣椒叶片倍半萜环化酶及鲨烯合成酶的作用

    The Eco-Molecular Study of Sesquiterpene Phytoalexins in Capsicum annuum ⅰ The Induction of UV on Sesquiterpene Cyclase and Squalene Synthase in Capsicum annuum

  12. 作为信号介导植保素合成等而直接介入或启动植物过敏性反应。现初步认为氧化突发可能是细胞水平上植物对付病原菌侵染的第一步。

    It has been assumed that " oxidative burst " may serve as a first line of plant defense against the invading pathogen at cell level .

  13. 作为植保素的白藜芦醇,不仅能显著提高植物体对紫外线、真菌等伤害的抵御能力,还对心血管系统起着保护作用。

    As a phytoalexin , it not only can improve the plant to UV , the resilience of fungi and other injuries , but also can Protective effect on the cardiovascular system .

  14. 在病原侵染的位点上坏死斑的形成与诸如细胞壁的加强、植保素合成及病程相关蛋白的积累等的防御反应相关联。

    The formation of necrotic lesions in the infection site is associated with the co-ordinated induction of diverse defense responses such as cell wall reinforcement , synthesis of phytoalexins and accumulation of pathogen-related ( PR ) proteins .

  15. 这些已知基因分别参与光合作用、能量传递、植保素合成、植物生长、植物抗病性反应和信号转导以及蛋白质代谢。

    Twenty-three genes were sorted into five groups such as photosynthesis , phytoalexin synthesis , energy-delivering , plant growth regulation , resistance and signal transduction , protein metabolism , which were speculated in the pathways of enhancing the resistance .