
  • 网络Plant community;Phytocoenology;phytosociology;phytocenology;plant sociology
  1. 梯度分析-植物群落学中的一种多元分析方法

    Gradient analysis & a multivariate analysis method in phytocoenology

  2. 植物群落学方法用于城市绿地分析值得注意的几个问题

    Several Problems on the Evaluation of Urban Green Space when Using the Methods of Phytocoenology

  3. 可以区分出来作为植物群落学单位的植被的最小部分是“群落单元。”

    The smallest part of the plant cover that can be distinguished as a PHYTOCOENOLOGICAL unit is the " coenocell . "

  4. 试论植物群落学的名称、对象和内容

    Debate on the Name , Object and Matter of Phytocenology

  5. 植物群落学研究中整体论与个体论关系的探讨

    Study on the Relationship Between the Holism and the Reductionism in Plant Community

  6. 滇池人工湿地的植物群落学特征研究

    An ecological study on plant community in artificial wetland in Dianchi area , China

  7. 从植物群落学原理谈黄土高原植被建造的几个问题

    Discussing issues about establishing vegetation on Loess Plateau according to the law of community

  8. 羊草草原退化程度判定的植物群落学指标

    Plant Community Indications for Judging the Degree of Degradation of the Leymus chinensis Steppes

  9. 研究植物群落学及其种间的相互关系,在理论和实践上都有重大意义。

    It has an important theoretical and practical significance to study phytocoenology and interspecies relationship .

  10. 滇南岩溶山地4种人工林林下植物群落学特征比较

    Ecological Characteristics of Understory Plants of Four Artificial Forests in Karst Mountain Area of Southern Yunnan

  11. 江苏湿地植物群落学特征及其分布和演替规律

    Studies on the community characteristics , the distribution and succession patterns of wetland vegetation in Jiangsu Province

  12. 俄国森林植物群落学部分地独立于芬兰学派发展,但受其影响。

    Russian forest phytocoenology developed in partial independence of the Finnish shool , but was influenced by it .

  13. 按照植物群落学&生态学原则,并参考中国植被分类系统,将工程区内植被类型划分为9种类型,即2种天然植被类型和7种人工植被类型。

    According to plant community-ecology principle , the afforestation regions can be divided into 9 zones , including 2 natural plant zones and 7 planted zones .

  14. 此外本文还对数量分类和排序方法在植物群落学研究中的应用以及所用方法的比较进行了讨论。

    In addition , the application of numerical classification and ordination in vegetation ecology and a comparison of these methods applied in this paper are discussed .

  15. 采用植物群落学和植物种群学的研究方法,从数量和质量特征两个方面研究了海南岛坝王岭热带天然林的植物物种多样性。

    Using phytocoenological and phytodemographic methods , we studied the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of plant species diversity of tropical natural forest in Bawangling , Hainan Island .

  16. 这一结果与定性分类(依据植物群落学&生态学原则)所得出的结果基本相同,说明本文所采用的数量分类方法和分类指标是适用于温带地区森林植被的分类。

    The results are very similar to those of the qualitative classification ( based on the plant community-ecology principle ), which is demonstrated by the fact that these numerical classification methods and indexes are suitable for the temperate forest .

  17. 在景观生态学和植物群落学理论指导下,将本区景观植被划分为2个类型,3个亚型,15个群系和21个亚群系,绘制了景观植被分布图。

    Based on theories of landscape ecology and plant ecology , the landscape vegetation was divided into 2 types , 3 subtypes , 15 forms and 21 sub forms , and the distribution maps of landscape vegetation were made .

  18. 根据群落发生的不同以及植物群落学&生态学原则的划分标准,将该保护区自然植被划分为5个植被型,人工植被划分为6种类型,并分别进行了分析。

    According to the differences in the community origins and the division standard of the Plant Community & Ecology Principle , the natural vegetation in this reserve is divided into 5 types , and artificial vegetation is divided into 6 types , which are explained individually .

  19. 草甸植物群落的发生学基础

    A base of formation on meadow vegetation

  20. 本文对永顺楠木林群落植物区系、群落学特征、生态学特征等方面进行了研究。

    This paper discusses and studies the following aspects of Machilus and Phoebe communities in Yongshun : the flora of community , the characteristics of community , the ecological features and so on .

  21. 植物群落的动态是植物群落学的中心问题之一,包括更新、波动、演替、进化等主要内容。

    Plant community dynamics , such as renewal , fluctuation , succession and evolution , is central in the ecology of plant communities .