
  • 网络System arrangement;systematic arrangement;Systemic Constellation
  1. 归档电子文件的系统排列

    On the systematic arrangement of the filed electronic records

  2. FSW类型则主要受到梅雨锋面及西南气流影响,从风场分布可明显观察到沿著梅雨锋面的东南及西北侧皆有数个反气旋环流系统排列,使得锋面处的风切更为增强。

    From the wind field , we can find that a series of anti-cyclones located to the southeastern and the northwestern sides along the Mei-Yu front , which make the frontal wind shear even enhanced .

  3. 家庭系统排列技术治疗抑郁症的个案研究

    Case study of family constellation therapy technology to deal depression

  4. 我还是想听一些在家庭系统排列中关于癌症的事。

    I still like to hear more about cancer in a family constellation .

  5. 她不是核心,我不得不取消家庭系统排列。

    She was not centred and I had to break off the constellation .

  6. 可分面元观测系统排列的几何结构简单,便于野外施工。

    Bin-divisible field layout is simple in its geometry structure , and favours field operation .

  7. 当我们通过家庭系统排列时,我们被呈现出来,我们是与更伟大的力量连接在一起的。

    When we work with family constellations , we are shown that we are connected to a greater force .

  8. 阐述了一种以绘制胶印机输墨系统排列图为输入模式,计算机自动计算着墨率的软件开发思想。

    The way of programming the software on calculating the ink transfer percentage of the inking system of offset presses was explained .

  9. 在家庭系统排列中,有些事情会发生,也就是孩子常常会承接父母的感触。

    This is something that comes up in family constellations , that children very often take over a feeling from their parents .

  10. 本课程分为理论和案例示范两大部分,深入浅出,令每个参与者都能掌握系统排列中的奥妙!

    This course is divided into theories and cases , easily understood , making each participant be able to control the mystery system alignment !

  11. 在扫描电镜下,骨基质呈环形沿哈佛系统排列,钙-磷晶体之间相互呈规则排列。

    The bone matrix was observed in circular arrangement along the Haversian canal and the calcium-phosphorus crystal was in regular alignment under scanning electron microscope .

  12. 系统排列有助于我们了解这样一些内容,如果我们认为我们的家庭是一个有机的单位,就像植物或动物。

    It helps to understand this work , if we think of our family is an organic unit , much like a plant or an animal .

  13. 专家系统优化排列准则及时间估计模型研究

    Time Model in Expert Systems of Optimal Sequence Knowledge Base

  14. 整理通过总结或分类,形成系统化排列。

    To organize into a systematic arrangement , usually by summarizing or classifying .

  15. 模拟结果表明纳米铜晶体的静拉伸变形过程中,原子系统的排列结构在弹性阶段没有变化;

    It can be found that the tension process of nano crystal copper consists of an elastic period and a plastic period .

  16. 工程反射地震常规的多次覆盖系统、排列和炮点的同时滚动,导致了施工效率的低下。

    The conventional layout for CDP reflection survey in engineering geophysics , in which the receiving arrays and the shooting points are moving simultaneously , often causes lower efficiency .

  17. 本文记载新疆龙胆属植物23种和属内次级分类系统的排列及分类依据,并讨论新记录6种和有争议一种。

    This paper record 23 classes vegetation of Gentiana in Xinjiang the arrangement and foundation of sub-classification system in the category , discuss 6 new records in China and record which is disputed .

  18. 文章详细地介绍了使用ARAM.ARIES仪器的强大功能完成复杂观测系统的排列和炮点设置的方法。

    The paper introduces in detail the methods of inputting lines and shotpoints according to the complex geometry in ARAM · ARIES seismograph , and the paper shows the powerful function of the instrument .

  19. 整个探测器系统轴向对称排列,工作在真空中。

    The detectors , operated under vacuum , is axially symmetric .

  20. 基于视线追踪的人机交互系统其对象排列方式以水平方式为宜。

    Therefore , objects should be arranged horizontally in interactive systems based on eye tracking technology .

  21. 由多个小口径成像系统通过特殊排列综合而成的光学稀疏孔径系统是实现高分辨率天文目标成像观测的一种新方法。

    Optical sparse-aperture system can be designed to obtain high resolution in astronomical object imaging . It is a particular array synthesized by several small filled imaging systems .

  22. 这系统先把任务排列再进行处理。

    The system queues the jobs before they are processed .

  23. 他的工作解释了如何开发增量的系统、按照风险排列优先级、以及反对使用传统的序列的瀑布模型。

    This work explained how to develop systems in small increments , prioritized according to risk , as opposed to using the more traditional sequential , single-pass , waterfall model .

  24. 仿真还可以允许对机器人控制系统进行革新,这依赖于很多代控制系统的随机排列(遗传算法可以证实这一点)。

    Simulation also allows the evolution of robotics control systems , which depend on random permutations of the control system over many generations ( as demonstrated by genetic algorithms ) .