
  • 网络Garden Botany;ornamental botany
  1. 园林专业植物学形态解剖实验及实验考试的改革

    Reforms in experiment and its test of botany morphology dissection for garden major students

  2. 在园林美学与景观设计原理、园林植物学与景观生态学原理、生物恢复学与可持续发展学原理的指导下,结合目标定位以生态适宜性分析为主要方法确定功能分区。

    Under the Ecological Aesthetics principle and Landscape Design , the Landscape Ecology and garden botany principle , Biological recovery study and Sustainable Development Science principle , union target localization , takes the ecological suitability analysis as the main methods , function districts were definited .