
yuán yì zuò wù
  • Horticultural crops;garden crop
  1. 园艺作物危险性相似穿孔线虫入侵中国适生区的GIS预测

    Prediction of suitable establishment areas of dangerous horticultural crop nematode , Radopholus similis in China using GIS

  2. 西花蓟马Frankliniellaoccidentalis(Pergande)是世界性的、园艺作物上的重要害虫。

    Frankliniella occidentalis is an important invasive pest on horticultural crops worldwide .

  3. 因此,研究ALA调控植物光合作用及抗逆性的生理机制,为其在园艺作物上的应用提供理论依据,并对今后设施园艺生产实践具有重大的现实意义。

    So the research of ALA provides academic gist for the horticultural plants and is of practical significance for protected culture in the future .

  4. 西瓜(Citrulluslanatus)是一种世界性园艺作物,具有较高的食用价值和医疗保健价值,是深受人民喜爱的水果之一。

    Watermelon ( Citrullus lanatus ), originating in the African savannah , is a world-wide horticultural crop . Because of its high food value and health value it has been one of favorite fruits .

  5. 氯化钠胁迫对园艺作物种子萌发及幼苗生长发育的影响

    Effect of NaCl Stress on Germination and Seedling Growth of Horticultural Crop

  6. 青海粮油及园艺作物主要病虫害发生现状与治理对策

    Present Situation and Management Countermeasure of Pests on Agriculture in Qinghai Province

  7. 温室园艺作物生长发育模型研究现状与发展趋势

    The Actual Status and Trends of Greenhouse Crop Model Development

  8. 分布式园艺作物智能系统平台的研究与开发

    Research and Implementation of Distributed Development Platform for Gardening Crop Intelligent System

  9. 几种园艺作物的适宜辐照剂量研究

    A study on the optimun dose of irradiation for several garden crops

  10. 园艺作物成熟和衰老的分子生物学

    Molecular biology of ripening and senescence in horticultural crops

  11. 丛枝菌根(AM)及其在园艺作物上的应用

    Arbuscular mycorrhizal and it 's application on horticultural crops

  12. 乙醇和乙醛在采后园艺作物保鲜中的作用

    Role of Ethanol and Acetaldehyde in Shelf Life Extension of Postharvest Horticultural Crops

  13. 乙烯受体抑制剂在园艺作物上的应用研究(综述)

    Advances and application of ethylene receptor inhibitor to horticultural crops ( a review )

  14. 居民庭园植物配置中使用园艺作物的价值探讨

    In Inhabitant Garden Using Gardening Crops Value Discussion

  15. 核技术在园艺作物上的应用

    The Use of Nuclear Technology in Horticultural Crops

  16. 智能系统在园艺作物生产管理中的作用日益显著。

    The effect of intelligent system in the gardening crop production management is increasing remarkably .

  17. 设施栽培中逆境对园艺作物生长发育及其病害的影响

    Effects of Adversities on the Development and Diseases of Horticultural Crops in Greenhouse Cropping Systems

  18. 湖南省园艺作物脱毒种苗生产现状及发展对策

    Status of Virus-elmination Seedlings Production for Horticultural Crops and its Developing Countermeasure in Hunan Province

  19. 福建省发展外向型园艺作物现状及其对策探讨

    Discuss on the Status Quo and Countermeasure for the Foreign-oriented Horticulture Crops in Fujiang Province

  20. 奇甜蛋白基因在园艺作物中的表达

    Expression of Thaumatin Gene in Horticultural Crops

  21. 甜瓜是全世界广泛栽培的园艺作物,是重要的经济作物之一。

    Melon is one of the important economic crops and widely cultivated all over the world .

  22. 能在热带荒漠地区进行商业化栽培的作物种类是有限的,园艺作物尤其如是。

    The range of crops that can be grown commercially in hot desert regions is very limited .

  23. 对于老海涂,应改种园艺作物,以提高经济效益。

    For old innings , it should be replant the horticultural crops and increase the economic benefits .

  24. 当前园艺作物生长模拟模型面临的主要问题是模型用于生产实际的有效性与可靠程度。

    The main problem for horticultural crop growth models is the validity and reliability of their use in practice .

  25. 过去烟粉虱在我国为害并不严重,近年来在广东和北京等地已成为蔬菜和园艺作物生产的严重障碍。

    But only recently it has become a severe problem for vegetable and ornamental crops in Guangdong and Beijing .

  26. 部分化合物试用于甘蓝田间除虫取得良好防效并讨论了利用天然脂肪酸作为农林、园艺作物害虫非药物防治新技术的可行性。

    The feasibility of applying natural fatty compounds as a new technique of non-drug deinsectization in agriculture was also discussed .

  27. 西瓜是一种世界性的园艺作物,作为世界上最大的生产国与消费国,西瓜产业在我国农村经济中占有重要地位。

    Watermelon is a worldwide horticulture crop . It plays an important role in the economy of agriculture of our country .

  28. 鉴于杨树能够与多种作物兼容,农民们现在可以同时种植小麦、玉米和大量园艺作物。

    Because of poplars'compatibility with many crops , farmers can now grow wheat and maize and an abundance of horticulture crops .

  29. 结论认为,对园艺作物施用有效的AM菌剂生物肥料可提高其经济效益,同时具有保护生态环境的作用。

    It was concluded that efficient AM fungi could increase economic benefits of horticultural crops and play a role in protecting ecological environments .

  30. 另外,像番茄、洋葱和水果类等园艺作物比谷类和油料作物更易受气候变化的影响。

    Also , horticultural crops such as tomatoes , onions and fruit are more easily affected by climate change than grains and oilseed crops .