
yuán yì
  • gardening;horticulture
园艺 [yuán yì]
  • [horticulture] 栽培水果、蔬菜、花卉或观赏植物的技术

园艺[yuán yì]
  1. GAP在我国园艺产业的发展、影响及对策

    Development , Influence and Countermeasures of GAP in Horticulture Industry of China

  2. 论述了加入WTO后云南省设施园艺产业面临的发展机遇和挑战、产业现状及区域化格局;

    Opportunities and the challenges faced by Protected horticulture industry of Yunnan Province after joining WTO were discussed .

  3. 她曾在电视上主持一个园艺节目。

    She used to present a gardening programme on TV .

  4. 她的主要爱好是音乐和园艺。

    Her main interests are music and gardening .

  5. 她交上辞呈后,却得到了三个月的园艺假。

    She handed in her resignation and was put on three months ' gardening leave .

  6. 她爱好游泳和园艺。

    Her hobbies include swimming and gardening .

  7. 帕特一直喜爱园艺。

    Pat has always loved gardening .

  8. 园艺的最大乐趣是谁也不知道到底会长出什么。

    Half the fun of gardening is never knowing exactly what 's going to come up .

  9. 话题转到了园艺上。

    The conversation turned to gardening .

  10. 到目前为止他唯一的一次园艺经历非常令人满意。

    His only experience of gardening so far proved immensely satisfying

  11. 我认为这个年轻人开始对园艺产生兴趣了。

    I think the young man is getting interested in gardening

  12. 明天我将犒劳一下自己——享受一天的园艺乐趣。

    Tomorrow I 'll treat myself to a day 's gardening

  13. 不幸的是,我的着装不适合做园艺活。

    Unfortunately I 'm not suitably dressed for gardening .

  14. 他工作很努力,对园艺很在行。

    He is a hard worker and a skilled gardener

  15. 他卖掉了大部分藏品来付园艺费。

    He parted with much of his collection to pay his gardening bills .

  16. 我被园艺彻底迷住了。

    I 've definitely been bitten by the gardening bug

  17. 她本人不是个热衷于园艺的人。

    She herself was not a keen gardener .

  18. 不是园艺大师也可以把自己的家里装点得绿意盎然。

    You don 't need green fingers to fill your home with lush leaves .

  19. 遇到吉尔一家时我已经做了近10年的园艺工作。

    When I met the Gills , I had been gardening for nearly ten years .

  20. 他对电影和高档家具知之甚多,还是个园艺爱好者。

    He knew much about pictures and fine furniture , and was an enthusiastic gardener .

  21. 她酷爱园艺。

    She had a passion for gardening

  22. 园艺在英国非常受欢迎。

    Gardening is very popular in Britain

  23. 不要指望能穿着这类靴子去干园艺活儿,它们没那么耐穿耐磨。

    Don 't expect these types of boot to take the punishment that gardening will give them .

  24. “生态的”这个词已经成为园艺产品生产商用得最滥的形容词之一。

    ' Ecological ' has become one of the most overworked adjectives among manufacturers of garden supplies .

  25. 这份协议意味着3位主管可以结束园艺假,开始新的工作。

    The settlement means that the three executives can return from gardening leave and start their new jobs .

  26. 马丁亲手帮他父亲修建起了水景园,就这样对园艺产生了兴趣。

    Martin helped his father dig the water gardens out by hand . Thus he discovered his interest in gardening .

  27. 园艺劳动是非常有益的消遣。

    Gardening is a very rewarding pastime .

  28. 我过去喜爱园艺,但现在没时间去弄了。

    I used to enjoy gardening , but I don 't have time for it now .

  29. 他对园艺的一席话简直是文不对题。

    His remarks about gardening were hardly to the purpose .

  30. 她正在阅读一本园艺手册。

    She is reading a handbook on gardening .