
yuán lín jiàn zhù
  • garden architecture
  1. 在豫园,你可以看到中国古典园林建筑。classical古典的;经典的architecture建筑;

    You can see the classical Chinese garden architecture in Yu Garden .

  2. 仿植物装饰园林建筑小品施工工艺研究

    Construction Analysis of Botanical Imitation Ornament for the small garden Architecture

  3. VR技术在园林建筑中的应用

    Use of VR Technology in Landscape Architecture

  4. 明清江南园林建筑装修探析

    Research on Fitment of Garden Building in Ming and Qing Dynasties

  5. 园林建筑小品人性化研究

    The Study on Facility Humanization of the Botanical Garden Construction Sketch

  6. 客座讲师园林建筑及相关主题的发言。

    Visiting lecturers who speak on landscape architecture and related topics .

  7. 禅宗思想与日本古典园林建筑

    The Influence of Zen on Architecture and Garden in Ancient Japan

  8. 岭南古典园林建筑布局和装饰的市井化取向

    Architectural Layout and Philistine Orientation in Decoration of Lingnan 's Classical Garden

  9. 中国传统园林建筑审美意向的基本特征初探

    The study of chinese tradition-garden 's basic characters in aesthetics

  10. 空在中国哲学中可以找到其源流,它在中国传统绘画艺术和园林建筑中都有充分的体现。

    The aesthetics idea of blank space may ascend from Chinese philosophy .

  11. 公路与园林建筑景观的比较研究

    The Comparison of Highway Landscape with Garden and Architecture Landscape

  12. 园林建筑可视性与植物景观协调性差;

    Poor coordination between visual garden structure and plant landscape ;

  13. 园林建筑小品作为园林的构成要素之一,若使用得法,有点睛之妙。

    Landscape architecture opuscule is one of the component elements in gardens .

  14. 园林建筑设计的现状分析与改进对策

    Current situation analysis for garden architectural design and Improving Countermeasures

  15. 园林建筑图形结构分析及作图方法

    Analysis on graphic structure and graphing method for garden architecture

  16. 浅谈城市景观中园林建筑设计

    Brief Talk on Design of Park Buildings in Urban Landscape

  17. 承德避暑山庄园林建筑特色与教学应用研究

    Study on Garden Architecture and Teaching Application of the Chengde Mountain Resort

  18. 高中生如何准备为园林建筑的职业生涯?

    How can high school students prepare for a landscape architecture career ?

  19. 唐华清宫园林建筑布局研究

    Studies on the Overall Arrangement of Gardens and Buildings in Huaqing Palace

  20. 论中国园林建筑的空间秩序

    Comment on the Space Order of the Chinese Garden Buildings

  21. 园林建筑结构教学内容体系的研究

    Research on teaching content system of architectural structure in garden

  22. 二号方案:广州园林建筑规划设计院

    Proposal No.2 Guangzhou Landscape Architecture Design & Planning Institute

  23. 十笏园是古代留下的较为完整,稀少的园林建筑群。

    Ten wat is the ancient left more complete , rare garden buildings .

  24. 试论园林建筑的植物配置

    Discussion on the plant coordination of the gardening architecture

  25. 中国园林建筑设计传统理法与继承研究

    A Study on the Traditional Theories and Succession of Chinese Landscape Architectural Design

  26. 园林建筑设计教学中生态设计思想的培养

    Training ecological-design conception in landscape architecture design teaching

  27. 公路景观是在风景园林建筑景观的基础上发展起来的,在继承的同时又有自己的特点。

    Roadside landscape is developing with its own characteristics based on garden architecture landscape .

  28. 苏州园林建筑闻名于世。

    Suzhou is known for its garden architecture .

  29. 真想知道走在一片唐代园林建筑当中,那会是一种什么样的感觉?

    I was wondering what it would feel like to be in a Tang-style environment ?

  30. 在这一点上,当代花鸟画与中国古典园林建筑是有异曲同工之妙的。

    In this regard , contemporary flower-and-bird painting and landscape architecture is similar to the .